Chapter 30.

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"Smells good," I said, timidly, entering the small kitchen. Harry turned around with a skillet of sizzling bacon, a smile on his face.

"Good morning, angel." He split the bacon evenly between two plates of hot pancakes.

I sit down across from him, excited to eat. It looked delicious. "Good m-morning, I-I thought you had to be at work early?"

"Louis let me have the day off," Harry said, in between bites. My eyes grew wide. Louis must own the bakery.

"Did you sleep ok?" Harry asked.

Taking a bite of strawberry, I replied, "Yeah... your bed was very soft. I don't remember going to bed though. The last thing I recall is falling asleep on the couch."

"We both fell asleep, but as soon as I woke up, I carried you to the bed. After the night you had, you deserved a soft mattress," Harry replied.

"And you tucked me in?" I questioned, sipping some orange juice.

"I thought you'd like that," Harry smiled.

A warm, fuzzy feeling washed over me and I smiled widely. "I did."

This conversation felt so nice. So right. This could be the perfect moment to confess my feelings to him. But I was nervous. "What do you have p-planned for today?"

I noticed that Harry's plate was almost empty. He collected the syrup in his spoon, savoring each bite. "I figured we could do something fun, and then have a serious talk with your Mum."

I liked the 'do something fun' part, however I didn't want to see my Mom anymore. It only hurt me to think about her. She had changed so much within the last five years.

Harry's green eyes narrowed. "Are you feeling alright, Ava?" He wiped his lips free of syrup with a napkin. "You seem... nervous."

Yes, I'm very nervous about confessing my love to you.

I shoved a strawberry into my mouth so that couldn't answer him verbally. I shook my head back and forth, chewing the sweet red berry. Harry continued looking suspiciously at me, taking his empty breakfast plate and glass to the sink.

"Tell me what's wrong," He demanded, sternly, turning to face me in front of the sink. "I know you have something on your mind."

I swallowed the strawberry with a loud gulp, staring at Harry with my dark brown eyes as wide as two full moons. "I-I'm fine."

He came to my chair and physically flipped my chair around to look up at him. "Do you want to get spanked?" Harry growled, towering over me, his hands going down to his belt.

Now I'm afraid of him again.

I can't tell him I love him. I can't be with someone who frightens me half the time. My heart sank in my chest, realizing if I can't feel safe with Harry, I have absolutely no one in my life that cares about me. I put my face in my hands and just sat there and sobbed.

"Ava, I'm sorry." Harry apologized, his rough voice turning gentle. Him doing that surprised me and I slowly looked up at him. "I-I struggle with my anger."

"Just... like me." I whispered. I would have never thought he had anger issues too. He's always telling me how to control my emotions when he himself has difficulty controlling his. But he is better at keeping himself pulled together than I do. "I forgive you."

He rubbed his hand through his hair. "I guess you don't want to have fun with me anymore. I understand, though."

I stood up from the table, wrapping my fingers around his hand. "I want to go the beach with you." I gave his hand a squeeze. "I-I need you." Tears sprinkled my eyes. "I-I don't have anyone else and I trust you the most."

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