Part 17

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(So their is a time jump but don't worry Lilly's story will be told through like flashbacks)

3rd person POV-

It has now been 3 months since any of the team has seen Lilly. Everyone can tell jj has given up hope but Emily has far from given up hope. Emily stays up 18 hours a day searching for any and all leads she
Can find but she is starting to see that their are pretty slim chances of them finding Lilly.

Jj unable to proceed with life, thinking how she could prevented this knowing she will never see her daughter again. It pains her to her core enabling her to be frozen unable to move, unable to be happy, unable to think.

It is like life has stopped. Strauss has forced the team to move on to other cases and only letting them investigate Lilly's disappearance on the side. But the team has come up empty as well.

Emily walks into there bedroom to see jj laying on the bed looking hopeless. "Hey babe, we have to leave in 15 minutes you have to get ready." Jj nods her head and reluctantly get up to get dressed.

Emily follows behind her picking out her own clothes to change into. After both woman have gotten themself presentable they get in their car and head to the place that gives them a slim chance of hope.

Lilly's POV-

I don't know how long it has been now. But today is my is my chance to finally be free from this hell hole. They are transporting me today, I don't know where but it is the only chance I have to be free.

I am covered In bruises and dried blood because all he does is beat me. As I am lost in my own thought I hear the most uneasy sound....the sound I have grown to hate, the sound of the steel door opening.

As the door opens, Jake walks in and unlocks my chains and says "if you try to run I will kill you" worth a try because it is not like I wanna live anyway. Him killing me would probably be the best thing he could do for me.

He grabs my arm and pulls me up because will am to week to stand by myself anymore. I feel him holding a knife to my side as he walks me out of the steel door and down the hallway.

I have never been outside the bunker all this time that they have had me. We reach the end of the hallway then walk up a set of stairs which lead to the light. The daylight I have not seen in forever the light I so dearly missed.

It was hard to see because of how long my eyes have not seen light but I can tell that their is a truck in front of me. Now is my chance.

"Hey Jake" I say trying to distract him "what" he says as he looks around. As he says that I throw my elbow up and elbow him in the face which took him by surprise. I take the knife out of his hand and stab him in the chest and watch him as he falls. I did it.

Then all hope vanishes from my body as I feel a sharp pain in my is only then that I realize that he had managed to stab me before I got the knife.

I feel faint, dizzy as I walk as fast as I can over to the drivers side door hoping Doyle doesn't come and take this victory from me.

I reach the drivers side door hoping to find keys in the car. The keys were in the ignition and to my surprise so was a phone.

I pick up the phone trying to cal the bau but of course there is no signal because we are in the middle of no where. I turn the ignition over starting the car.

I don't know how to drive but I push the gas eagerly trying to get away. The road blurry from my blood loss. But I focus on driving far enough to get a signal.

I can tell I am switching all over the road but I am to delirious to focus anymore. I stop the car and go to dial the bau.....and I am filled with relief when it I just hope someone answers.

3rd person POV-

Jj and Emily walk out of the elevator that has a riced on the 6th floor. They then walk into the bull pen where they are greeted by Reid, rossi, Derek, pen, and Arron.

"Hey you two!" Derek says say excitedly "hey" Jj says kinda out of it. Everyone proceeded to give hugs and head up to the conference room to talk while jj and Emily have to fill out paper work.

"So you have to fill out a packet each and this will give you 2 months paid leave." Hotch said handing them the papers.

"How have you guys been" Reid asks. Emily thinks of an answer before she speaks then say " ok I guess considering". "How bout u jayj?" Him just wanting an answer "I don't want to talk about it" Jj snaps "ok" Reid says with his hurt feelings but at the same time he understands.

With that Anderson knocks on the door and says "I got a call on the line for you, not sure what it is it is just breathing." "Ok transfer it" Hotch says.

As the line transfers to the speaker in the conference room the team stops to listen but all they get is heavy breathing. "Hello this is the bau who is speaking"Hotch says "help" the person on the line says but it is barley audible.

"I can't help you unless you tell me what is wrong"

"Ho-hotch it's Lilly"

As soon as the Lilly says that Jj and Emily start crying immediately "hey Lilly it's momma where are you??" Jj says trying to keep her composure.

Lilly is heavily breathing and on the verge of passing out but she marches to get out "I love you guys" before she blacks out. "No baby don't go stay with us!!" Emily says trying to keep her talking. The line went silent and all they heard was heavy breathing.

"I GOT IT!!" Garcia screams coordinates sent to your phones. With that everyone runs out of the room to hurry to the elevator while Garcia try's to keep talking to Lilly.

Jj and Emily are overjoyed that they have found her but also horrified about what they will find and crying for their daughter that they hope they get there in time to save.

Hey y'all I hope you enjoy thing this chapter:) and do t worry we will find out what happens to Lilly through flashbacks:)

Let me know if y'all have any recommendations or questions!!

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