Part 14

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Lilly POV-

My body is drained, I can't move, it is like I am paralyzed.

It feels like I am just now waking up from a really long nap, I try and open my eyes, but they feel like they have 15 lbs weights on them.

Then I hear an all to familiar voice, "finally, you are awake. The drug worked to well." Jake?

I finally had the strength to open my eyes, but not enough to move yet. I open my eyes to see the person I loved....trusted standing in front of me while I have chains around my hands unable to move.

"Why are you doing this?" I say still groggy

"Oh well, that's complicated. You will find out soon enough."

"I trusted you."

"Well you are to blindly trusting, you wanted someone's approval so bad that you took my plea for a "girlfriend" to heart. How could you believe I actually like you? You were way to desperate."

I just sit there, in disbelief, ashamed, feeling lost, lonely, scared, defeated, all because I had no one....and still have no one. The person who I though I loved is now my captor....

3rd person POV-

JJ stands up and starts pacing around the room.
"You need to calm down, I am sure she is fine, Emily says trying to comfort her."

Jj whips around and point her finger at Emily " don't tell me to calm down, she was supposed to be home at 10:00 it is now 4:00 and she want answer her phone and Jake won't answer his either."

"I know I am worried to but we have to try and be sane here, I think she is fine." Emily says standing up to hug jj.

JJ pushes Emily away "Emily, she is not fine, she is a good kid. I have this feeling something has happened and we have to help her. We have been through hell already thinking we lost her I can't do that again!" JJ says hysterically crying.

"Ok I believe her, we have to call the team in. Garcia can track Lilly's phone." As Emily says that she picks up her phone and calls Garcia hoping she would be up.

As it is ringing JJ sits down on the couch as she is barely able to breathe. "Hey Garcia did I wake you?" Em says quickly

"Yea, but it's ok what do u need honey bunches?"

"Ok first off don't call me that please, and second can you track Lilly's phone?"

"Yea ofc, why though?" Garcia says concerned

"She went on a date with Jake last night around 8 and she never came home." Emily says trying to keep her cool.

"Oh my, got it. It looks like her phone is turned off but it pinged a cell tower 32 miles from here."

"Ok that's great, can you call the team and send the coordinates" Em says in a sense of urgency.

"Already done" Garcia says as the phone call ends.

Emily tells JJ what Garcia found then they both grab their stuff and run out the door to meet the team.

By the time Emily and JJ got to the location, the team was already there going through the car.

Emily parks her care and both her and JJ run to the abandoned car that is on the side of the road.

"Have you guys found anything??" JJ says frantically

Tied walks up to JJ "yes, but you need to calm down."

Hotch walks up to Emily and JJ with something in his hand. "We found this underneath of Jakes seat as well as Lilly's cellphone." Hotch says as he holds up a syringe and Lilly's phone.

Morgan then walks over to JJ and Em " we also found skid marks in front of Jake's car from where another car sped away. It looks like Jake was part of an abduction team."

With that tears start to form in Emily's eyes and JJ is latched on to Emily for dear life.

"We will find her." Hotch says in a reassuring voice

"You don't know that we will." Jj says staring Hotch in the eyes.

"You can't do that to yourself." Reid buts in

" Well, do you know where she is, we have made many enemies over the years. Anyone of them could have her."

"That is why we are going to work like hell to find her." Hotch says

"We will get her back"

Lilly's POV-

I have spent a while trying to break out of these chains, I can't do it.

The room is like a cellar, no windows, only a bed, steel door, a lantern, and a bucket.

My body is still weak from whatever he drugged me with. And how could I be so stupid so needy that I actually thought he liked me.

I don't know what to do, I just got my freedom back and now it is gone again because I was stupid.

My parents have taught me about sadists and people like that but they have never taught me how to get out of this, I have no idea where I am, what time of day it is, how long I was drugged, or if he is working alone. I guess I have to try and outsmart him.

Every bone in my body tensed up, as I here the steel door open, it was Jake, of course.

"I think I am ready to have some fun. I have been waiting to do this for years. Funny thing is you still have no idea who my family or I are."

"Well if you are so adamant that I don't know why don't you tell me."

"Slow your role, you are the one who got yourself into this mess, I will tell you in due time but first i am gonna have my fun."

With that Jake walks over to me and violently grabs me by the arm and drug me into a room not far from the one I was being kept in.

This room had fake windows, a kitchen, another room that had a bedroom and bathroom, and a living room. It looked like an apartment building.

"You, will be my wife. Anything I say you will do, and if you refuse well I will kill your family, and then Maybe you depends on my mood."

"What kind of sick games are you playing? Do you get off on this or something??"

"The game is called revenge, and to make you suffer like Emily made my family suffer."

"That is pretty petty of you to come after two federal agents daughter because your family are criminals."

With that Jake got up, and got right up in my face while he put a hand around my throat.

I am struggling to breath, I feel dizzy.

In the midst of this he says " my family is not criminals, it is a way of life, on the other hand your mother left my dad and I after we trusted her."

With that he lets go of the grip on my throat, I immediately fall to the ground because of how dizzy I am.

"Now, get up and cook me dinner, or your family dies."
So this chapter is a little dark, but it is very interesting isn't it? More of it to come.

The next part should be out in a couple of days:))

Not As Perfect As You ThinkWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt