𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑- 𝚓𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝚐𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑 + 𝚠𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚎 𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚖

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You took up the opportunity to go with the boys on holiday without a second thought

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You took up the opportunity to go with the boys on holiday without a second thought. They'd gone through so much as a team and so many sacrifices had to be made by the families (including yourself) to get the boys to the position they got to. It was going to be a time of celebration, enjoyment and all round fun. Or so you thought...

On the first day you'd been feeling a tad faint and ill but thought it may be due to the weather. "Babe are you sure you're okay?" Jack asked full of concern. "I'll be fine, look I'm gonna head up but please stay and enjoy yourself. You deserve it bub." You told him, not wanting to ruin the holiday. "No if you're ill I wanna be there." He insisted. "No. I'll lock you out if I have to. Stay down here. Even for an hour. Then you can come back up. Ok?" You were doing your best to compromise with the boy. "Fine. But if you feel worse you promise me you call me." He said whilst pulling you in for a kiss. "I promise, I love you." He cupped your face with his hands and leant in for another kiss. "I love you too." You said your goodbyes to everyone and they all wished for you to get better. They knew how hard you'd been working recently and it'd be a shame if you spent the whole time feeling crap.

Once you made your way upstairs , a shooting pain ran through your stomach. A pain a woman knows far too well to ignore. "Fuck sake." You cursed in frustration. Not the time. You'd been so busy packing you forgot to check your flow app and didn't pack any tampons or pads. You wanted the ground to swallow you up and let you out a week later when this was all over. In a sticky situation, you texted Declan's girlfriend Lauren.

Babe i need your help asap
i'm on my period and
didn't bring anything
idk what to do :( x     
                                              Don't worry i'll be up in 5 x

She soon arrived and gifted you some pads and tampons, also bringing you up some chocolate. You swore that girl was telepathic because it's the only thing you'd be craving since you got the your hotel room. With a hug and a wave goodbye, you got into bed full of pain and cramps. You had really bad periods so the pain was so discomforting and most of the time, unbearable. All you needed was a hug from Jack and you instantly regretted telling him to stay downstairs. However, it seems like number 7 didn't listen and came bursting through the door. "Lauren told me you were on your period. Haven't told anyone else don't worry. But I know you get in a lot of pain and I don't like not being here and-." He continued to rant before you cut him off by groaning in pain. "Oh babe." He spoke sympathetically whilst getting ready to get into bed with you. He cuddled your body and began to play with your hair to try and calm you down. It seemed to have worked as little snores fell from your mouth within 0.2 seconds. Once he was satisfied you weren't in pain, he zonked out himself.

The next morning you got up and downed a big bottle of water , hoping if you kept yourself hydrated then the period wouldn't be so painful. Jack was soon up after you and came behind you to give you a peck on the cheek and your neck. You both stayed like that for awhile, staring at the view from your bedroom window. However, you didn't know if it was the constant movement of the sea or how quickly you drank the water, because you had to sprint to the bathroom. Jack was right beside you rubbing your back and holding your hair back. He knew how much you hated being sick and that it often ended in tears. "You're ok." He kept repeating whilst kissing your back. After you'd finished throwing up, Jack ran you a shower and let you clean yourself up. Once you'd come out the shower, you heard Jack on the phone to whom you can only guess was Dec from the constant nickname he used . "Yeah we won't be down for breakfast mate. Nah she ain't feeling too great. Nah it's not a bug don't worry she's just on her period but don't tell anyone she don't want a big thing made outta it. Yeah Dec mate that'd be appreciated. Thanks geez. Bye."
"What was that?" You questioned after you'd got changed. "Dec asked if we were gonna make it down for breakfast cause it shuts soon but he's gonna bring us up some stuff cause I told him what's going on." He explained whilst coming over to you and wrapping his hands around your waist. You leant into his chest but the moment was shortly ruined by Dec and Mason screaming 'room service' from the other side of the door. You opened the door and were bombarded with plates of food. Dec gave you a hug and so did Mason. "Yeah Dec told me what's going on , brought you a full english" He grinned , obviously happy with himself. "Didn't I tell you not to tell anyone?" Jack questioned Dec with his eyebrow raised. But somehow, Dec had found himself eating the food he brought up for you and just flashed us a grin with food all in his mouth. "You're gross bro" Mason gagged. You all laughed and began to tuck into the food.

Breakfast was an experience to say the least, the boys were questioning you on periods like they'd never met a woman before. Which , although entertaining, was very concerning. You didn't feel like wearing a bikini today just for safety reasons and instead opted for a swimsuit. Reaching the beach felt like something you'd waited for for way too long. Feeling the sand between your toes was a feeling that was greatly missed. "How you feeling little'n?" Henderson questioned upon your arrival. Jordan and yourself had built up a brotherly sisterly bond over the past couple years and it was something you loved. "I'm ok , I'm just on my period but it's a pain in the bloody ass." You moaned. "Can imagine, make sure you keep hydrated though. And not too much sun and make sure-" You cut him off. "Yes dad." You saluted. He scolded you sarcastically before getting up and getting you a drink. Word had obviously spread and everyone kept asking you if you were okay. Rashford had tried to find an umbrella for you to sit under because he found out from google that it makes you feel worse if you stay in the sun for too long . It was humorous to say the less. Jordan came back with multiple bottles of water and a mocktail for you because he 'didn't want you drinking whilst you felt like this'. "I'm on my period Jord not pregnant." This caused a laugh to come from Tyrone and your boyfriend. In all honesty you did appreciate the support the boys were showing. They knew you wanted Jack to enjoy himself as much as possible and the boys looking after you put him at ease. Chilly came over and sat with you for a bit and you had a little catch up. Tyrone was next, then Pickford , then Kane. It felt like you were being babysat. But you loved the boys so you weren't complaining.

For the rest of the period, the boys were amazing. Chilly came and sat with you for the afternoon and watched telly whilst the others went and played football. You insisted he went along but he claimed he'd had enough of football. That was a lie. He's a footballer for goodness sake. Mason and Dec carried on their room service on days where you couldn't get out of bed. Magiure and his girlfriend went on a walk with you to keep you company as well, choosing a shaded part of the town you were staying in. This team were the nicest people you'd ever met. It wasn't even a team. It was a family. And you were so grateful to be apart of it.

𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿Where stories live. Discover now