Active Imagination

Start from the beginning

Ben took the bacon from Evan as they began to eat. Once again it was unnerving to see a human eating. He was just glad he'd never have to end up on the meal end of that deal. They talked in Evans room for an hour or so before Andrew knocked on the door.Quickly Ben was scooped up and placed under a pillow on the bed by Evan. It was dark but he could hear Evan unlock the door for Andrew to ask what was up.

"Hey, sorry to ask but would you mind going to the store?" Andrew asked.

Evan looked at him confused. "Why me? Can't you go"

Andrew shook his head. I'm not feeling great." He shrugged. "Plus I went last time." He added

"Yeah to get like 3 things" Evan rolled his eyes.

"Look can you go or not?" He asked with a sigh.

"I can go, just give me a few minute to get ready."

Andrew gave a soft smile as a released look went across his face. "Thanks bro" he said as he began to walk away.

"No worries" he said as he shut the door behind him. Letting out a sight he closed the door again and locking it behind him before going back to where Ben was hiding. "Sorry about that." He said as he lifted up the pillow that the borrower was under. Ben looked up to Evan with an awkward smile on his face.

"Don't worry about it" he said as he walked over to the edge of the bed. Evan had set the pillow back down once Ben had moved out of the way of it. He let out a sigh to himself. He could have been seen by the other human. Though it was a very slim change there was still one. He got observed in thought as he kept himself in silence for many moments.

"Ben? You ok buddy?" Evan asked as he gave him a small tap on the shoulder.

Ben yelped in surprise as he was brought back to the present with a concerned Evan staring at him. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just thinking is all."

Evan nodded understandingly at Ben's response. As he did his fine rang out with a ding. Evan looked at the message and let out a sigh. "I guess I should get going" he said as he stood up, making Ben shake a bit.

"Oh, right." Ben said as he caught his balance on the bed. Ge had to admit as comfortable as it was, it gave him a hard time when he tried to walk on it.

Evan made his way over to his desk to grab his wallet. "I guess I'll get going then." He said with a sigh, he really didn't want to go.. but he told Andrew that he would so there was no backing out of it now.

Ben nodded slowly. "Yeah I guess so." He said a bit disappointed. Ben thought for a bit before his eyes grew a bit wide and a smile grew in his face. "Hey, how about i come along with you?" he asked. Ben looked at him for a few moments. 'God, Kris would fuckin' kill me' he thought to himself as he said the idea out loud. He didn't know why he even suggested it, it was a stupid idea that would probably get him caught or killed. Then again, he did trust Evan to be carful, and they'd find somewhere for him to hide and not be seen.

"I don't know" Evan said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "That seems a little reckless.. dont you think?" He asked.

Ben shook his head. "It'll be fine. I trust you" he smiled a bit.

Evan was a bit taken aback. They'd only takes a few times, this was the third time in fact and the first time was less than pleasant. Then why did he trust him so much as to put his life in his hands, more than he already does, and let him take him out where more humans were. He couldn't wrap his head around it but he was grateful that Ben trusted him that much. "We'll.. I mean if you're sure you want to" he said hesitantly.

"I've never been outside this complex, at least not farther than the grass outside. I wanna see what you humans do." He said honestly. He's always been curious about things like that.

"You- You've never been outside the complex?" He asked.

"Nope." He said with a pop on the 'p'. "It's dangerous." He said flatly.

"I mean I guess.." Evan thought aloud. God it seemed like Ben had such a sad life. He had no one to talk to before he'd met Evan, he seemed to not see his family ever, and on top of that he'd never been outside? How could he be so cheerful when his life was like this? Then again he didn't know what he was missing out of on the first place and it's hard to know what to miss if you've never had it before. Plus, there would be birds and stray cats to worry about. Any animal would be big enough to make either a small meal or a snack out if him. It wasn't something Evan was comfortable thinking about. Then there were humans. If he'd said he'd only been in the grass that too could have dangers. 'If a human was running.. or even walking.. they could.' No, no Evan didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to think about how someone would have killed someone so sweet and never know. He didn't want to think about how he may have never been able to meet Ben if someone had made just one misstep. A chill tan down his spine as his mind made up scenarios. Ben was right to be afraid of humans. Ben was right and Evan hated that. He hated how he had an actual reason to fear him. He hated how if he wanted to he could- 
'No. Stop. Stop thinking'  he thought as his face turned to a grimace. 'it's true' the back of his mind thought. 'You could hurt him without thinking. You could have hurt him when you first met. If you wanted to you could crush him. He couldn't stop it.' He thought as his thought felt like it became on fire. He felt as though he was about to puke. "I- I have to go. I'll be back in a bit." He said aloud as he left the room to go to the bathroom. Leaving Ben on the beg alone.

Ben just sat there, wondering what he'd done wrong. Had he said something to make him upset? He looked like he'd gotten angry all the sides then just stormed off to somewhere. Ben held his head a bit low as he walked to sit behind a pillow. He drew his knees to his chest as he wrapped his arms around them as he waited for Evan to return. Wondering what he'd done.

Evan rushed to the bathroom. He got there just in time before his stomach couldn't take it any more and he ended up vomiting most of his breakfast from that morning into the toilet.
"Ugh" he said aloud as he whipped his mouth off with some toilet paper. He hated the feeling of throwing up. It made him feel dirty and gross. Why did his mind have to think of such horrible things. The images were in his head of what he'd thought. In his mind he could see Ben, broken and mangled in all different ways. The ones he hated the most were the ones that involved him.
One misstep, an accidental hand motion, just forgetting where he was in general. His stomach churned as his body threatened to vomit once more.
     Then the one that made him lose the rest of his breakfast. With this one, he'd seen how it played out in his mind. In his mind, Evan sat at his desk, chatting with Ben when something in him suddenly grabbed the small and fragile man in a harsh grip. He could see the surprise in his face. He watched helplessly as a monster that looked and sounded like him, tightened his fist around the borrower. His he could see Ben's face go from an awkward smile to a confused look of horror as the fist grew tighter around him. It constructed him like a snake only getting tighter until the borrower was on the bear  he of passing out. He'd muttered a few pleas to be let go before he finally looked up to him. 'I- trust you.' He'd said with a weak smile before Evan heard a sickening crack. The borrower let out a scream before a few more, then, nothing. He was limp, motionless. His head slumped forward and only then did the monster who appeared to be Evan open its fist. Ben fell to the ground with a thud, dead.
     Tears perked in Evans eyes as he lost the rest of his lunch and proceded to dry-heave for a few more minutes. His cheeks were stained with tears as his eyes were red and puffy. Why did his mind have to show him those things? Why would he even think of those things! Sure he was an anxious person but.. not enough to imagine a fiends gruesome death in that much detail. Perhaps it was a warning from his subconscious, warning him not to get to close to Ben or- or something bad may happen to him. He didn't know what to make of it as he washed his face off with cold water. He looked in the mirror. Looking at the face who he'd just seen murder an innocent man in his mind. The one who imagined the whole thing. "God" was the only thing he managed to mutter as he slid down the wall to sit on the ground. He remained in their for 10 more minutes processing what his mind just made him see.

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