514 20 24

"Nothing good starts in a getaway car"

"It was the best of times, the worst of crimes
I struck a match and blew your mind
But I didn't mean it"

(Lilith's reputation era)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*



Bullets continue to shatter the remaining windows as I lay on the deck of the ship. The shock of the situation is no longer affecting me, I'm now fully consumed by my instincts scanning my surroundings, seeing everyone, except for Harry still stationed on the ground.

Harry is crawling towards a black bag by the beach chairs that are placed across the deck. I watched him carry the unknown bag in when we first boarded the boat but I never thought of what could have been in it.

I now see that the bag contains two handguns, along with other guns which are hopefully loaded. I'm not shocked by this, given Harry's nature, I'm just hoping that everyone else has brought a weapon. I see Zayn quickly rushing to where his clothes are laid out, grabbing a gun as well with a worried expression written all over his strong facial features.

I have no idea how we will get out of here, I can assume we are surrounded. I hear the footsteps lingering on the dock as well as orders being throw into the air. I should want to run to them, yell for them to save me but I don't.

At the moment the only thing I want is to get off the boat and go to the car without being caught. I don't have the time to have this internal battle with myself and the want to not get caught is overpowering my want to be saved.

The bullets have stopped but there's no doubt in my mind that they have people with loaded guns waiting for us to peak our heads out. I'm confused as to why they are already shooting and not trying to rush the boat and arrest us. Harry must be doing even worse things, that I have no idea about. When in training we never did things like this unless we knew that the suspects were dangerous.

I can hear a sliding sound and before I can look I feel the cold metal of a gun hitting my arm. Taking a glance at Harry then at the gun, I shake my head, which caused him to look at me with a confused look.

"I can't use this Harry" My statement only makes him show a confused expression on his face, raising his eyebrows.

"Do you not know how?" he remarks. "You seemed to be pretty experienced when you held that one guy at gunpoint" What he says makes me give him a serious look, to which he only responded with a stupid head tilt.

"I can use it just fine, thank you. Just not on them, I can't shoot innocent detectives Harry. Especially when I work around these people" The need to get out maybe strong but it's not strong enough for me to consider killing someone innocent.

"I'll give this to someone else," I say before reading his puzzled expressions.

He seems to give it some thought that ends in an eye roll turning his attention somewhere else. I crawl from underneath the beach chair and over to the side of the deek. There is a solid railing around the side so as long as I stay below it they won't be able to shoot me.

Apollo and Erin are a couple of feet to my right also ducking below the railing.

"Everyone on the boat please put your hands up and hand over detective Angelo!" The loud voice must be caused by a microphone but it answers my question. They came here for me, they must have been searching for me and I'm wondering how they even tracked us down.

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