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"Boys!" Phil called, putting the bags of food on the dining room table as he walked to the kitchen that was attached. "We're home!" There was a thump and a yell as two boys practically shoved each other down the stairs. Both were older than Tommy, one of them had curly brown hair and a yellow sweater with black pants, the other had long pink hair that was braided. He wore a shirt that said something about 'number one potato' and jeans.

"Oh!" The one with brown hair said, looking excited. "Hi! I'm Wilbur" The boy said, stepping forwards and holding out a hand. Tommy stiffened at the quick movements, slowly pushing Wilbur's hand away.

"Tommy," Tommy said, sipping on his cola.

"I'm Techno," The pink-haired boy said, his monotone voice echoing a bit in the big house. Phil smiled at his sons.

"I brought you two something to eat," Phil said and Wilbur left their little group, making a beeline for the dining room table. Phil glanced at Tommy, "You go eat too, I usually cook dinner so don't get used to this, mate" Phil smiled, taking his hat off and nodding to the dining room where Wilbur was.

Tommy walked to the dining room, Techno following behind him. "Tommy!" Wilbur said from his spot at the table. "Want to see your room after we eat? Me and Techno-"

"Wilbur shut up, you fool." Techno hissed, narrowing his eyes slightly. Wilbur smiled evilly at Techno who continued to glare at him, it being so painfully obvious to Tommy that they had planned something.

Tommy ignored them, leaving his bag on the ground next to him. He sighed, sitting down at the table and leaning on the palm of his hand as he silently drank the rest of his soda, ignoring the bag with his food in it. Phil joined them later, sitting down and chatting with his sons. There was silence for a moment and Wilbur tapped the table in front of Tommy who wasn't paying attention at all.

"Hm?" Tommy hummed, looking up. They all looked at him somewhat expectantly.

"I was asking if you wanted to get some stuff for your new room tomorrow," Phil said with a smile. "You don't have to if you just want to adjust first."

"Oh- uhm- sure I guess so," Tommy said and Wilbur grinned.

"Can I come?" He asked and Tommy shrugged, Wilbur chuckled. "Good, I'm going to help you get new clothes- you have a shit fashion sense."

"Wh- Hey!" Tommy said, frowning. Wilbur laughed, looking at Techno who rolled his eyes. "Oi, dick head- I'm right here!" Tommy huffed and crossed his arms, giving a glare at Wilbur.

"Wil, come on, be nice," Phil said, Wilbur suppressing giggles as Tommy pouted. Tommy gave a sigh as they started talking again, Tommy going back to zoning out. He looked up as Phil and Wilbur got up a few moments later, taking their trash into the kitchen to go throw it away, both chatting about something together.

Techno glanced at Tommy, raising an eyebrow. "What?" Tommy said, giving Techno a glare.

"Dunno- you didn't eat anything so-" Techno started, Tommy immediately cutting him off.

"I'm good, big man- I'm just not hungry, I ate at the home," Tommy said, waving Techno off. "Besides- I'll just eat it tomorrow or something." Techno didn't look convinced, looking Tommy up and down.

"You look like a twig." Techno pointed out blatantly, Tommy growling in offense.

"I am not a twig, " Tommy said and Techno shrugged, getting up from his spot at the table. "Wh- Come back here! I'll fight you!"

"I'd like to see you try, Twig Tommy" Techno snorted teasingly, Tommy glaring at him. Techno gathered his trash and left. "Come back when you've eaten something, Twig" Techno glanced back with a ghost of a smile as he joked, Tommy rolled his eyes but smiled a bit.

"Yeah okay," Tommy said, glancing at his bag of now cold fast food with distaste. He was silent before making the decision of just putting it in the fridge after his supposed new family left the kitchen. He snatched his bag up from the ground and grabbed the food back. He peeked into the kitchen and put his uneaten food in the fridge, ignoring a look he got from Techno from the couch. Tommy leaned against the kitchen counter, glancing around.

"You want me to show you around?" Techno asked from the couch, looking at his phone. Tommy shrugged, Techno standing and shoving his phone in his pocket. "Kitchen, dining room, and living room. And Phil's office." He pointed to a glass door with a desk and some book shelves.

Techno gestured for Tommy to follow him, leading Tommy up the stairs and pointed out his and his brothers room. Both of their doors had colorful signs with their names on it, along with Phil's door which was slightly less decorated. Then they got to a blank door at the end of the hall.

Tommy vaguely wondered where Phil and Wilbur had gone but got his answer when Techno opened the door. Phil and Wilbur were standing in the room, Wilbur having a ridiculous party hat on while Phil held a sign that said 'Welcome!'.

"Supriseeee!" Wilbur said, doing jazz hands as Phil smiled brightly. Tommy looked around, there was a bed in the corner, a dresser and a closet door. The walls were bare but painted a light blue color. The bed had a nice cozy looking quilt spread out on it and the dresser had a lamp with stars cut in its shade.

Tommy blinked, still taking it in. Techno gave an amused huff, taking out his phone again and checking the time. Wilbur buzzed with energy, opening the closet door and pulling out a sign with Tommy's name on it. It was red and white, colorful stickers and pom poms stuck to it.

"Me and Tech made this for you!" Wilbur said with a smile. "We can put it on the door in the morning."

"Speaking of" Phil said, "It's late, so how about we all get to bed and we can get up in the morning. I'm thinking waffles for breakfast." Wilbur cheered childishly, Techno giving a small nod.

Wilbur put the sign on the dresser, propping it up against the wall. He walked past Tommy, ruffling his hair. Tommy stiffened a bit, Wilbur grinning at him and not seeming to notice. "Night Tommy!" He said cheerfully and Tommy gave a little nod.

"Good night, Tommy" Phil said, patting Tommy's shoulder as he walked past. Tommy flashed him a small smile. Techno stood there for a moment before nodding to Tommy.

"Night" Techno said simply but smiled a bit at Tommy, the most emotion he had seen from the guy.

"Night" Tommy said, closing the door and dumping his bag on the floor. He flopped back onto his bed. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

a new family  [Discontinued]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant