Fish on land

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He sat there in the office, the social worker lady standing in front of him. "Mr.Simon said you weren't doing what you were told" She said, kneeling down to look him in the face. "Is that true?" Little Tommy stared at her, tears streaming down his face. He didn't say anything. The social worker sighed and stood again, picking up her phone that was on her desk and calling someone. She talked about him, even as she stepped out into the hall.

When she came back in, she told him to pack and that he would be leaving again. She said there were other arrangements made for him. Whatever that meant. He had no idea where he was going, even when she had put him in the car and drove for a few hours.

They got to a big house, a man sitting on the porch with a girl who gave Tommy a glare through the window and ran inside. "Hello!" The man said, standing and walking down the steps and to the car. "I hope there was no trouble coming down here?" The social worker shook her head and smiled.

"Not at all!" She said, though she had complained the whole time the drove. She got out of the car. "Are you sure about taking Tommy? He's kind of...iffy" Tommy gave her a glare and got out of the car as well. The man nodded.

"Of course!" He said, nodding to Tommy. "You can go inside while I talk to Mrs.Claire here, okay? The other kids are really excited to meet you!" Tommy just nodded and walked up the stairs to the porch, pushing the screen door open and walking inside. The girl he had seen seemed to pop out of nowhere as he turned the corner. She still glared at him.

"What are you doing?" She asked, looking Tommy up and down. "I don't like you"

"You don't have to like me." Tommy said, annoyed. "Go away"

"This is my house. I cant go away" She said, crossing her arms and stomping her foot down. "This is our house. You're not allowed here."

"Sure I am, that guy said I could come in here" Tommy reasoned. The girl rolled her eyes and kicked him, not enough to hurt but his bruises definitely didn't appreciate it.

"Go away. No one wants you here" She said and Tommy frowned.

"That guy does" He said and she stuck her tongue out.

"He's doing it for money" She said and Tommy opened his mouth to protest but she continued. "That's why I'm here- That's why the others are here. He doesn't want you. That lady is paying him to take you." Tommy settled into silence, the girl turning and leaving him there in the hall.


"Toms?" Tommy jolted awake, looking around. Wilbur stood above him, frowning.

"Don't call me that" Tommy breathed out, shivering.

"Sorry..." Wilbur said quietly, studying him with concern. "Are you okay?" Tommy sat up.

"Where did Techno go?" He asked, avoiding Wilbur's question.

"He's downstairs with my friends- You fell asleep on him" Wilbur said with a smile. "I came to check on you"

"I don't need to be checked on," Tommy said but there was no real bite in it. Wilbur still looked concerned.

"Do you want to come down stairs? Get something to eat? We had dinner already- Tech said to let you sleep" Wilbur asked. Tommy's stomach growled and Wilbur gave him a hint of a smile. Tommy guessed a bit of food wouldn't hurt, it had been a few days. "Come on" Tommy just nodded and got up, following Wilbur downstairs.

People were still over. He could hear two girls talking to Eret, and Techno with Phil in another room. He walked into the living room with Wilbur, Tommy eyeing the girls with caution.

"Oh, Wilbur!" One of the girls said, her eyes locked on Tommy. "He's adorable!" Tommy watched as she got up, her salmon pink hair spilling down her shoulders like water. It was too late when Tommy realized the girl had gotten up to hug him, Tommy frozen with uncertainty and panic. Why the fuck was this woman touching him- He didn't even know her.

"Sally- Ease off of him" Eret said from the couch, chuckling. His sunglasses were off, his eyes a very pale color. Eret caught his eye and looked at him, concerned as Sally pulled away, hands on his shoulders.

"Shush, Eret-" She said, practically fawning over Tommy. "Oh my gosh- You look almost like Phil- You're so cute." The other girl on the couch giggled. Tommy glanced at Wilbur, eyes widened a bit. Wilbur glanced at Tommy with a smile but it faltered when he saw Tommy's face.

"Sally, leave him be for now," Wilbur said with a grin, Sally pouting but letting go of Tommy. Wilbur nodded to Tommy. "There's dinner in the fridge, I can heat it up for you if you want" Tommy watched Sally run back to the couch and plop down next to the other girl and Eret, the three of them laughing about something.

"Okay" Tommy said, letting Wilbur lead him off to the kitchen.

"Tommy" Tommy looked up, Techno waving from the kitchen table. Phil smiled at him.

"Hey mate" Phil said. "How was school? Sorry I couldn't pick you up"

"It was fine," Tommy said, sitting at the table next to Techno. Tommy flinched as Wilbur slammed the door to the fridge closed, looking back at him.

"Jeez- Wilbur, mate- Be nice to the fridge" Phil said and Wilbur laughed. Tommy gave a small sigh and crossed his arms on the table, resting his head on them as he listened to everyone talk above him. He felt Techno put a hand on his back just as someone put a plate in front of his face. He poked his head up and looked at the food. Pizza. He frowned, when was the last time he had pizza? He couldn't remember.

"Tommy?" Tommy looked up as Phil called his name. "Are you alright with that? I can get you something else if you don't like it-"

"No" Tommy said quickly. "I like pizza- I think"

"You think?" Wilbur said, sitting next to him with his own pizza. Tommy shrugged.

"It's been a while" He said and Wilbur nodded. Tommy picked up a slice and took a bite, his eyes lit up. It had been a long while since he had decent pizza- or pizza at all. He ate slowly, making sure he wouldn't forget what it tasted like in case he never had it again. He felt Techno's eyes on him but ignored it. He got half way through the second slice before his stomach couldn't handle more and he put the slice down, Wilbur giving him an odd look.

"WILBUR!" Eret yelled from the other room, laughing erupting from the living room. Wilbur rolled his eyes and got up, walking into the living room and joining in on whatever shenanigans were going on.

"You done?" Techno asked Tommy quietly. Tommy looked at him and nodded, Techno taking his pizza and standing up. Techno took the paper plate with the pizza on it and threw it away. "You can pack some pizza for lunch tomorrow if you want- Wilbur ordered one too many pizzas."

"Yeah- With my credit card. The little shit thinks I'm made of money" Phil said, but sounded more amused at the situation than annoyed. Phil took out his phone, yawning. "Oh- Jeez- It's already that late?" Techno raised an eyebrow.

"What time is it?"

"It's already quarter of twelve-" Phil said, pointing at Techno and Tommy. "Both of you to bed, I'm going to get Wilbur and his friends situated." Techno nodded and Tommy got up, following Techno upstairs.
"I'll be in my room," Techno said, glancing at Tommy. "If you need anything" Tommy nodded, watching Techno go into his room. Tommy walked into his own room, sighing as he caught sight of his school bag. He wasn't looking forward to tomorrow. His day wasn't bad but it wasn't particularly good either, Sam was nice- Dream and his friends were weird. He hoped tomorrow him and Sam could hang out without Dream interrupting. Sam was cool.

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