Chapter 3

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Loki's POV

It had been two days since I arrived here in The Void, two days of trying to master the art of enchanting, and now Alligator Loki, Boastful Loki, Kid Loki, President Loki and Superior Loki (aka me) were walking towards an angry cloud, Alioth. Although the past few days had been fun, no one was talking now, no one was laughing. It was just a silence, an uncomfortable, sad silence.

The sky was getting darker and a distant rumbling dominated the sounds of animals. In order to have the best chance on a successful outcome, we decided to imitate the previous events. One person would distract, while the others enchant Alioth. To everyone's surprise, it was President Loki who offered to distract the angry cloud, even though he knew that it could lead to his death. Miracles do happen, I suppose. He had already taken another path, so that the giant wouldn't notice him before he'd draw all the attention to him, and we had an easier job doing the enchantment.

We were alarmingly close to Alioth now, but we kept on following the imaginary path through the colourless field ahead of us. When it noticed us, we stopped walking and let the roaming giant darken the sky above us. I looked at Boasted Loki, who stood next to me, and noticed his worried expression. "It'll be okay", I assured him. I took his and Kid Loki's hand, who was holding Alligator Loki, when darkness got a hold on our limbs. The fiery skull of an animal, that was surrounded by that same darkness, approached us. "Where is the distraction", Kid Loki screamed, due to the rumbling giant. "President should've done it by now", Boastful Loki answered worried. The face was coming too close by now, the darkness was becoming too overwhelming. Someone had to take action. Right now. "Cover me", I shouted as I let go of Boastful Loki's hand and ran away from the group. I saw how Alligator Loki was swallowed by Alioth, which had an empowering effect on the two others, causing them to fight back harder. Kid Loki's eyes, filled with tears, met mine one last time, as he nodded to wish me luck.

I was alone now. Running away from the very people I had spent the last days training with to master enchantment. Right now, I had to do it all alone. As the darkness got a hold of me, I closed my eyes and started to enchant. It was difficult, not only because it was an enormous, strong giant, but also because the darkness was so overwhelming and therefore, it was almost impossible to mentally get a hold of its mind. My magic grew weaker and weaker, and when I opened my eyes, I saw that there was barely any green floating around me. The pressure grew, the darkness flourished. I tried to close my eyes and focus, but I was unsuccessful. It was getting harder to breathe, I could feel nothing but compressed smoke, I saw nothing but black. A scream escaped my mouth, as I spread my arms. The green light intensified. I focused as hard as I could. I dug in my body, in my mind, looking for every piece of magic, looking for every piece of force.

We are not doing 'get help'. I have to get off this planet. Well done, you've just decapitated your grandfather. I've never met this man in my life. Your saviour is here! I didn't do it for him. Kneel! You had one job. Surprise.

I opened my eyes, empowered by old memories, and saw green light all around me. It was working, but this was not enough. I closed my eyes once again, muscles tightened up, arms spread, teeth bared.

I thought perhaps we could work together? Which one was that, diplomacy or--. Is she alive? Love is a dagger. She's the only one I do trust. It's a blanket. You go, I go. I just want you to be okay. But I'm not you.

My muscles relaxed, I was relieved from the pressure on my chest, the darkness had faded. I landed on my knees, feeling absolutely drained. Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw a black, marble castle ahead of me. I laughed and got up my feet. "Stronger than we realize", I whispered to myself, while making my way towards the castle. Towards Sylvie.

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