Chapter 16.

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Harry grasped my arm, yanking me forward until our chests touched. "Stop saying you're sorry," he growled into my ear and let me go.

"I-I'm sorry!" I shrieked, stepping backwards from him until my lower back was even with the couch arm.

"I don't want to hear your apologies. If you meant what you said the first time, you would not have to keep apologizing," Harry snapped as he lifted up the paddle and laid it across the palm of his left hand.

"They're real apologies!" I cried, tears pouring down my face.

Harry leaned down and put his face within a couple inches of mine, his clear emerald green eyes burning holes in me. "If you're apology was real, you wouldn't need to repeat it," he spoke slowly and furiously. "The only reason you're saying sorry is your way of begging me not to punish you."

I heaved in a large amount of air. "N-no! No! Harryyy, I-I swear I'm s-sorry!"

"There you go again, Ava. You're not listening to what I'm saying," he growled, standing to his full height. "Stop repeating your apology."

"I-I'm sorr..." I covered my mouth with my hands to stop myself from saying it again.

"Why did you have an attitude with me earlier?" he demanded, patting the wooden paddle against the palm of his large hand.

"B-because..." I whimpered through my fingers as I continued holding my own mouth shut in fear of saying something wrong to him. "Y-you made b-breakfast for Emily."

"Ava Marie, I made blueberry pancakes for everyone," he replied, sternly. "I wanted to let you sleep longer to be nice. Emily had woke up early and needed my attention." He narrowed his eyes. "Because she is a toddler. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes, Sir." I admitted, suddenly feeling very embarrassed because I thought Harry liked Emily more than me, but I really needed to hear him say it. "D-Do you like her m-more than me?"

Harry sighed, bending to lay the paddle down on the table. He turned to me and gently put his hands on my arms. "I care a lot about both of you girls equally," he said, firmly. "Instead of throwing a little tantrum and getting yourself in huge trouble with me, all you have to do is talk to me. It's so simple, Ava. All of this  could have been avoided if you would have opened up to me."

I sniffled. "I-I'll open up m-more."

Harry's warm hands fell from my arms and then gently squeezed my hands in his. "That would be amazing," he reassured. Then his deep voice went stern. "Now, turn around."

My mouth fell open. "W-wait! N-no, what are y-you going t-to do?!"

He reached for the paddle and looked me in the eyes with strict seriousness. "Ava, you will be getting a punishment for this."

"N-no! Please! Harry, p-please!" I sobbed.

He turned me around so that I was facing the couch now. I sobbed even louder at this point.

"Ava, stop it," Harry scolded, calmly. His hand stayed on the center of my back. He bent down to my height and talked directly into my ear. "Crying isn't going to do anything. So stop it."

I hiccuped many times, taking in big amounts of air. "P-please n-no! I-I w-want to h-have a time-out instead."

"Guess what, love?" he responded, softly. "I gave you that option and you misbehaved." He pressed his hand against my back. "Bend over."

I finally gave up, squeezed my eyes shut, and listened to him. Bending over the back of the couch, I cried until I felt the hard slap of flat wood smack my butt. It echoed across the room. Then, I felt the paddle strike my butt again, hard and smooth. It stung this time. Then, he brought it up and slammed it across my heated bottom a third time.

"Okay, you're done," Harry said, putting the paddle on the table. He gently lifted me up by the armpit and steadied me. "Now, don't do that," he soothed, tenderly wiping away my tears with his thumbs. "It's over, Ava."

"P-please, no more," I sniffled.

"That's up to you, dear," Harry said, "If you misbehave, it's going to happen. That's just how things work. Got it?"

I nodded.

His voice went rough. "No, none of this nonverbal crap. I need to hear you."

"Y-yes, Sir," I squeaked.

"Good girl." Harry patted my shoulder in approval. "Now go calm down. Splash some cold water on your face. I'll make you some fresh pancakes." He smiled at me to let me know everything was okay. "And, if you ask nicely, I'll give you extra blueberries."

"Y-yes, please," I replied.

"Alright, love." He patted my shoulder again for encouragement. I sniffled again and went to the bathroom as he went into the kitchen.

After I was done splashing cool water on my hot face, I felt a lot better. I went into the kitchen to find a heaping plate of delicious blueberry pancakes on the table. Harry was sitting down with half his plate eaten and Emily was no longer in the kitchen.

I sat down beside him, my stomach hungry. It looked so good and there was a ton of berries on them. Way more than Emily had had on her plate. I smiled and took a big bite.

"Pack your swim suit and some sunscreen." Harry said in between bites of breakfast.

I looked at him, excited. Was he taking us to McCreery Lake? When I was a young kid and Mom was pregnant with Emily, Mom and her boyfriend at the time, Richard, and me used to go to McCreery Lake and build sandcastles and play in the water. "Why?"

"My friend, Louis, is throwing a pool party and I'm taking you girls to have some summer fun," Harry said, taking a sip of orange juice. "Louis has a son the same age as Emily. She's excited for a play date."

My stomach dropped with nerves. I didn't like parties. And, I hate swimming pools because I can't swim. "I want to stay home."

Harry's brows furrowed. "Why?"

I swallowed. "I won't know anyone there."

"You know me and I can introduce you to my friends. We'll have fun," he replied.

I cringed. I didn't feel comfortable meeting new people. I felt sick just thinking about it. "No, I'll stay here," I said, stuffing my mouth full of blueberries so I couldn't talk.

Harry looked at me in a nonjudgmental way. I thought for sure he would agree with me. "Your Mum wants me to watch you at all times. We're all going to the party at noon."

I dropped the fork onto the table. "Harryy, please. I don't want to go. I won't have fun." I was on the verge of tears. Last time I went to a pool party was in grade school and the kids made fun of me for crying when my face got wet from the pool water. I'm not reliving that.

"You're going with us. End of story," he scolded, taking a bite of his food.

"No, I'm not!" I screamed, angrily shoving the plate backwards.

Harry looked sternly at me. "Ava, count to ten. Breathe. It's not the end of the world," he spoke calmly. "I'll take care of you."

To be continued...
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Love L. xx

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