Part Seventeen

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After Douma confirmed the already confirmed we just sat there. Douma had finished his meal and Akaza looked to have had enough of his.

"He'll have our heads for this," Akaza spit. 

"He won't need to know that little y/n knows. Right?~" Douma cooed, turning to me,near the end of his sentence.

"Right..." I said under my breathe, as much as I want to confront Muzan about it, I dont want him to hurt not only Douma and Akaza but he would prob. hurt Daki and her brother too.

At the end of it he would most likely end up killing me as well...

"Why Douma... was it so hard to keep your mouth shut?" I look at him.

"You got people involved now that don't even need to be involved," I stand up suddenly. Douma sits unfazed as always. His attitude, the fact he doesn't care pisses me off. 

"Oh dear y/n~ wouldn't it be your fault though?" He turns the blame. 

"I mean you weren't even supposed to hear what I had to say to Daki, we even dismissed you. But I guess curiosity is what killed the cat. So if theres annnyyoonne to blame, its you," He evilly grins.

This is a side of Douma I will never get used to, the real him. The bastard who likes to toy with people, hes no true friend. 

"Your a bitch, you know that?" I hiss.

"I thought we all knew that about him," Akaza finally popped in. 

"Stop wasting your time with him, this is what he does. Damn pest." He looks to Douma.

"Oh~ don't be like thaatt. We are all friends here," Douma puts his hands up in defense like hes the victim. 

"I have a point though, you both know it~ Maybe if y/n here never got involved with Master Muzan, never got somewhat close to him, hell maybe if she never got close to us. No one would be in this mess. Its your fault y/n, don't put the blame on me when the only one to blame is yourself,"  He puts his hands down, his grin widening.

I was about to say something before I saw half of Doumas head slide off after a quick movement from Akaza.

"Learn to shut your damn mouth," He says simply before grabbing my hand and turns towards the door. All that could be heard was a few of Doumas pouts, soon replaced by laughs. Knowing full well he got to me..

"Don't listen to him," Akaza says once we are outside. 

"Its hard not to when he has a point," I mumble, clearly saddened by the idea of someone i care about hurting others i care about. Not only that but that someone im starting to care about lied to me. 

"We let you into our lives, so its just as much of a fault of ours as it is yours. We care about you y/n... maybe not Douma but the me and the others do," He says Doumas name with venom, clearly disliking the upper moons behavior tonight. 

I just nod. 

"Lets get you home," He says reaching for my hand. 

"Wait- but I want to hangout with you longer, I haven't seen you in years, and you already want to leave?" I plead. 

"Lord Muzan has given me orders, I'm sorry. I promise to visit you soon sometime though, okay?" He puts his hand on my head, a reassuring smile on his face. 

"Okay," I say quietly. 

He nods before grabbing my hand and returning me home.

"How did you know where I live?" I question. 

"While you were cooking Douma mentioned a lot about a lot. So I got it from him," He said. 

"By the way, the ramen was delicious, I appreciate you cooking for me. Its been awhile since i've enjoyed human food," He smiles.

"It was no problem, I'm glad you enjoyed it," I yawn towards the end, tired from the eventful night. 

"You should get some rest, I hope to see you again soon y/n," He pats my head once more before vanishing quickly. 

"Goodnight..." I mumble, before heading inside the warmth of my home.


Thank you for reading, sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes. 

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