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a/n: This is Miqaila's father's story. In case you wonder who's Jason lol.

I just felt like I have to write this down because a lot of people will go mad and blamed her father :')

People often blame each others without knowing the exact reason why. And I personally think that love is indeed great. It's amazing how love can unite us into one and at the same time broke us into millions pieces. From a friend to foe and vice versa. From nothing to everything and vice versa. From pain to joy and vice versa. Weirds isn't it?

You can skip this chapter if you're not interested to know his story though. It won't affect anything in the story hehe

Enjoy reading :')


"But I love her." I looked straight into mum's eyes begging her that she'll accept Alexa as part of the family.

"What's love got to do with marriage Jason? It's nothing but a mere feeling that will once kill you." My mother raised her voice in agony. I get it. Mum is a single mother and she raised me alone. I never knew who's my father and she never talked about him too. She's a strict mother and even though he never say anything about my father but I can tell that she's in love with him. I never know why he left..

"Mum please.." I sighed and threw my vision outside through the window. I respect mum because she did so much to raise all of us.. Alone. Being the youngest in the siblings mum spoiled me a lot and never wanted to be apart from me.

"I won't ever accept her!" She raised her voice again and there's a tint of pain in it. I know she don't want me to get hurted like her but I'm not a kid and I know what my heart wanted. "If you ever mentioned her name again don't you ever dare to call me your mother again." The tears that threatened to spill from her eyes finally rolled down her cheeks. I gritted my teeth in defeat.


"We can't do this Jason." She broke into tears when I suggested to run away from her. Her swollen eyes made my heart aches and I pulled her into my embrace. I really love her.. There's no way I can push her away from my life.

"Why not? We're both in love." I looked at her holding back my emotions. "We can't.. I don't want to live a life running from everything. What will happen to you? Me.. Your relationship with your family? And mine.. Running away means leaving everything behind.. And I can't. I can't leave my mother.." Her faint voice resonated through the small room. I know what she have in her mind.

Her mother is very sick and there's no one to look after her. "We can take her with us." I desperately replied. "She won't come with us. You know that she isn't fond of you too right? It's fair enough. Your mother don't like me and my mother don't like you." By the end of her words a soft laughter left her mouth. A bitter laughter. That's just how she is.. Trying to lightened the heavy atmosphere.

"I love you Jason.. But I can't go with you. I'm sorry. But do know.. That I'll always love you. It's only you." With that she turned away from me. I grabbed her arm, "You're the only one for me Alexa." She lowered her head sobbing and I pulled her towards me. Our lips met in a deep passionate kiss.

"Live a happy life. Whoever that you'll meet in the future please take a good care of her." Alexa's voice came out almost unheard. "Let's just hope we don't meet again." Her last sentence make my heart crumbled and my life darkened. Her last sentence just faded away in the humid summer air. All I can do was holding back myself from running after her and before I knew it tears ran down my cheeks. There's no way I can find another woman.

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