Chapter 11

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I smile to myself remembering how Jungkook shoved the food down. He looks so cute and angelic unlike how he acts in real life. Soon my smile turns into a frown as I remember what had happened last night.
As soon as I finished doing the dishes, my phone rang. It was Jungkook what a surprise!! It's my first time getting a call from him. I picked up before it went to a missed call


Y/n: "H-hello"

Jungkook: "What took you so long to answer this damn call!"

Y/n: "I-I was doin-"

Jungkook: "Shut up with your lame excuses. Now listen up!! Get ready I'll pick you up by 6 pm".

Y/n: " W-Where are we going?"

He hung up. "Let's choose an outfit" I tried to cheer up myself as I walk towards my closet fighting my tears away. What should I wear that jerk didn't even tell me what occasion or where we are going. Hmm black will be fine, I know he'll wear black so I'll match with him.

It's already 3:24 pm, I should start getting ready. Let go take shower!!!


Shit!! It's already 5:49 pm I'm late!
I rush to my car start the engine and drove back home. Actually, Hyungs wanted to have dinner and told me to bring Y/n along, seems like they love her more than me.
I reach home and walk towards my room took shower and got ready.

"Y/N!!! ARE YOU COMING OR NOT!!" I yelled and she ran out with a small "C-coming"

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"Y/N!!! ARE YOU COMING OR NOT!!" I yelled and she ran out with a small "C-coming".
Wow, she's... She's beautiful!

 She's beautiful!

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That's my girl!! Wait wtf is wrong with me

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That's my girl!! Wait wtf is wrong with me. " Get in" was all I said to her.

We reach Seokjin's place, that's where we are going to have dinner. Everyone greeted Y/n with smiles laughter and hugs which I hate. I know I sound so childish but they are my hyungs the should prefer me over her.

Jin hyung's food is delicious as always, everyone enjoyed it. After dinner, we sit in the garden chatting about random things but Yoongi hyung seems to avoid me for some reason. "Hyung you okay?" I asked him grabbing everyone's attention. He looked up looking around and stop his gaze to somewhere else as he answered "umm.. I'm okay". As I follow his gaze he was staring at Y/n, I clearly remember what they talk about in front of my house that day. Even though I don't know what exactly is going on between them but I fu*kin hate it.
" Y/n follow me!" I said in a stern voice hinting that I'm annoyed and started walking inside Jin's house. "Stay here!" It was Yoongi's voice, as I turn around, I saw Yoongi hyung stopping Y/n by grabbing her wrist.
"What the fu*k hyung! I'm just calling my wife to talk about something, is there any problem with you?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows cockily.
Soon a punch landed on my face "You are so dead Kook" Yoongi spat, he punches my face again "What do you think of yourself huh" again he punch "You can't toy her you jerk" everyone tried to stop us Namjoon and Hoseok pull away Yoongi hyung from me. I just need to get out of here. I stomp out from there "Jungkookah~" Jimin stop me from getting inside my car "Are you okay? Omg you're bleeding" as always Jimin hyung looks at me full of worries. "Jungkook takes her with you" Taehyung said guiding Y/n towards my car.


I breathe heavily trying to break free from Hoseok and Namjoon's grip. "Hyung what's wrong with you" Hoseok said struggling. "Hya Yoongiya! Why did you hit Jungkook?" Jin hyung asked making me stop what I was doing. "I can't DAMN!! I can't let her suffer anymore" I shouted angrily I can't control myself, anger took control of me. " What do you mean by that Hyung?" Jimin asks entering with Taehyung. A Pang of regret hit my heart realizing the scene that I've caused "W-what have I done" I flop myself on the ground murmuring to myself.
Hoseok hug me slowly patting my back "It's okay hyung you must have a reason. We are all ready to listen to you". I regain my posture and told everything about Y/n and how Jungkook behaves with her. Everyone's expression changed "How cruel of me to think that she annoys Jungkook when in fact she's the one suffering" Jin murmur in a sorrowful voice.


Should I make a happy ending for Jungkook Or Yoongi??

Regrets (Jungkook X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt