"State Of Numbness"

Start from the beginning

Don’t know if words can say,
But darlin’ I’ll find a way

To let you know what you mean to me
I hold you in my heart
As life’s most precious part.

You pick me up when I’m sad,
Girl’s got more soul than I ever had.

Gonna love you every single night
And never let you out of sight.”

Holden halts his playing and moves closer to Addison, looking deeply into her eyes.

You made it so easy for me to fall in love with you.”

“There’s something I have to tell you.”

Addison’s words shocked Holden, this was not the reaction he was expecting from the confession of his feelings.

“I can see that something’s wrong. It’s written all over your face.”

Addison gulps and takes a deep breath in before telling Holden the truth.

“Micah and I kissed, back in New York.”

The colour visibly drained from Holden’s face. Although he and Addison had not been an item, he at least hoped they would soon be but with Micah in the picture, things seemed bleak.

“And a few days before that you and I were getting tattoo’s together. Seriously Addison your behaviour is that of a common…” Holden stops before saying something he might come to regret later on.

“A common whore. You can say it, you wouldn’t be wrong in doing so, except I have feelings for both you and Micah.”

How did it happen?”

“Do you really want to know?”

“No – Yes, I do.”

“Micah had given me a ride to the ballet studio. After my performance I was overcome with emotions and he was there, the familiarity I had always known. He comforted me as I gave into my weaknesses.”

“Out of all the possible scenario’s I played out in my head about how our evening would go, this never came to mind. You need to sort your feelings out Addison. As much as you are hurting not being able to choose, this isn’t fair on me or Micah. I can’t be here right now, I have to go.”

“Holden, wait I….”

Get home safe Addison.” Holden kissed Addison on the cheek before getting into his truck and driving off, leaving her just like she had left him in Vegas.

At the local saloon in town, a short time after Addison left to meet Holden.

Micah’s p.o.v

I sat perched at the bar with a beer in hand, hoping to drown all my sorrows away. How could love be so beautiful yet tragic at the same time?

Of course the selfish part of me wanted to whisk Addison away and claim her as mine – I bet that’s what cavemen did but my logical self knew, she would come back to me if it was meant to be that way.

After finishing my 3rd beer I had decided it was time to head home. I paid up my bar tab and grabbed my coat when an unfamiliar somebody called out to me.

“You must be Addison’s friend. I’m Carter, Addison and I are in the same grade.”

Ahh Carter the little weasel. Addison had told me enough about this guy to know he isn’t someone you trust, however I was intrigued by his interest in me and decided to play along.

Carter, I think Addison mentioned you before. I’m Micah by the way, Addison’s ex.” I intentionally let that last piece of information slip out, hoping Carter would take the bait.

“Ex-boyfriend? And let me guess you’re here in our little town to win her back aren’t you?”

“Maybe so.” I say nonchalantly.

“Well between you and me, I much rather see Addison with someone more of her – how do I say this class and upbringing. She’s being hanging out with a dude named Holden and I can tell you he is bad news.”

Aha, so Carter has a beef with Holden. He’s probably going to try and use me to exact revenge on the guy or something. Did he really think boosting my ego will shield me from seeing through his bullshit act?

Holden. Yeah I’ve met the guy, can’t say I’m a fan of his.”

“If I were you, I’d do everything in my power to keep him away from her. After all I don’t want history to repeat itself.”

What do you mean?” I say almost interested.

“You see Holden and I were once best friends, until he ruined the only girl I’ve ever loved.”

Well, well, well. Things certainly have gotten interesting. Although I don’t trust this creep, I’m more than happy to hear the lies he’ll try to spin to me. Hell who’s to say, maybe a part of them might even be true.

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