Chapter 5 : Mission Accomplished

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Sasuke came out of the bathroom, dressed in a bathrobe, hair wet and sticking to his face.

He saw the cute little dobe trying to pretend to be asleep but failing miserably at it and couldn't help but chuckle, wondering, 'how can you be so cute..'

He slowly climbed onto the bed, silently crawling his way towards the unsuspecting figure still pretending to be asleep and kissed his cheek with a loud 'Smack', before he quickly moved his face away to sit up straight next to him.

And as he expected, Naruto jostled up startled, yelling, "What the heck?!", with a hand placed on his cheek that was just kissed.

"Your fault for being so cute in your obvious act of faking sleep", Sasuke smirked playfully, enjoying himself thoroughly as he teased the young man who completely forgot to take off his disguise. He could taste the make up on his face as he smooched him with quite a bit of force, and heck, he was tempted to wash that shit off his cute face and kiss him again! ..But let's keep this temptation aside for now.

Naruto shuttered a bit as he yelled, embarrassed, "I was not-! I was totally not faking it! You woke me up when you smacked your stupid face on mine, you stupid teme! Stuuuupid!"

Sasuke laughed at his incredibly cute reaction and said, changing the topic to a more important one, "Anyways, if you're going to sleep take off that wig and make up first"

Naruto who'd genuinely forgotten about it made a 'O' face and said, "I totally forgot about that..", as he rushed off to the bathroom in a hurry.

Sasuke chuckled finding him so lovable. Ahem. He meant adorable. You know what? Fine, he'll admit that he's been falling for this man for quite some time now! He's probably already fallen!

He wasn't planning on telling him though. That wonderful man deserves way better than him. But well, just teasing him a bit should be allowed, right?

It's all his fault for being so cute and fun to tease so Sasuke decided to blame him and tease the heck outta him!

After all, feeling something like this is an absolute first for Sasuke. For the first time since he was born, he felt that he could truly be happy. And he wanted to cherish this for as long as he could. Even if it's only until the blonde eventually leaves..

Said blonde walked out of the bathroom, wearing a bathrobe after having showered too and carefreely wiping his hair crudely with a towel.

Sasuke smirked, "Don't be so rough with your hair, you'll go bald", teasing his beloved blonde every chance he gets became his new resolution.

Naruto immediately halted his actions, pouting as he yelled, "Do you have no other better work to do than tease me now?! If you're so free then go to sleep!!"

Sasuke was always kinda rude with his words but today he's just been plain teasing him! Making it so obvious with that smirk too.

Naruto sulked as he sat on the bed and gently rubbed his hair with the towel. He definitely didn't wanna go bald though so..

Sasuke chuckled as he moved to sit right behind the ever adorable dobe and took the towel to dry it for him.

Naruto though a bit startled at first, let the raven do it cause it felt really soothing. Sasuke was surprisingly very gentle.

He was starting to feel drowsy when he heard the raven say, "it's fine now, go sleep properly"

Naruto only hmm'ed before crawling back under the blanket. And promptly falling asleep.

Sasuke noticed that the blonde and himself were still in their bathrobes, and contemplated for just a few seconds before deciding to just sleep in it too.

The next morning, Sakura who came in with a spare key that was prepared beforehand while making a spare for the target's room, stood in shock for a good few minutes seeing the two men cuddling away in their bathrobes, sleeping without a care in the world.

But that wasn't what shocked her to oblivion, it was the fact that the raven, known as Uchiha Sasuke, slept so peacefully next to someone and did not wake up even after she'd entered..

As someone who was trained to be a killer since he was born, Sasuke was unusually sensitive to his surroundings, and would wake up with a start ready to fight someone off as soon as he sensed someone's presence around him, especially because he feels defenseless when asleep.

But now the same paranoid man, that couldn't even trust his own family, was sleeping so defenselessly and peacefully in that blonde's presence.

She smiled, somehow genuinely happy to have witnessed this.

Though her happy moment didn't last long as the raven eventually woke up with a start but relaxed after seeing that it was just the pink-haired girl. And promptly ignored her, as he took the still soundly asleep blonde back in his arms to fall back asleep.

Sakura was so annoyed that she stomped over to the bed and pulled the huge blanket off of them, throwing it aside and yelling, "Get the f*ck up!!"

Naruto woke up startled and completely confused about various things. While Sasuke just yawned indifferently as he snuggled the blonde.

"Oy.. Uchiha Sasuke, I was talking to you too, open your damn eyes, now!", she glared, hands crossed across her chest and tapping her foot in irritation.

"I'm up..", Sasuke muttered still with his eyes closed. While Naruto nervously tried to snuggle out of his tight grip.

Sakura smirked evilly and said in an almost teasing tone, "I bet you are~ go take care of it in the bathroom and get your make up done!"

Naruto blushed, unfortunately understanding what she meant. But Sasuke still refused to budge.

"Get up already, teme~ or at least let me go~", Naruto weakly whined.

Sasuke smirked, "hn.. If you give me a kiss I'll wake up", he teased, making Sakura giggle dispite being annoyed and annoying the heck outta Naruto by embarrassing him to no end.

"I'll give you a good~ kick! How's that?!", he yelled in annoyance but the blush on his face told a different story.

Sasuke chuckled, quickly leaning in to kiss him on the cheek and getting out of bed just as quickly, before giving the blonde any time to react, and locking himself in the bathroom, saying, "I'll be back in 5~"

Naruto stared blankly into space before slowly getting up and grining at the pinkett, "Hey, I'm sorry for the trouble, and I'm Naruto, May I know your name?", he asked politely, deciding to completely forget about what just happened for his own sanity's sake, but his still very red cheeks made the girl giggle and answer, "Haruro Sakura, it's nice to finally meet you", and proceeded to amusedly ask, "How did you make that jerk so mellow mellow over you though? Are you dating already?", the excitement of a fangirl was audible in her voice.

Naruto almost combusted out of embarrassment as he desperately shook his head, "Nonononono! We're totally not like that! That ass is just enjoying himself tormenting me!"

"I'd say it's your fault for being too cute", Sasuke walked out, giving his own input, smirking all the while.

Sakura watched this exchange silently amused and secretly deciding to ship them. She couldn't wait to tell Ino about all this.

The couple still bickered away even as she did their make, and she was too amused to put a stop to it, so they ended up staying till around 10 or so before they promptly flirted their way out of the hotel.

It might have started from fake flirting for playing their roles at the beginning of the mission, but by the end of it, it couldn't have been more real~

If only all things happy, lasted forever..

Naruto who had decided to go to his old apartment making use of the disguise, found it being demolished when he arrived..

Sasuke who'd insisted on tagging along, was at a complete loss for words..


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