The Mafia's Princess

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Five months have passed and Kathy had finally woken up, slight problem was that she could barely walk but Emiliano and Lucien made no fuss to help her get back on her feet.

Lucien and I were on a plane headed to England for my grandmother's wedding, yes she was getting married to a gangster in her neighborhood my mother informed me about. I watched as Lucien looked out the window at the clouds.

"What's so interesting?"

"Why are you in my business?" He said rudely. I got up from my seat and tackled him.

"Excuse me all passengers, I am being assaulted." He said in a monotone voice.

"shut up." I told him before he laughed.

" I was just thinking about how lucky I am."

"Yea? Why."

"I'm in a jet!" He said and I got up off of him before being pulled back.

"I'm also with the most beautiful girl in the entire world and this time her father approves." He said and I laughed. I fixed his hair and stared deep into his eyes before kissing him deeply.

"Thank you for being in my life."

"Thank you for staying alive."

I got off of him as the plane began to descend. We arrived just in time for the wedding.

My mother hugged my grandmother deeply as she escorted her to the alter.


The reception was amazing, a lot of dancing and singing and embarrassing stories. My father got a call that seemed urgent enough for him to leave the room.

Lucien and I followed him out to the banister to see what it was all about.

"Dad, what's going on?" I asked watching my father walk around frantically.

"The Pablo men are under new management and the Escanor." He said and I nodded.

"Let's go check it out." He nodded and we left to go check it out.

The warehouse was a mess, the two gangs were at each other's throat as to who should be the leader since their leader was killed.

My father and Lucien lost me in the crowd since everything was so corruptive. I pulled out my knife from my shoes snd slit a man's throat making him drop to the floor. They dispersed and all eyes were on me.

"You are all foolish grown men." I said, taking my napkin out snd wiping my knife.

"You're fighting for power, which was not given to you!" I said walking closer to the boss's seat."
"Who does little girl think she is!" A man said before being shot dead.

"She's my daughter." My father said making the noise die down once again. I walked up to the desk and wiped my hand on the table.

"You are all under new management now." I said and they all mumbled. My father looked at me as if I were insane.

"Angelina Escanor was my birth mother." I said with disgust. "And before she died." I paused to pull out the letter she made me sign.

"She had given both mafias to me, so I." I said sitting down in the chair.

"Am your leader." I said and they all looked at me. My father watched me and smiled brightly knowing the power we now both hold.
"My father and I will be working side by side as both your bosses, me after he goes, my second brother after me, my third brother after the second.

Anyone who dislikes new management, shall speak now or forever hold your peace." I said and a man stepped forward and my father shot him.

"Anyone else?" I asked and they were quiet.

"Great, then I guess we all have a lot of catching up to do, I'm proud to be here today as yours truly, Diana Kuvan, The Mafia Princess." I said with a smile on my face before getting up and walking through the sea of men with my head held high. I held Lucien's hand and we left the building.

"What a powerful daughter I now have?" My father said

"What a powerful woman indeed." Lucien said agreeing with my father.

I've had a lot of challenges in my life, being taken twice from the people I love but never again will I nor the people around me feel pain, never again will I be separated from the things I love the most, never again will I be weak in the face of anyone, ever again!

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