Mall shinanigens

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Tommy stared at the door up the steps, the cement floor cold as he shivered in his thin clothes. The man that was fostering him stared down at him, looking quite angry. "Well?" The man said, Tommy flinched. The man scoffed and turned the light in the basement off, the switch clicking and the single lightbulb going off leaving Tommy in the dark. "I will not keep something so pathetic." The man slammed the door, ignoring Tommy's pleads for freedom from the cold basement.


Tommy jolted upright so fast that he fell out of the chair he was in, curling in on himself on the floor as the chair crashed to the ground next to him. "Tommy?" Someone called from somewhere in another room. Tommy quickly got up, panicking over his dream still as he picked up the chair and set it right side up. He turned around as Phil stopped in the doorway. "You alright, mate?"

Tommy nodded, trying to calm himself down enough to stop shaking. "Y-Yeah- Yeah I'm fine," Tommy said, trying his best to smile like normal. "Sorry about your chair, Sir- um- Phil. I knocked it over"

Phil frowned, "It's fine," He said, looking worried. "You sure you're alright? You're shaking" Phil made his way over to Tommy, slowly as if he were a cornered animal. Phil stopped, about to say something else but Tommy flinched.

"I'm good," Tommy said quickly, looking down as he walked around Phil. "Sorry I fell asleep, are we still going to the store or did I fuck up your plans?" Tommy turned to look at Phil, keeping his distance. He still felt shaky from his dream, he had it before but it still scared him.

"If you want to go, we can stay here if you want to rest," Phil said with a small smile. "I let you sleep, I figured you were tired. You look like you barely got any sleep last night"

Tommy gave a nervous laugh, "Yeah- I didn't really sleep at all" He said and looked down, his smile wavering.

"Hey, you know you can talk to me if something is bothering you, right?" Phil asked him softly and Tommy forced himself to nod and smile.

"Yeah- I know" Tommy said and looked up. "Can we go get some stuff for my room now?" Tommy didn't actually want to go anywhere, but it was a good distraction rather than talking about his feelings. Who wants to do that anyway? Phil smiled.

"Sure, bud" Phil said, "Do you want the boys to come with us too?" Tommy nodded, the more chaos, the less they would pay attention to him.

Ten minutes later they were in the car, Wilbur and Techno already fighting. Techno was in the passenger seat, arguing about how Wilbur had a shit music taste despite him being a musician. "Excuse you! 'Hayloft' is a wonderful song." Wilbur said and Phil agreed.

"Bullshit," Techno said, Wilbur gasping in offence. "Your music taste is shit, it's just your own songs or Mother Mother"

"Mother Mother isn't even that bad, Tech" Phil said from the driver's seat.

"What's Mother Mother?" Tommy asked. Wilbur froze next to him, slowly looking at Tommy.

" Excuse me ?" Wilbur said and Tommy stiffened, leaning away. "How- Phil turn on Ghosting-" Phil laughed, turning on the song and Wilbur smiling as it started playing. Tommy quite liked the song and with Wilbur quietly singing along with the song next to him, it sounded pretty good. Tommy leaned his head on the window and stared outside as Wilbur sang along to Mother Mother songs, raving about how good it was. Tommy closed his eyes, the sound of the tires on the pavement outside and the people inside lulling him to sleep again.

"Tommy" Tommy yawned and blinked, looking around. Wilbur was shaking him lightly. "You good?" Wilbur said softly. Tommy stared at Wilbur for a long moment, gathering his scattered thoughts.

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