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Tommy yawned, grinning as Phil told a story. They both were on Tommy's bed, abandoning the task of organizing school stuff and settled for telling random stories to each other. Phil had seen one of Tommy's notebooks, it being full of fantasy stories, and Phil connected with him immediately, telling him about his own stories about adventures and survival.

"Then he died by a baby zombie, kind of anticlimactic but" Phil just shrugged, smiling. "People seemed to like it either way"  Tommy closed the notebook that he had in his lap, full of his own writing from when he created his own escape from particularly bad foster homes. It wasn't very good writing, definitely not as good as Phil's survival novels. But it was a good way to have something permanent to come back to, he thought.

Tommy was jolted out of his thoughts as he heard a commotion from downstairs, hearing it from the cracked open door. He set his notebook down on the bed and stood. He was silent as he listened, Phil watching him with confusion.

"Um- Mate-" Phil started but Tommy quickly shushed him, listening. There was a few moments of silence then there was a yell from downstairs.

"Phiiiiiiiil" It was Techno. "Will is trying to burn down the house-"

"Will you shut the fuck up Techno!?" Wilbur sounded slightly panicked. "Don't worry dad! It's only light arson-"

Phil sighed, chuckling as he stood and walked to the door. He gave Tommy a smile, "This is why we don't let Wil cook dinner" He said and Tommy grinned, walking with Phil to the stairs. "I swear this happens every week- But we haven't called the fire department yet"

"Keyword is yet, " Techno said from the bottom of the stairs. "We should have 911 on speed dial just in case" Tommy laughed, walking down the stairs ahead of Phil.

"What is he trying to make?" Tommy asked, peeking into the kitchen from the banister. "It just smells burnt."

"No idea," Techno said. "Just looks like burnt food" Tommy gave another laugh, Techno walking into the kitchen and Tommy following.

"What the fuck" Tommy said, laughing at Wilbur, who dumped cold water over a burning pan. "What th- Wah- hAh- '' Tommy barely made out words as he laughed loudly, Techno chuckling along.

"Calm down you gremlin, I was making quesadillas," Wilbur said, watching Tommy deflate like a balloon. "Jesus christ-"

"Breathe, child" Techno grumbled as Tommy doubled over with laughter, gasping for air in between.

"Wilbur" Phil said, standing in the doorway behind Tommy. Tommy suddenly went silent at Phil's stern tone, standing straight and glancing behind him and shuffling aside. "Please stop trying to burn down my kitchen" Phil smiled as his stern voice vanished, walking over to Wilbur and shooing him away from the stove.

Techno bumped his shoulder against Tommy's, making the younger flinch away. "Sorry-" Tommy said quickly.

"Why are you sorry, you did nothing wrong," Techno said. "How's your arm?" Tommy blinked at him and looked down at his bandaged arm.

"It's fine," Tommy said with a shrug. "Doesn't hurt all that much anymore" Techno gave a nod, looking a bit suspicious but seemed to let it go.

"Good," He said, "I'm going upstairs, let me know if it gets any worse than that ''Tommy nodded and watched him walk away.

"Wait-" Tommy said and Techno stopped, looking at Tommy. "Um- Can I come with you..?" Tommy asked, shifting awkwardly. He didn't feel like being alone at the moment, memories of old houses working their way into his mind.

Techno stared at him for a long moment before nodding. "Sure," He said and went upstairs, Tommy following him silently.

Techno's room was clean. There was a neat desk in the corner, one wall lined with bookshelves, and a closet that had clothes hanging in them. The only thing that wasn't as neat as the rest of the room was the bed, blankets messy with the plushie that Tommy got for Techno on top. Tommy smiled a bit, watching Techno grab the plush and sit at his desk. Tommy sat on the bed, his back against the wall as he watched Techno open his laptop and start typing.

Tommy yawned, watching Techno do some sort of essay at his desk. He grinned to himself as he watched Techno pet his pig plushies' head, starting to stare off into space as he mindlessly watched Techno do his work and quietly fawn over the pig stuffed animal.

Tommy leaned his head back on the wall and stared at the ceiling, closing his eyes and drifting off, feeling somewhat safe in his brother's room.

"Hey Tommy" He looked up from his spot on the floor in his room, "Now what in the world are you doing on the floor, silly?" It was his foster parent. He was unsure of his name, he just knew his face and how quickly it could change. Tommy stared at him for a long moment.

"I'm reading," Tommy said, gesturing to the book he had in front of him. The man gave a nod, a smile plastered onto his face.

"I see," He said, "And tell me something I don't know" He sounded like he was joking so Tommy smiled, the man seemed in a good mood and he intended to ruin it.

"Well, for one, did you know that twelve-year-olds don't usually sleep in a basement?" Tommy said, looking back down at his book so he didn't have to look at the man's face. "Fun fact, I don't think you knew that one" The man was silent. Tommy looked up at him, somewhat nervous. The man was still smiling.

"You're pretty funny, kid," He said, walking over to Tommy and looking down at him. "You wanna know a fun fact?" Tommy looked up at him and shrugged.


"Did you know it only takes one man to break a bone?" The man asked, smiling as he kicked Tommy in the stomach. Tommy yelped, his head hitting the wall behind him. "Smartass." Tommy looked up at the man, terrified as he kicked him again.

"Stop- Pleas-"

"Oh, Tommy-"



"Tommy!" Tommy jolted awake, panting. "Hey-" Tommy looked around, beyond panicked. Techno was in front of him, his hands out cautiously. Tommy tried to say something but choked on his own words, hot treats bubbling down his cheeks. Techno just watched him, seeming unsure of what to do.

"I-I'm sorry-" Tommy finally said, his breathing still heavy with panic.

"Hey- It's okay" Techno said quietly, sitting next to him, Tommy flinching. "It's okay- Are you alright?" Techno glanced at Tommy, the younger shaking badly.

"I-I don't-"Tommy went silent, trying to catch his breath. Techno put an arm around Tommy and hugged him awkwardly Tommy quickly returned the affection, his breathing slowing as Techno rubbed circles on his back.

"You're alright" Techno murmured quietly to Tommy. Techno let Tommy stay like that for as long as he needed, eventually the blonde pulled away looking emotionally drained for the night. "Better?" Tommy nodded, suppressing a yawn. "Phil made dinner, we can go eat then you can get to sleep"

"Do I have to?" Tommy asked quietly, looking up at Techno. Techno paused, taking a good look at Tommy.

He had noticed on multiple occasions that Tommy didn't eat much, he was sure Phil noticed too. The poor kid looked like he hadn't seen the sun in ages and only got crumbs for meals.

Techno nodded, "Yes," He said, Tommy's shoulders sinking a bit. "You dont need to eat much but- You need to eat something." Tommy just nodded, throwing his legs off the side of the bed and standing up. Techno followed suit, walking out of his room and making sure Tommy followed.

"Sorry" Tommy said as they walked down the hall together.

"For what?" Techno asked, tiling his head. "What have you done to me that warrants an apology?"

"Well I-"

"Nothing, that's right." Techno said. "You are nothing short of my little brother, Tommy. Even if you don't think so." Techno gave Tommy a smile, the younger looking incredibly surprised. Tommy hugged Techno again, a muffled thank you coming from him. "Anything for you, Theseus"

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