Chapter 10- To Be Grand

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Scotty leaned against the cold steel bars to his cell and crossed his arms, examining each guard thoughtfully. There were four of them, one which had already left for another case and another who always left early to pick up his kids. It was impossible in the heist man's eyes that anyone could live a normal life after the people they cared for in the morning. Like a super hero who turns into Clark kent at night to be a normal father. The other two, both much smaller than their co workers with identical black hair and brown eyes. They were known as the brothers of the cops since they looked so similar and had birthdays only a week apart. Of course, they weren't related and Scotty often found himself laughing out loud at their fights only siblings could have.

Tonight however, neither said a word to the other as they'd told looking over the three cells, only one full. They were staring dead at Scotty who stared right back as he lit a cigar impatiently. Glancing up inconspicuously at the clock, he looked at the first boy, his gaze boring through him and making him shuffle his feet. "Check your watched would you?" Scotty nodded towards the silver watch on the second guards wrist, shifting his gaze and watching it vanish behind his back. "Why? Do you have a bedtime?" The cop huffed bitterly as he looked back at his watch and u zipped his vest, setting it over his desk and clocking out.

The first cop watched through slatted eyes as Scotty swung his fiery mismatched gaze back on him. "Some of you do, good night." Scotty smirked as the lights flickered out, sending them both into darkness and unlocking the cell doors with a click. "The power's out!" The cop shouted, a stumbling sound coming from the desk where he stood as Scotty slipped out of his way. Making a break for the far doors, he noticed he could see unexpectedly well in the dark, even his blind eye made out slight shadows. The heist man shivered a she played around with the cop for a minute, talking his shoulder and scurrying to his other side. "Scot get over here!" Sam hissed from the hallway that led down to the east side of the jail, waving for Scotty to follow him. "You ruin all the fun, jerk." Scotty whined as he grabbed Sam by the cuff of his suit and ran down the hallway, following the lights as they went out.

"They're all out, we have two minutes to get around the other guards or everything turns back on. Run and don't look back." Sam ordered, shoving Scotty ahead and running at his side through the dark, trying to see his member. "There's Joel and Damien, aren't their cells further than ours? How's they get here first?" Scotty asked as he slid to a stop and put his hands on his knees, catching his breath with Sam who stumbled beside him. Damien and Joel bounded over, yanking their members to their feet and pulling them outside. "We had to get the pier out so we put our clocks thirty minutes ahead. We've been here waiting for at least ten minutes. Glad you finally showed up, honestly." Damien joked lightly as he drew a map of the campus on the dirt and examined it carefully, glancing out at the real view to get it right. "We came all this way and you don't even have a plan?" Sam growled through his panting breath, reaching for Damien to shake him up but Joel slapped him away.

"We have a plan, we know where all the guards are but when those lights come on the search lights go off. The timing has to be just so." Joel pressed his pointer finger and thumb together as he squinted to show the seconds the members had to lose. Only, unlike when they were miles ahead and free, Joel's fingers touched. "Thirty seconds then, we just have to climb that fence and run down to the cars. Damien brought the ignition starter and there's a hideout further down in San Fran, they won't find us." Damien lifted the starter and kicked dirt over his drawing, counting down from five on his fingers. The group raced towards the fence, throwing themselves upwards and grappling with the stinging wire cutting their palms. "All the way up and then jump down all together so no one gets shaken off." Scotty explained, holding his breath as his already cut hands began to bleed again. "Come on." Joel breathed, reached down to gently pull the younger boy the rest of the way up without hurting him further.

