Part 1

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Lily's POV-

I wake up to a screeching alarm, I groan in anger because I had such a good sleep I don't want to wake up yet. But I am forced to because next thing I know I feel someone jump on my bed.

"Wake up Lilly, it is time to get up" it was one of my moms JJ.  " do I have to, I really don't feel like it".I really didn't feel like it and it was mostly because I was nervous

JJ was my biological mom, and after I was born Emily got married to my Mom and adopted me as hers.

"yea you have to unless you want to miss your first day of 9th grade, Emily is downstairs making breakfast for you, so go ahead and get dressed and head on down" with that JJ walks out of my room and down the stairs.

I knew I had to get up but I was so nervous I was sick to my stomach. But against my will my body got up and walked over to my dresser to pick out today's outfit for school.

"Not this" I say as I drag out a short t with Jean shorts. "Perfect" as I finally decide on a sweatshirt and leggings along with my air force ones. I get dressed grab my back pack and head down the stairs eager to get my hands on some breakfast because it smells so good.

"Good morning hunny Go ahead and eat breakfast real quick you don't want to miss the bus" I can see a disappointed look on Emily's face, I can already tell what is coming " mom and I have to get to work we have a new case."

"That's great"

Both of my moms just have to work as profilers of the Behavioral Analysis Unit at the FBI where they can be out on the case for over a week at a time, I know it was hard for them to leave me but it never gets easier.

JJ looked at me sympathetically,"I know sweetie, look in the bright side Maybe one day you will be working next to Emily and I and we can fight crime together" .

"I know it just doesn't get easy not seeing y'all for days at a time.".It really doesn't get easier but I look up from my plate that my eyes have been plastered on this whole time. I look at them and they can both tell I am sad but I can tell they also know I understand.

"Will I be staying with aunt Penelope again". It is where I usually stay when my parents are out on a case.

"Yes please behave, and yes you are allowed to help Penelope with the case as long as you promise not to look at any of the crime scene photos please". Jj said

"I promise"

JJ was the parent who was always concerned about my well being and Emily was the parent who just wanted me to have fun. With that is get up and throw the rest of my food in the trash can and walk over to the sink to set my dish inside.

"Bye love y'all, I will call you after I get out of school or when I get to the BAU". "Bye love you to" both of them say.

I walk out of the house and start my walk to the bus stop. It isn't that far away but in total it is like a 10 min walk. I finally get to my bus stop and not to soon after I was in the bus and on my way to a brand new school with brand new people and a lot harder classes, but it was high school so what do you expect.

End of school day

Today has been actually pretty easy and fun, I have 10 minutes in my last class and then I get on the bus and got to aunt Penelope.

As much fun as I have had today I am exhausted from the stress as well as the fact I had to wake up at 6:00.

I have made one friend named Iman, she seems nice and genuine, and the way she acted around me was sweet and I could tell she was being herself. Yea I may not be a profiler yet but I was raised by a whole family of them so I have my perks.

Finally the bell rang, but as I was about to walk out the doors Iman walks up to me. "I herd that there is going to be a back to school party at this rich kids house, you wanna go?" As much as I wanted to go I knew that I would have to ask my parents especially since they are a little overprotective. "I would love to but I have to ask my parents, so I will get back to you later."

With that excitement of knowing that I will be able to go to my first high school party I board the bus and take off towards the BAU.

After a long bus ride I finally arrive at the closest stop to headquarters, despite it being the closest stop it was still two miles away.

After like a 30 minute walk I walk in to headquarters and go straight up to the 6th floor. No one needs to ask who I am because I grew up in this place they all know me.

When I get of onto the 6th floor I go straight to Penelope's office. "Hey munchkin" her smile is so big. "Hey aunt Penelope, where are the this time for a case.". "They are in Chicago Illinois." That was a new one, I know every place they have been and this is a brand new state they have never had a case in Illinois until now.

"How was your first day at the top of the school food chain". I love aunt Penelope but sometimes her overwhelming excitement can be a tad annoying. " it was good, i mad a new friend named Iman and I actually got invited to my first high school party."

She looks at me with shock, I can tell she was about to start lecturing me. " you are going to that party, I don't care what your parents say....well actually we have to ask them but....besides that you are going to have the night of your life and first fun high school experience."

I told myself that the overwhelming excitement was coming, but I am never ready for it.... especially when it comes to Penelope.

With that the phone rings and I can her JJ ask Garcia to cross check all of the patients family's of a doctor John Riley who was and oncologist that was found dead along with several other doctors, with the list of deaths of patients that had all of these doctors.

I zoned out halfway through but evidently they had a lead. But I am not going to get my hopes up because a lead can take days to pursue.

But before Jj hangs up I walk over to the phone. "It Hey mom, I am with aunt Penelope" "Oh hi baby, what do you need?" I was nervous that she was going to say no, but it is a definite no if I don't ask. " I got invited to a party with my new friend, it is from 9-12 on Saturday and I would really like to go?"Lily I don't know, I will talk about it with Emily and let you know when we get home, we should be home by Saturday ".

I was genuinely shocked by her answer, I thought for sure it would be a no. "Ok bye love you!, tell Emily I love her to."It is not a yes but it is not a no either, there is still a chance I can go.

I know I should not get my hopes up especially because they are kind of strict.

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