Chapter 9

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Loki's POV

We were greeted by a familiar smell, the moment our feet touched the ground. "Remember, we're still hostile here, so we have to find Mobius as soon as possible." I nodded, as we started running to the library, guessing he'd be there. He was, turning a page in an undoubtably incredibly interesting book, when I noticed him. "Mobius", I heard Sylvie practically shout. He turned towards us, and smiled immediately.  Sylvie was the first one to give him a hug, after which I did, too. "I didn't believe you two were ever coming back", he said as he laid down the book. "We're Lokis, we always do", I said when I gave him a wink. "There have been many changes since I left you two to take on Alioth. I suppose you guys have been through quite a lot as well, so why don't we go to my office and have a cup of tea?" "Wonderful idea", I answered. "Only if there are biscuits, or I'm not coming", Sylvie said in a serious tone. "Of course there are", Mobius answered while laughing.

As we sipped some tea and ate some biscuits, we talked about everything. Mobius explained how everyone around him, except he and B-15, had entirely changed. They suddenly all knew their past, their lives before the TVA, they worshipped Kang the Conqueror and the multiverse had become normal. He told us it was weird at first, but he got used to it pretty quickly. We also told him everything. About the Void, the cellar, the Tesseract, New York (we might have left out a few details there), the other timeline, and evil Mobius. He loved the stories, I could tell by the way he was constantly reacting and interfering while we were telling them.

After we were done telling the story, Mobius and I went to get some new tea, because he and Sylvie went to get it the first time. "So what are you two now", he asked out of nowhere, "you and Sylvie." "I'm not quite sure", I answered honestly. "What do you want it to be", Mobius asked. "I want us to be together. She keeps me on the right track, she makes me see the good in myself. I have never been able to not see myself as a monster, as an outcast. I've never been this happy. She fixes all of that. So, I want us to be together." He smiled and nodded enthusiastically. In the meantime, the water had boiled, and Mobius started adding it to the leaves. "You know, I just had the same conversation with her when we came here, do you know what her answer was?" I shook my head. "She said she wants you to be together, too. Because she has always felt unwanted in her entire life, but you make her feel special, like she has value. You make her happy as well." I smiled. She likes me, just like I like her. I felt happiness running through my veins, like a little kid who just got an enormous teddy bear as a Christmas present. The tea was ready and we started walking back. "What am I supposed to do, now", I asked him. He laughed. "You're a literal god, Loki, you're almighty. But when a girl likes you, you act like a teenage boy? It's funny." I gave him a death stare. "Christ, just ask her out or something, I don't know." 

When we arrived back at the table, we poured the tea and sat down again. "So, what do you plan on doing now", Mobius asked the two of us. "We can't stay here, and unfortunately, I can't go back home either", I said. "I have nowhere to go in general", Sylvie stated, looking rather sad now. Mobius leaned forward: "I have a proposition for you two, but you'll have to live up to some rules", he started, "I can get you two to earth, you can live there. Together. I know an uninhabited island in New Zealand, the Ruapuke island. I suggest you go live there, but on one condition: nobody can see you. Now and then, there are scientists there, so you'll have to make everything you changed there invisible for the human eye. What do you think about that?" "Sure, I mean, we've got nowhere else to go, do we", I answered. "Great, I can get you a time door, but I won't be able to follow. If the TVA finds out about this, I'm in trouble. But you guys deserve this. You deserve to be happy." I smiled, "Thank you, my friend." He stood up and gave both of us a firm hug. "I'll give you a TemPad, if there's anything you need, just make a time door to my office, all right", Mobius said as he handed Sylvie the TemPad. "Thank you", she said, while granting him a smile. "Go now." A time door was opened and Sylvie stepped through it. "I'll come and kidnap you sometime for that jet ski ride, just be prepared." I winked at him and stepped through the time door as well.

The sky was painted in multiple colours. It was blue, pink and purple. The island itself was quite small, since you could see the ocean embracing it. The soil was mainly covered with grass and rocks, and there were two small beaches, at both sides of the island. "Welcome home", I said as I smiled at the small blond next to me. "Welcome home", she repeated, letting the words sink in. "Go, enjoy the sunset, I'll be there in a minute", I said. She went to the biggest beach of the two, and sat down looking at the sun sinking in the ocean. Meanwhile, I used my magic to build us a house. It looked like a small palace, with a throne, but it was cosy as well. If Sylvie doesn't like it, we'll change it, but it's a temporary solution. We have plenty of time here anyway.

When I was done, I went to accompany her at the beach. The sun was already gone, but I didn't mind. "Hi", I announced as I sat next to her. Without answering, she snuggled into my shoulder, causing my heart to beat a bit faster, and a smile to appear on my face. "Sylvie, I've been meaning to tell you", I started, as she looked up at me, "I really like you. You make the monster in me disappear, you make me happy. I'm a broken man, but you make me feel whole. You fix me. Not to forget, you're stunning. Your smile lights up the world, even if there's no light to be seen. Your sparkling eyes make me --" Her lips cut off my ability to finish this undoubtably boring monologue of mine. The butterflies that had been captured in my stomach, were released and flew in every cell of my body. They filled my heart, making it beat as if it had never beaten in my entire lifetime. They flew through my veins, making my body weak, as if it was weightless. They guided my hands, leading them to places only she could feel. They filled my lips, making them want to feel every inch of her. She pulled away from the kiss: "Scratch 'I like you'. I love you, Loki." I smiled against her lips. "I love you, too, Sylvie." Our lips met again, when I suddenly felt the pressure of her body on top of me.

Only the stars, hovering over us in the black sky, witnessed the events of that night. The same stars that would watch over us for many more years to come, as we lived happily ever after.

A/N: That was it guys! Thank you for all the reads, votes, and comments. It wasn't easy for me to write this book, because it's the first time I write something like this, and my native language isn't English. However, you guys made it worth the while! I hope I could give you the happy Sylki ending you had hoped for, because that was the intention of this book. Anyway, love you guys xoxo

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