"Come on let's get you to hospital"I said Lucy looked at me nodding
"I need clean clothes"she said gesturing to her soaked clothes poor soul I though
I got her some clean clothes for her she could barely move as it is
I helped her into her new clothes and underwear We both didn't mind that Lucy was naked infront of her mother in law since there's a bigger issue to worry about

"Come on now"I smiled helping her out the room Alex immediately ran up to the other side of Lucy holding her so she could move
David had her bag and the car keys in hand
"Let's go"David said

Me and Alex got Lucy into the car Alex sat beside her in the back hugging her whispering in her eye telling her everything will be alright
I felt so proud of them both to think they were only little kids running around without a care in the world to now about to have a baby

(Alex's POV)
Lucy was slightly shaking with the pain of the contractions I felt bad for her I mean after all it's my fault she's in this pain
"It's alright babeh soon it will beh over and we'll have our little famileh"i mumbled into her hair
"Alex it's fucking sore"she sobbed
"Remember it's us three against grey world"I smiled Lucy gave me a weak smile
"I love you Alex"she smiled I gave her a quick kiss that was broken by another contraction

"Soon it's all beh over I promise"I sighed
I saw my mum watching us from the rear view mirror
"I'm so proud of you both"she smiled I gave her a small smile

Soon enough we made it to the hospital Lucy's contractions came more frequently and again I began to panic I know I really shouldn't but I mean my girlfriend is in agony and she's about to have my baby How could I not

Me and my dad helped Lucy into the hospital little did we know we where at the wrong part of the hospital we were at the A&E instead of the maternity part

We all made our way to the reception Lucy was in a state her cheeks stained with tears her hair was everywhere she was sweating like a pig but to me she was still beautiful

"Hello what's the name"the receptionist asked my mother
"Lucy handen"my mother answered the receptionist started typing on the computer
"And what's miss handens problem"the receptionist asked I looked at her in disbelief yeah I know we're in the wrong bit come on it's fucking obvious

"A fucking asthma attack what does it look like I'm in labour"Lucy snapped another contraction happened
I couldn't help but smile at her sarcasm
"I'm sorry miss handen we'll get a chair and wheel your to the labour ward"the receptionist smiled

(Lucy's POV)
I immediately felt bad for being mean to the receptionist I shouldn't been that mean I mean she asked an obvious question but I know it's her job

I was wheeled to the labour ward with Alex David and penny following behind once of the nurses pushing me
Finally we got to the ward they pushed me into a room everyone tried to come in before i entered until a nurse at stopped them
"Hold on only one"she said I looked up at her
"Alex I want Alex"I asked
"Is he dad"the nurse asked I nodded Alex then came into the room with us penny and David waited outside

I had been assisted into a hospital gown with nothing on underneath I found out I'm around 7 centimetres dilated already
I was now on the hospital bed I've got an epidural and gas and air the pain was still there Alex sat beside me holding my hand never leaving my side

After about an hour or two on more contractions the nurse said it was time to push the pain was more worse than before
"Push"the nurse said I squeezed the life out of Alex's hand Alex's let out a groan in pain
"It's alright babeh"Alex tried to comfort me
"Alex I'm gunna kill you I'm in pain"I groaned I obviously didn't mean it at all
"I'm sorry I love you"I said

"Your doing great Lucy just one more push"the nurse called I pushed to hear a cry a baby's cry
My baby's cry
I instantly started to cry the nurse handed me my baby she was beautiful despite all the junk on her she was perfect she had Alex's nose my lips and Alex's eyes she was basically a baby girl version of Alex

I looked at my daughter with the widest smile on my face Alex leaned down to get a closer look at our baby
I looked up at Alex with love
"Weh did it"he smiled at me he pecked my lips
"She's beautiful"I smiled Alex nodded in agreement
"Shehs absoluteleh stunnin"he chuckled softly

After about ten minutes of admiring our baby girl the nurse asked for Alex to wash her and cut the umbilical cord Alex grabbed a babygrow and a hat and mittens for her
I watched in awe looking at my boyfriend and daughter until I felt my eyes shut

I woke up exhausted childbirth is shattering honestly but it's well worth it I was in a different room assuming I'm in the room with the rest of the other woman who gave birth
I began to sit up slightly to see Alex sitting on a chair at the side of the bed shirtless with our daughter who was only in a nappy
"What time is it"I yawned
"Around 4 in the morning"Alex chuckled

"Why are you shirtless"I asked not that I mind
"Skin on skin contact help yeh and the babeh have a better bond"Alex giggled I let out a chuckle
"Alex go home and get some sleep"I said Alex placed the baby into the plastic cot they provided

"No waeh I'm not leaving"Alex protested sitting back on the chair
"I could be here for days"I replied folding my arms
"Then I guess I'll beh here for a few daehs then"Alex smirked

Me,you and the little one (Alex Turner fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now