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This was so bad.

Someone shook him awake, Tommy flinching away from them as he opened his eyes. He hissed as the sunlight from his window stung his eyes. "Don't touch me," Tommy growled groggily.

"Come on, Tommy. Up!" Tommy looked up at Wilbur who was shaking him awake. "Phil made waffles" Tommy groaned at the thought of food.

"And?" Tommy said, annoyed.

"Just get up! We're going to the store and getting out new clothes and stuff for your room after we eat" Wilbur said, sitting on the ground beside him. The ground- How did he get there? "What are you doing on the ground-"

"Nothing, bitch ." Tommy snapped, annoyed. He sat up and gathered the quilt that had fallen off the bed with him. He stood and threw it on his bed and yawned, Wilbur standing up as well and walking to the door. He must have fallen off the bed in his sleep during a nightmare or something, he sighed as he watched Wilbur run off down the hall.

"See you downstairs!" Wilbur called as he walked down the hall.

Tommy glared at the door and sighed. He looked around and saw a clock on the wall that said 8:00 am. "Wha- Who the fuck gets up at eight in the morning?" He grumbled to himself, grabbing his bag and fishing out clothes. He got dressed and plopped down on his bed, staring at the wall for a moment until he woke up more. He sighed and got up, walking into the hall. He almost gagged at the sickeningly sweet smell of syrup.

He walked down the stairs, peeking into the kitchen where Phil was leaning on the counter. Phil looked up and smiled as he saw Tommy. "Hey Tommy," He said. Tommy yawned. "Did Will wake you? I told him to let you sleep in, sorry about that mate" Tommy just shrugged and looked into the dining room to see Wilbur in a headlock but Techno was eating his waffles peacefully.

Tommy stared at them, confused by the chaos. Phill laughed from behind him, "They're pretty crazy sometimes" Tommy laughed a bit and Techno looked up, nodding to Tommy and letting Wilbur go.

Wilbur gasped dramatically, "You almost killed me, Techno-" Techno shrugged and Wilbur flipped him off. "What the fuck"

Tommy laughed, Wilbur looking offended. "The gremlin thinks it was funny- suck it up Will" Techno mumbled through a mouthful of waffle. Techno glanced up at Tommy and nodded to a seat next to him with a plate of waffles on the table in front of it.

"Phillllllllll" Wilbur said with a grin. "Tell Techno to stop being a bitch"

"Techno stop being a-" Phil cut himself off. "Stop being annoying" There was a moment of silence then Wilbur and Tommy started laughing, Techno looking more annoyed than anything.

Tommy plopped down in his seat, still giggling. Wilbur eventually sat next to him and finished his food, Techno talking to Tommy about Anarchy. Phil joined them a few moments later with his breakfast and chatted with his sons, Tommy laughing along.

"Not hungry, Tommy?" Phil said, looking at him nodding towards Tommy's untouched food. Tommy paused, looking at his food.

"Oh- We-" Tommy was cut off, Techno shoving a fork in his face. "Uh- Rude?"

"You didn't eat last night, eat," Techno said, narrowing his eyes at him. Tommy glared, Phil raising an eyebrow.

"Techno, get that fork out of his face- And Tommy, eat three bites at least," Phil said as if he had to do this before. "Betty said you-"

"Betty's a bitch." Tommy grumbled.

"Tommy, that's very rude," Phil said, Tommy rolling his eyes. Phil sighed and ate his waffles, glancing at Wilbur who looked like he was trying so hard not to laugh.

Tommy stared at his waffles for a good two minutes before finally shoving a bite in his mouth, forcing himself to swallow it. Phil glanced at him, seeming somewhat proud. Tommy ignored him and quickly ate two more bites and sat back in his seat, glaring at his food.

Wilbur stared at Tommy's waffles, having finished his. Tommy looked at him and Wilbur stared back, them having a silent staring contest until Tommy silently slid the waffles over. Wilbur smiled and happily ate the rest of Tommy's waffles.

Phil watched them and smiled a bit. "You two are acting like you've known each other forever"

"Yeah what the heck guys, where's my brother arc?" Techno asked, sliding his plate of almost finished waffles over to Wilbur.

"Aw you can be my brother too, Tech," Wilbur said with a grin.

"Just because of the waffles?

"Yes," Wilbur said matter of factly, and Techno faked an overly dramatic gasp.

"Ouch," He said and Tommy chuckled, his head on his palm as he started to zone out and ignore his housemates. Tommy was suddenly aware of how tired he was and yawned, letting his eyes shut for a moment. He hadn't got good sleep the night before, a minute of rest wouldn't kill him.

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