BITE...!!!!! oh f**k

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Jenny's POV

We are heading back to cabin. It is just a 10 mins walk. I am still shaken. I was about fell down from a cliff. I could not even imagine myself with all my bones intact if Ethan were not around. He saved me but I did not say a simple thank you. How stupid of me.

But I was so shocked with our proximity. I did not do it intentionally, but I felt his muscular body against me. And I swear I felt something poking me. He shifts almost immediately but I am very much sure he had a boner. Do I have an effect on him... does he still likes me...arrhh...Why am I even thinking about it. I should not. It is not good for my heart, Ethan is not good for my heart.

"What are you thinking?" Ethan asked

" is just that Lily told us that sunset seem out of the world from up there and I was looking forward to it, but now I missed it."

"Hmm. you want to grab lunch. Now it just two of us. They will come back by 6, I think."

"Yeah sure."


"Yeah Chinese sounds good."


The moment we reached at cabin I told Ethan that I am going to clean-up and change. I came back after 20 mins. Food was already delivered. Ethan was setting the table. I grab 2 soda from fridge. It is weird having lunch with him. I mean it is just two of us. Apart from office, we were never alone. Only once actually, 7 years back he tricked me to be alone with him once....when he said he liked me and me being a stupid... fell for his charm and trusted him.

Don't go there...don't think about it Jenny.

I felt eyes on me and realized that Ethan is looking at me intently. I have decided not to notice, finish my meal and avoid him till evening. It's easy... right...??

I am telling you ... I tried .... I tried a lot to not to pay any attention to his heating gaze on me. But I made a mistake to look at him... he smiled and asked me if I want to watch movie with him and without thinking, I nodded.

Holy shit... I agreed to be with him all alone. I can't back out now. I don't want him to think that he has an effect on me.

There is no need to worry. He is not going to eat me up....I told myself 

but he was about to kiss you ... I saw that in his eyes. And suddenly there is a giddy feeling in my heart. How am I going to survive these few hours alone with him.

Follow the same plan which you have, to avoid him for another couple of heart mocks me. I can't believe myself.... I am in argument with my heart right now. Ethan fucking carter fucking Enderson is making me crazy.

"What you would like to watch ....... comedy, action, fiction or romance."

None of that I told to myself.




"Okay... horror it is."

Ethan's POV

She picked horror. Out of all unlimited options.... Horror. Don't get me wrong... I am not afraid of ghost or something... but I don't like horror movies. 

Ok...let me rephrase... I am afraid of watching horror movies.... there... I admit it...happy

To my utter disappointment she chooses to watch Annabelle.... And believe me it's scaring the shit out of me. We are sitting on couch and there is a gap between 2 of us. How I wish, I can get close to her. I excused myself and told her that I will get some popcorn and soda. When I  came back, I saw that Jenny was closing and shutting her eyes while watching movie..

So, she is scared too......The moment she sensed my presence her expression changed. She put her brave expression on, but eyes are still showing fear.... I mentally chuckled on her tactics.

I took near her so that we can share popcorn. I was concentrating on her and popcorn to save myself from Annabelle. There was a dangerously scaring scene playing on a screen and she scooted a little towards me.

Finally, a benefit of watching scary movie. I turned my face towards a scene playing in front of us and saw a ghost; we both screamed at the same time and she clutches my arm. I jumped a little and popcorns are all over us.

"Why did you scream".... She asked

"I got scared."

"You got scared...??? Really."

" got scared too....don't lie" i almost yelled

"Yeah......We...we can watch something else you know. It is way too scary for me too."

"Okay.... "I smirked.... "You can leave my arm if you want Jenny. I know I am handsome and you can't keep your hands off me but you are kind of poking my arm with your talon."

"Shut up ..."she said angrily and smacked my arm ..... I laughed as she pouted her gullible

It is too good to be around her. We started watching another movie...of course of her choice...Avengers – End Game... it is my favorite too. 

I was engrossed in movie and I heard her soft snoring. Trust me...she can sleep anywhere, anytime. She is looking so cute...I scoot near her and put her head on my shoulder.

Yup....pervert...but I am not gonna let go this chance to be close to her. She snuggle a little and her head is now on crook of my neck and her palm is against my chest...OH MY GOD. I can feel her breath on my neck...everything in my body is responding to her touch.

Can you understand the can't... need to corrupt you mind to understand that feeling.

I was admiring her features...her beautiful, sculptured face, her closed lotus leaf shaped eyelids, her pink lips and apple cheeks... so cute and hot at the same times. Her pink apple cheeks are so inviting....I was lost in admiring her and I did what I should not.....











Oh fuck....she is moving...I am so dead....


Sorry for a late update. I was not well. Please vote, comment and share your feedback.

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