Chapter Fifteen: The Walking Dead

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My eyes were so heavy, I felt like I was close to death with a tangy taste in my mouth. I opened my eyes slowly but surely to realize that I am in a moving vehicle moving to who knows where. I looked around and saw my initials behind the driver's seat, he was driving my car.

I looked down to see my hands chained to the door of the car. I was holding back everything in me to just reach and strangle him to death because in turn I might kill myself as well, so I got lower and pretended I was still asleep for the whole drive. We turned into an all too familiar yard, suddenly my chest felt heavy, I decided not to pretend to sleep anymore but to pull at the chains. This caught his attention.

"So you're awake."

"Enzo what the fuck are you doing, what are you doing Enzo!" I said pulling the chains.

"Diana relax!" He yelled worrying that I will take the door off.

"You kidnapped me! Enzo I was kidnapped as a child, I'm terrified of this, who are you working with ENZO." I said my voice breaking.

"Diana, they're not going to hurt you, I ensured of it, they promised me."

"You're a jackass, do you really believe that."

"Yes I do."

"Let me out of here!"I said before taking the chain of of the door successfully and choked him with it.

"Diana." He said faintly before stopping the car. I jumped out of the car and ran into the garden that I knew all too well by hiding in it when I was younger. I heart felt like it was beating out of my chest.

"DIANA!" Enzo yelled, I heard him running behind me. I kept running and looking back to see if he was still behind me. He caught up and held the chain that was trailing behind me.

"Diana please relax."

"Let go of me!"

"Diana." He said before pulling me close to him. I kneed him and watch him fall to the ground before I turned to make my escape but when I turned, I felt like my heart had finally stopped beating, my body went cold, I was at lost for words, there was a sharp ringing in my ears, My knees became weak.

"Surprise Didi!" He said smiling at me with opened arms. I took several steps back, they were staggered because I just couldn't believe it.


"Yes sweetheart."


"Shot me, not to kill, thankfully."


"Alive and well Didi!" He screamed. "Look at how big you've gotten." He said stepping closer to me, my feet froze to the ground. He tried to tuck my hair behind me ear but failed.

"Now come give Uncle Sean a hug." He said and just hearing his name made me turn to run but as I turned another person was there.

"Hello." Chelsea said knocking me out cold.
My head was pounding from the fall I took, I woke up in a very dark and depressing room, all the furniture were black, even the floral was black.

It was as if Sean had moved into my father's childhood house. I prompt myself up on the bed only to realize one of my hands were chained to the bed head.

I can't believe he's alive, I started scanning the room for anything that can help me to get out of here. I heard the door open and Enzo came in with a platter and a soft smile on his face.

I trailed his every move with deadly daggers, wishing they could actually harm him.
"Diana." He said putting the platter down and handing me the glass of water. I gladly took it and placed it to my lips as if I was about to drink and just when his eyes softened I threw the glass at him, causing the water to spill on his clothing and the glass to shatter and break.

Diana's Revenge Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora