Part Eight

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(WARNING- very violent)

The man Daki was torturing was screaming in agony due to the pain, you just sat there laughing, you then reached for the man below you. Grabbing his hair you made him watch, he didn't even fight back, he was way to terrified. 

"Now isn't this fun," You whispered in the mans ear with a smile. 

"y-you bitch," he said barely audible.

"hmm? what was that?" You asked, you heard him the first time but you just wanted to see if he had the balls to say it again.

"I-I said.. You Bitch!" he said louder this time. And thank god because you thought for a moment you had someone boring. You then proceeded to pull the mans head farther back so you could look him in the eyes. This seemed to hurt him because almost instantly his eyes started to water.

"Aww~ thats not very nice," You said with little to no emotion. Quickly you shoved him up to his feet, pushing him roughly against the wall. He winced in pain but quickly got to his senses and instantly reached for one of the chairs in the room throwing it at you. His aim though... was absolute shit. 

"The fuck, I'm right in front of you. How the hell did you miss?!" You asked in absolute astonishment on how his throw was so terrible.

"Get away!" He screamed trying to throw another object at you, this time a book. But once again, he missed terribly. You could hear Daki laughing her ass off because of this which made you laugh as well. 

You then walked up to the man grabbing him by the throat.

"You know I'm VERY tempted to keep you alive just to teach you how to throw but I don't think I have the patience for that right now, so Imma just kill you now," You said with a smile. Hearing those words he started to thrash around trying to break free but it all amounted t nothing because you soon stabbed him slowly in the chest. He screamed in agony while attempting to push you away, but that just lead to you stabbing him once more but higher up on the chest. His screams grew louder until a gurgle sound came from him. You could only assume that was the blood building up in his chest all the way up to his throat. You seemed to be correct because blood started to trail down his lips. His pained expression soon relaxed and he went limp falling to the ground.

"AWW! he died way to quickly!" you complained looking at Daki seeing her victim is just barely alive.

"Aww thats no fun," she replied kicking the man on the floor by her feet.

"Eh, its prob. for the best though. I'm getting bored," She said quickly snapping the mans neck and walking towards you. 

"DAKI! If you were just gonna snap his neck you shoulda given him to me! I would have actaully done something interesting with him," You said annoyed but not really because the both of you started to laugh.

Little did you and Daki know, someone was watching the two of you from the roof of nearby building. A wide grin on his face. He was more than pleased with the performance you put on. But he couldn't stay any longer he had some business to attend, straightening his suit he walked away.


The two of you left the house about five minutes ago deciding it was time to leave but the two of you didn't get very far before you both heard screams coming from the exact location you left. You could only assume someone found the mess both you and Daki left. Daki just chuckled and continued to walk.

"Damn, feel bad for who ever found our mess," You laughed not really meaning it.

"It was most likely the mans wife, the one I killed had a wedding ring," she said.

"Haha, even better than someone random finding the bodies. At least she doesn't have to deal with a cheating bastard anymore," 

"Yeah," Daki laughed. "EEE! Your wearing the outfit I have you!" Daki beamed, obviously happy your wearing it. 

"Yup! Thanks again by the way, its beautiful," You smiled.

"No problem! Though your bow on the back in crooked, lemme fix it," Daki said reaching to fix it.

"It doesn't really bother me, theres no need," You laugh.

"Well it sure as hell bothered me," she smiled fixing it anyway.

She seemed to decide to redo the whole bow because she undid it and started to tie it again but stopped mid tie. 

~Daki's POV~

YAY! shes actually wearing an outfit I gave her! About damn time, I've given her so many I lost count but finally shes decided to wear one. Though the bows crooked.

I decided to fix it for her, not gonna lie this outfit looks amazing on her. As I was tying the bow I could smell something familiar... something.. no someone very familiar.

~2nd POV~

"Why do you smell of Master Muzan!?" Daki asked in such a hurry it was hard for you to understand. 

"huh?" You responded confused.

"Don't act stupid! You smell exactly like my dear Master Muzan!!" she yelled.

You were so confused, but you started to piece things together. Daki is upper moon six and serves only one person... her master.. the demon king. Muzan Kibutsuji. 


But how the hell could I smell like him?! I've never met him... have I? The only people I've been around wearing this outfit is Daki and (f/n)... WAIT! is- is (f/n) Muzan?!? Haha no, theres no way. Why would the Demon king help a damn human. Why? Why? Why? is all I can really ask myself. You know what, there's no way. So until I have absolute proof I'm going to act oblivious and keep my questions to myself until I feel confident enough.

"I really don't know what your tal-" I was soon interrupted.

"Ah~ There you are Daki! Oh! And what are you doing here dear Y/N," An all to familiar voice. Douma.


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Sorry for any misspelled words and bad grammar.

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