Part 16

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3rd person POV-

It has been two days since Lilly has disappeared. Jj and Em have been sent home by Hotch to get some rest.....but that is very much not the case.

As soon as they got home Emily went in the bedroom because she thinks this is all her fault. While JJ went through Lilly's room looking for anything that could be possibly useful and because she is terrified she will never see her daughter again.

They were sent home to get some sleep but they were both lost in their own thoughts.

JJ walks down the stairs to see emily grabbing her gun, wallet, and keys. "Where are you going?" Jj says walking down the stairs.

That was the first words said since they have gotten home. "Where do you think? I am going to find our daughter." Em says trying to rush out of the door.

"And how are you going to do that? We have no leads and we certainly can't do it without the team."
JJ says while blocking the door.

"She is in this mess because of me, I did this to her, if we....if we can't get her back...I am telling you JJ I can't live with myself." Emily says with tears in her eyes.

As jj gives emily a hug she says " this is not your fault, it very well could have been someone from my pst to do the same thing. The ONLY person to blame and I meet the only person to blame is Doyle and Jake do you understand?"

"I really needed to hear you say that. So you don't blame me?"

"Of course not, I was pissed you didn't tell me about the situation sooner and yes I blamed you for a little while but then I is no ones fault but theirs." J says backing up from the hug.

Emily stands their holding back tears. "I am going back to the office." Em says opening the door.

"Yea I am to, I can't sit hear and do nothing." J says following Em.

Lilly's POV-

I don't know how long they have had me for, I am guessing at least 24 hours? I am not sure. Jake has only made me make dinner for him once so I am guessing it has been one day.

After that whole scenario the threw me back into the cellar. All I can do is sleep. My wrists are raw from trying to pull out of these chains, my back hurts from this mattresses. I guess the only bright side to bring here is that they don't feed me much so I won't gain weight.

I hear footsteps coming down the hall followed by the sound of the cellar door opening. And no big surprise, it's Jake. I stare at him with an unamused face. He comes over squats in front of me "u look pathetic" he says. As soon as he finishes the words I kick him between the legs "not so pathetic now am I"

I can tell I pissed him off. He gets up after a good few minutes. " you will not treat me like that" I then feel a sharp pain on my face, the another, then another. He was punching me and I had no way to protect myself because he had me backed up in the corner.


" You know what, you will do what a true wife does" I am out of it. I hear him fumble with his belt buckle which forces me to open my eyes.

I open my eyes to see his pants down.... "No" he then continues to pull me down to we're I am laying flat on my back. "Stop it, stop it I said" this is really happening.....I start kicking frantically trying to get him off of me fear and adrenaline pushing me to try my best.

But with everything I do nothing is working....Everything I do and nothing can stop it. He pulls off my pants and lays on top of me "get the hell off of me" I scream through tears.

But nothing I do or say stops him. I lay there hopeless, frozen, I can't move....while he gets his way.

A few minutes goes by and I feel him get off of me followed by the sound of the door closing. I am so overwhelmed that I just burst into tears. Wanting so badly to go home, for this to have never of have happened.

I can't feel anything besides the pain he has left me in....all I can see is blood on my legs. Why? Why me? I think to myself. No the question I need to ask is why am I so stupid. If I would not have trusted him I would not be here. I would be home. I would still have a piece of me, the piece that he just took. But no, if I was that stupid....Mabey I deserve this.

This is a shorter chapter:) but next chapter their will be a little different but it should be interesting. How do y'all like this chap?

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