The fence wobbled under their weight and Damien bit his lip hard as Scotty was flung up and nestled collapsed into Joel's lap to stay steady. "Shut up, be quiet or I'll throw you off this fence." Sam warned, steadying himself on top and looking down, lifting his hands to his sides like a bird. Scotty nodded as Joel held up one hand, beginning to silently count down as everyone watched with their breath held. Joel clenched his hand into a fist and everyone leapt off the fence, landing on the ground with thumps in unison. They rushed back and hugged the fence like an old friend to keep it from rattling. Scotty looked over his shoulder at the searchlights grazing back and forth over the courtyard. "Why aren't they turned off?" He talked Joel on the shoulder and pointed up at the towers , glancing over at Damien who follows where he pointed. "It's been forty seconds, they should be off by now." Sam snapped as he stepped away from the fence and glared back at Joel. "Probably just a mistake, they should go off soon and when they do, be ready with the starters. Scotty, you just run, Sam come over here so you can drive the car once Damien starts it. Don't get hurt and don't get caught." Joel turned his eyes on the youngest who was fumbling with the starters and hardly acknowledged the leaders's words.

"I don't get caught." Sam huffed and chewed his lip at Damien's words because every obviously he did get caught. "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. I'll know when the lights go off and I'll be ready." Damien assured a she bounced up onto his toes and back on his heels, watching the lights carefully. "Now." Joel wave show hand down like the gun fire to a race and Damien took off, slinking along the outside of the buildings. The remaining three boys waited in silent anticipation, watching the lights and crossing their fingers. Why didn't they turn off, hadn't Joel and Damien created a fool proof plan, or had it fallen through? Scotty shook the doubts from his head and grabbed harder onto Joel's hand. "We can't wait, if Damien got past them then so can we. Whether they go out or not we have to do this now, right?" Sam muttered, looking up at Joel who was still watching the light swing with pleading eyes. "If we don't want to get pounded even harder then that's the only way." Scotty added, freeing his hand and for once agreeing with Sam which shocked them both. "Fine, You're Right. On the count of three Scotty goes first, Sam follow, I'll be right behind you." Joel nodded and motioned for Scotty to move ahead of them, the youngest didn't need a second of prompting.

Sliding against the brick wall, Scotty glanced up at the search towers and ducked his head from the men inside. Sam slid beside him and they locked eyes for a moment as fear zapped through them. Joel crouched down next to them but didn't cast them a second look as he counted down on his fingers. "What're you doing? The lights aren't out yet." Damien whispered loudly as he slid on the other side of Scotty, making each of the boys leap to their feet as Scotty clutched his chest. "You almost killed him, keep your voice down. Why aren't you with the cars?" Joel asked, pushing Scotty behind him and looking around as if the cars would be parked in the open space. Damien wrung his hands together and took a breath as the members turned their wide eyes on him. "Well, like I Said in the allies, we didn't notice Ranahan is a scary place."

As if on cue, shots fired over the heads of the boys and they dropped to the ground with their hands covering their heads. "Run! The cars are started!" Damien shouted, standing up and rubbing towards where the fire was coming from, like the movie hero he wasn't. "Damien!" Joel shouted, running after him and falling to his knees as a bullet grazed his ribs, denting into the building behind him. "Joel!" Damien spun on his heels and was shot in the back, falling flat over the leader who caught him and laid him on the ground. "You're all dead!" Sam shouted a she flung himself at the nearest cop, hitting him in the necks and pulling his gun away. Scotty sad in shock, staring at his members, two hit by bullets and one walking into the onslaught. "You shot them!" Scotty cried, coming to his senses and pulling the knife from his pocket, swinging wildly, blinded by the tears in his eyes.

They weren't dead, they weren't dead, they're weren't dead, no matter how many times Scotty said it, the words sounded like lies. Sam fell to his knees, clutching his chest and dropping his gun as his mouth gaped open, his eyes glazed. "Sam, Sam no, don't leave me too!" Scotty begged, lifting the olde belt to his feet and pressing his hand against where the blood Spurtes from his stomach. The last remaining felt pain burn hot in his back and dropped Sam as his knees buckled beneath him. Touching his back where the pain sparked, he lifted his hand, drenched in blood and his eyes rolled back in his head. Falling into his side, he stared at the chaos of cops trying to stop their co workers form shooting them again. It didn't matter to Scotty, he didn't care if he got shot until he was dead. That sounded favorable in the moment honestly. He'd sworn to never lose but that was for his own pride, to lose his members was undoubtably worse, but he had. His mismatched eyes fluttered shut, their last image of Joel reached his shaking hand pleasingly out for him.

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