Chapter 2

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Loki's POV

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a rumbling storm, a dark cloud with a face, a roaming giant. Alioth. I sighed, as if it was the millionth time I was doing this, and got up on my feet. It noticed me and moved towards me at a rapid pace, while I started running away from it. Luckily, not much time after I arrived in The Void, a weird, orange-looking man landed there too, screaming that his Nexus Event was fake news, loudly and reapeatedly, causing Alioth to lose interest in me.
I had to find the other Loki's, who should still be wandering these grounds without being influenced by today's changes. Speaking of which, today had been a long day and I was tired, so I had to find a place to rest. Luckily, there was this old, empty bus in the middle of a field, probably an old school bus. I entered and walked to the back, where I laid down on the worn out, blue seats.

I thought of Sylvie, of her golden hair and her sneaky facial expression. Her sparkling eyes and sweet smile. Theoretically, I was falling in love with myself, but it didn't feel that way. I mean, I love myself, how could I not? But, she's different, somehow. Different from all the other Loki's here in The Void. I could easily recognize myself in them. But she? No. I mean, you can be the same person, with the same DNA, but DNA is not the only thing that defines you as a person. It plays a big part in it, yes, but it's not all that you are. She went through wholly different experiences, she had an entirely different life than I had, she is a completely different person than me. We're different flowers, planted in the same soil.
She did betray me, though, which did hurt me, but I am just too eager to get back to her. She's too special to let go. I have no idea why I am doing this, I feel like it's absolutely pathetic, but it just feels right.

I woke up because of a ticking sound near me. I got up carefully, and noticed quickly that they were stones being thrown on the window of the bus I was sleeping in. Without even caring who might be throwing them, I walked to the doors of the bus and basically shouted: "Who on earth has the audacity to disturb me in my sleep?" "We found you here about 3 hours ago, and we were starting to get bored, since we didn't want to wake you up", Boastful Loki answered, accompanied by Kid Loki, who was holding the alligator in his arms. To my surprise, President Loki was there, too. As soon as Kid saw my confused expression, he explained: "When Classic Loki died, and we told them the whole story of your adventures in The Void, we realized we're much stronger if we work together and therefore have a bigger chance on survival." I recognized those words, since I said them myself when I saw the incredible magic of Classic Loki. I was glad his sacrifice did good. "I see, wise choice", I answered. "But, we do need to hear how you ended up here again", he continued. "Well..."

I told them the whole story. About how Sylvie and I enchanted Alioth and entered a mysterious castle. About how we met a man with an incredible story, who later appeared to be Kang the Conqueror. About how we had the chance to keep the sacred timeline without chaos. But mainly about how Sylvie's desire for vengeance was too big in order not to kill him. 
They sat there, by the old yellow bus, listening to the whole story. "So why did you return if you had the choice to go back home and have free will", the Kid asked, genuinely interested. "Because of the girl", President Loki answered, without having to wait for my answer. I looked down, feeling scared of how they might react to the fact that a Loki is being so foolish to sacrifice everything for a girl. Their remarks didn't come, though. There was just complete silence, with sad- looking faces. It occurred to me that, Lokis are lonely people and that having someone you care for, is something they want more than they despise. "So, how do we get her back?"

"Sylvie and I enchanted Alioth, right? I couldn't enchant before, but since we're the same person, if one of us can do it, we are all capable of doing it. I suggest we enchant it together, so that I can enter the castle and take her with me", I said with my arms wide open, sparkling enthusiasm. "Up untill the point where you're convinced you can just walk in and walk out, it's a good plan." My confident pose weakened a bit, but not much: "There is no way I could possibly prepare myself for what's inside. We don't know how many Kangs there are, where Sylvie is, what is going on in there. Hell, for all we know that castle could even not exist anymore", I put on more of a thinking face, "And we will never know what is waiting for me out there, but all I can do is just Loki my way out of things. It's honestly our best shot." The others  agreed, mainly because nobody had a better option and because I can always Loki myself out of trouble.

That evening, we were back in the Loki shelter, trying to get some sleep. We had trained a bit on enchantment, mostly on animals that were running around The Void. We were getting the hang of it rapidly, to be honest. Furthermore, we killed the animals afterwards, cooked them, and ate dinner here. It was actually quite nice, to be honest. "Why her", President Loki asked out of nowhere. "That's not an easy question", I started, "but, if you really want to know, I think it's just because we share the same DNA that we fit together. We understand each other perfectly, we get why we do what we do, we have the same interests and the same humour. But, she's still an entirely different person with a different story and different motivation. Not to forget, she's also charming and beautiful." Again, there was a silence. Not an uncomfortable one, though. They were just processing the information and thinking about it. "But it isn't mutual, is it?", Kid Loki asked carefully. I answered immediatly: "We kissed, so I'd expect it is." "YOU WHAT", everyone shouted in surprise. "Well, yes, after I tried to stop her from killing Kang, I had a brief monologue in which I told her I knew what she was going through, and I wanted her to be okay, then she kissed me, told me she wasn't the same person, and used a Time Door to kick me out." They looked at me confused. "You told us you kicked her ass, but she managed to open a time door and pushed you in when you thought she was unconscious." "Heh, well, it happened slightly different", I answered with a small smile. Again, there was a comfortable silence. "We're going to get you to her, I promise", Kid Loki said. "Thank you", I answered quietly, not being used to feel those words roll over my lips.

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