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Graduation is and was something that I never believed I would reach. Partially, it was because of my addiction, I thought it would take me before I would be able to walk across any stage, but my slow efforts to get better have made this possible.

I can easily say I'm proud of myself.

I could've easily been a portrait in a seat for my friends to carry, but I made it.

Everything felt like a feel good film. Bleachers filled with families with lives and issues of their own, but their kids, siblings, cousins p, grandkids, nieces and nephews made it somehow through all of it. While I kept it lowkey in high school, I'm proud of my peers as a whole class. From the pieces of gossip I heard here and there, I can tell that some people probably made it to the stage by a nail.

I feel proud for making my mama and sister proud. I'm the first on both side of my family to finish high school and I hope to be the next to do something bigger. I hope Solange chooses to pick up and do well in school as well.

I haven't even started college back again, but I already feel like it paid off. Feelin' my mama hug me tight once we got to leave was priceless. After that hug, I started to embed into my head that everything forward had to be to help her out as much as possible.

At the same time, I'm scared. What will become of the lives of Robyn, Solana, Kelly and Nicki's? I don't want us to drift away. What will become of the rest of our lives?

I've heard enough scary stories about people splitting up and forgetting about each other.

However, Deep down, I know I won't be losing Nicki. Pretty bold thought, huh?

I've changed into a more party-casual outfit since Nicki and Robyn have convinced me to go to a graduation party. Kelly and Solana had to go to their own respective family dinners and reunions.

I enter one of our classmate's house, being shoved to the side by people with coolers full of alcohol and other drinks. The music is pretty much rocking the entire house. Some college folks have even come. I honestly can't tell if this is gonna be a great night.

I scan the living room for my friends.

The next body that grazes over me is Nicki's. She wears some jeans and a cute top. Her smile nearly drops me to my knees and my sight stays on them.


"Hey!" I yell back.

"We graduated, how do you feel?!"

"Great." I answer.

I use the deafening sound as an excuse for why I'm staring down her lips so damn hard. This girl is perfect.

"Wanna get some sodas?" Nicki asks before taking my hand.

I shiver and nod.

We walk towards the inside of the kitchen and the place is flooded with teens and nonchalant parents. Robyn is sat on the kitchen counter talking up a storm with a random guy, twirling her braid around her finger.

She looks in my direction and waves. I just shoot her a smile. To be honest, I'm more interested in Nicki than I am anything or anyone else at this party. I only came here to tag along because she begged me and sent a shit ton of kissy emojis and gifs of bears and hearts to the group chat. That's totally not creepy at all.

The petite girl turns around with two sprites in hand and gives me one.

Before I start conversation again, I start to feel the overwhelming energy of someone familiar. I turn around after I see Nicki notice too.

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