Chapter 57: Secret Training

Start from the beginning

He would have snapped like the jaws of the Cobalt Alligator at anyone whom dared to push him around like Hyflame did to Flain.

"Stand back," instructed Flain.

The two stepped backwards but Arion was ready to strike as if he expected it to be some type of trap set up for him, and him alone. After all he was a chosen warrior unlike the miniscule Flain.

The water in the well rose like a tide and the front of the well opened up and the rocks folded themselves away to reveal a long dark stone stairwell, descending deeper and deeper into darkness.

"Follow me, and let your mind be free of worries."

Flain headed down the well's stone stairs with ease and vanished into the dimness, like a shadow from the sun.

Arion with vigilance followed, watching the water hover above him, still uneasy about the situation.

The thought of him walking into a trap was the only thing on his mind. But there was some overwhelming force which required him to continue on.

It was his heart, but his brain said otherwise. He had to meet this teacher. This teacher could be the one who would enable him to unlock all the power he had deep within.

Halfway down the stairs, Arion witnessed the well beginning to close, the bricks unfolding and the water plunging down towards him like a rapid river, smacking against the walls like angry warriors ready to commit murder.

He ran down the rest of the way and came upon Flain who he saw was standing bravely in the dark granite tunnel, awaiting his arrival. The water he expected to descend and plunge the tunnel with its presence did not arrive.

"Come on, before he leaves," said Flain.

Arion glared around at his surroundings. The arch channel was brightened with blue flame torches and a damp concrete floor.

As they went deeper into the tunnel, Arion could sense something, something heading straight towards him with speed, faster than Chi-taki.

He looked towards Flain who was only a few feet away from him and could see Flain was unaware of the presence he felt.

All of a sudden, he heard a hoarse voice, whisper some words he did not understand and then he began to shiver. A chill ran down his spine and his chest began to heave up and down. He had never felt this feeling before.

He looked to Flain, only to see him unaffected. He did his best to call out and reach Flain but his jaw now felt like it weighed a hundred pounds and was too heavy to pull up to form words.

The Warrior of Metal finally curved around and saw Arion, clutching to the wall while his feet struggled to hold up his weight.

"I know what you are feeling. I went through this my first time. It is a test of your endurance."

"You must muster all your strength and finish the walk, to prove yourself to him, that you are a warrior worthy of his teachings," instructed Flain who looked like he was struggling to not intervene and help Arion.

Arion attempted his best. He stood straight up for a while but fell to the wall, clutching it as hard as he could to stay afoot.

He was a like a youngling, sick and holding out his hands to his parents to comfort him in order to finish the daunting walk.

Flain seemed like he wanted to help but he would not accept it.

Feeling extremely weak, he braced up against the wall and wondered how Flain was able to withstand such torture? He was not like a strong chosen warrior.

Revelation Of The Chosen (Book 1 of The Radiant Warrior Series)Where stories live. Discover now