Chapter 37.

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It's been a little over a week since Harry and I last communicated and it's hard for me to stop thinking about him. Especially today because it's my birthday. I want to text him but I'm afraid to text him. I don't want him to feel like I'm too needy.

"Ava, you need to get out of the house," Mom said, sticking her head into my bedroom. I look up from my phone, confused.

"Why?" I question, not even bothering to remind her that it's my birthday.

"Because it's summer time! And all you do is play on that silly cell phone. Let's go the community pool." Mom replied.

"I don't want to go," I said, my eyes going back down to my phone. Going to a pool would be the last thing I ever would want to do unless Harry would be with me. Then it would be fun.

"Too bad," Mom snapped, coming into my room and reaching for my phone. Quickly, I jerked it away from her and hop off the bed.

"Stop, Mommm!" I yelled, getting annoyed.

"No. You are coming with Em and I." Mom snapped, "No more phone. Give it to me."

My mouth fell open in shock. "No! Harry said he would text me. I need to know when he does." I jammed my phone into my jeans.

"I don't care. You shouldn't be talking to him anymore, Ava. It's not normal. He's almost a decade older than you."

"He is not! Harry is seven years older! That isn't bad. And who cares? You have friends older than you, Mom!"

"That's different, Ava. They are middle-aged women and he is a young man."

I stomp out of my room. "Leave me alone!"

"Ava Marie Gomez! You do not walk away from me like that!" Mom screamed, following me down the hallway.

I cannot believe her. We had been getting along very well since Harry had talked to us. I mean, I know I've been in the house for days, but what does it matter? I don't need to go outside. I don't want to!

She growled and went into the kitchen. At that point, I felt my phone vibrate. My heart rate sped up, looking at the screen.

Harry: Hi Angel 1:00PM
Ava: Hi! What are you doing?:) 1:01PM
Harry: I have a surprise for you 1:03PM
Ava: I'm excited! Are you coming?! 1:04PM
Harry: Yes, wear your favorite clothes.
Ava: Ok!!! 1:05PM

I went back into my room, opening my closet.

I had a beautiful black dress in the very back of the closet that I found at a thrift shop

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I had a beautiful black dress in the very back of the closet that I found at a thrift shop. It was long and sheer with a black lace top. I did my hair and put on some makeup too. Looking in the mirror, I was shocked at how much older and gorgeous I looked.

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