Part 9

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Lilly's POV-

My parents and I finally left the office at about 4:00 to go home for the night. I had plans to meet Iman at the mall at 6 and then after we would be going out for ice cream.

I did not like the idea of it,  it I told myself this is going to be a worry free night, I am just going to go and have fun with me friend. And be care free for once.

I sat and relaxed on my bed watching Netflix until about 5:00 we I got up and got dressed.

I put on a pair of ripped jeans which were in need for a belt because they were big on me now. I then slipped in an oversized vintage T, grabbed my special backpack and walked down stairs at 5:30.

I arrived at the mall at 5:55 and Iman was already there waiting for me. Iman new my health problems and she actually helped me get through it.

I had a total of 150$ to spend 50 from my parents and 100 from what I have saved up.

We walk around the mall going to stores such as Victoria secret I got a bra and panty set and Iman got a shirt. We also went to Spencer's, hot topic, and we were now in the food court where Iman got pizza and I got my yummy formula in a bag.

" how long do you have the tube for?"Iman asked trying not to invade.

"Um until I reach 120lbs, I started at 97.5 which I guess is bad. But I think it is good. But some for I have gained .7 of a lbs. My parents made me weigh this morning. So probably for a while. I go to get it changed next week."

" you know I am proud of you right? I know it is hard recovering from and ED but I can see your will to change that and your will to become healthy. You are beautiful inside and out no matter what you look like." Iman said sympathetically

I blushed as tears were forming in my eyes, I have head so much support from my friend, family, and the team which also was my family and it meant so much to me.

As I was getting my act together a cute boy came walking up to the table and sat beside me.

"Hi?" I say questioning but also not complaining. Iman looked like she new something and I didn't. I gave her the what do I do look and. She she sat their smiling.

"My name is Jake, and I know this may be awkward but I thought you were cute so here is my snap."

With that he hands me a piece of paper and gets up to walk away but I stop him " you think I am cute even with this unholy thing?" I say pointing to the tube.

"Yea, I couldn't care less about the tube, no matter what your beautiful."

With that he walked away and I looked up at Iman and blushed.

" you need to text him" she said urgently.

"Mabey I will" after all he saw me and not my issues. I knew right then that he was something different.

After Iman finished her pizza we walked to Nathan's dairy bar because it was only a block away from the mall, we both got a cup of ice cream I ate about half of mine then I felt sick. Iman of course ate all of hers.

But I am proud that I at this much of it.

I texted my Em to come and get me as Iman Dad came and got her. I waited for about 20 minutes when I see Ems car pull up.

"Hey baby, how was your date with your friend?" Em asked as I sat in the car to go home.

"Good, actually I need your advice on something."

"What is it?"

So I told her the events of the night then I told her what I need advice on "then out of no where, a cute boy comes up and sits next to me and gives me my snap chat, he said I was beautiful and walked away."

I look over and her mouth is dropped "someone got a boyfriend, someone's got a boyfriend."

"Oh shut up, I don't know if I should text him or not."

" you can't let him go he saw you for who you are, he didn't see you tube he saw you for you. I will be beyond pissed if you Lilly Prentiss Jareau do not take this chance."

" ok fine I will text him, but you can't tell Mom about home yet. She will freak out."

" Lilly, I can't Lie to her. But if she doesn't ask I won't tell. Deal?"


As we finish discussing this mystery boy we arrived home, I had a big smile on my face.

Em looks over to me and says "you might want to wipe that smile off your face or take it down a notch, she is a profiler remember?"

"Right", with that I calm my heart beet and walk into the house, I see Mom on the couch.

"Hey, How was your trip?"

"It was good, Wanna see what I got?"


With that for the next 30 mins I go through and show her what I got, I then head up to my room get dressed for bed and get my overnight feed ready.

As I lay in bed and ponder what I should do regarding this boy, I pull out the paper from my purse and I decide I am going to text him.

Jake :)
Me: Hey it is the girl from the mall:)

Jake:Hey so what it your name beautiful ?

I smile at him calling me beautiful, Maybe he means it.

Me:My name is Lilly

Jake:Finally a name to the face.

We talked for the next hour, we learned the basic about each other, I know he is 16, favorite color blue, he is in 10th grade, his family lives in Utah but he moved here with his dad when he was 7. And more.

I actually think I like this guy.

Not As Perfect As You ThinkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora