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Sasuke Stared at the fearful blue eyes, his own red eyes unblinking.

He inwardly cussed himself for being careless enough to be seen by this blonde.

He slowly moved towards him, as quietly as always, not once breaking his eye contact.

The moment those blue eyes closed for a mere second, he speed up to stand right in front of the unsuspecting blonde, who seemed to gasp.

He skillfully made him pass out the very next second.

He looked at the passed out young man in his arms for a long time, contemplating whether to just leave him here and disappear - leaving it up to the clean-ups to handle this mess.

He decided against it. It's the mess he got himself into, it's only right if he took responsibility for it.

He slowly moved to carry the blonde and speed off into the distance.

He quickly reached the Cleaners hideout, which was outwardly a small bar run by Master Jiraiya, the one who took him in after he lost everything 10 years ago.

He entered silently, the blonde peacefully passed out in his arms.

Jiraiya, and Kiba who seemed to be here as usual, looked at him with similar gaping faces.

He gave them a curt greeting before promptly proceeding to lay the blonde in the seat in front of Kiba at the same table he was snacking on.

He went in and got out a blanket, covering up the young man with it.

Both of them still started at him, completely speechless and unable to comprehend the situation.

Sasuke indifferently stated, "He caught me killing the traget.. So I bought him here"

Jiraiya looked at him confused, "I'm sure the clean-ups could handle it, why bring him here?"

Kiba was leaning over the table to peek at the sleeping blonde across from him.

"Hn.. I'll take responsibility for this, and keep an eye on him.. Just need you guys to get him to stay somehow.. You can offer to pay him my part of the commission too", Sasuke stubbornly insisted.

Kiba who found this super interesting agreed to it right away.

Jiraiya on the other hand sighed at the stubborn raven, "Do you really know what you're doing?", he asked him seriously.

"I won't keep him here for long. Just until I know for sure that he won't cause any problems for us..", Sasuke was being unusually childish, Jiraiya sighed again.

That blonde didn't look like a bad kid, he could tell from his years of experience that he's probably more of the gullible type. Even if the raven had let him be, he definitely wouldn't have caused any problems. And even if he did try, that's what they had the clean-ups for, to destroy the evidence and mislead the ones that caught onto something.

He couldn't understand why the usually reasonable uchiha was being so unrealistic. But sighed again, agreeing to let him stay.

He told him that he'd be paying 1/4th of Sasuke's commission to the blonde and pair him up with him. Already confident they could convince the blonde to stay.

Kiba took it upon himself to convince him, way too amused by this rare occurrence.

Sasuke nodded, "Thank you, Master Jiraiya", he politely said, bowing a little.

Jiraiya smiled, thinking about how this is the very first time Sasuke had asked for anything of him. And decided to let it slide. Taking in one little blonde wouldn't make much difference after all.

-Completely unsuspecting of the huge ripples this little blonde would cause in the future.

Especially in a certain raven's life, as he turns it completely upside down with his mere presence.

Changing his usual grey clad life into a rose colored one.

On his way to becoming the most beloved in the Cleaners.

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