"What did I do? Please Harry" I looked at him. "What did I do? I should be asking you that question, Where were you" I practically screamed at him while tears were still streaming down my face. "Oh babe, I wasn't up to anything I swear. If you just get changed I can show you" I huffed. "You were probably out cheating on me with some girl" 

"Harry, please babe shhh no I bat for the same team you know I am gay and happily married" I felt his lips press against my forehead. "Look just go cover yourself up in some proper clothes and then you are coming with me" I got up with Louis help. "Harry, I would never hurt you. I love you to much. Don't forget I am pretty whipped" he chuckled. How could I judge him, I mean daym my insecurity. "Babycakes, don't be insecure I am here for you forever and always don't forget that" he kissed the ring. 

"I'm sorry Lou, I jus-" He interupted me by placing his lips on mine. "I." Kiss "Am" Kiss "Not" Kiss "Going" Kiss "Anywhere" Kiss "Ok?" I just chuckled. "Ok" I gently kissed his lips again. "Well you may wanna go get dressed before I hurt that pretty little ass of yours even more" he winked at me. I let a chuckle escape my lips and leaned over to nibble on his earlobe. "Last night was fun Lou, we should do it again sometime" He chuckled before slapping my ass. "Now go get changed" I slowly began my hobble back to our room. "Oh your still sore, I am carrying you then" Louis picked me up bridal style carrying me to the bedroom.

"Thanks babe" I kissed his cheek before heading over to the wardrobe. "No peaking Lou" I joked. "It's nothing I haven't seen before" he shot back, rolling his eyes. "And I know you love it" I heard him chuckle. "Oh you know I do" I finally pulled out of the closet in a pair of shorts and a singlet. "Is this to underdressed?" I was pulled into his arms "You look perfect as always"

Louis POV

"Let's go, actually I am gonna carry you because I know your still sore even though we have done it enough times where you shouldn't be sore but hey your cute" Harry chuckled. Daym he is lucky he's cute. "Your heavy Haz" He then pouted. "Your lucky I love you" he just buried his head in my shoulder. I strolled down the beach to where I had been exploring before. I walked up to the little van and placed Harry down. "Two icecreams please" I then filled the guy in on our flavours and chocolate sauce.

"Really Lou icecreams for breakfast?" I laughed at him. "Well it's not really morning it is 1pm" I kissed his nose. "Oh right, Thankyou" Harry thanked the guy and I then entwined our fingers as we walked along the beach with our icecreams. "Thanks for being my husband Louis" I looked at him. "I should be the one thanking you I mean your so perfect and I ain't anything special just a history teacher at your old school" With that I was pulled to be facing Harry. "You are perfect in every way Louis" his eyes closed and I leaned in for a kiss and just as I thought I was going to meet him lips yep nothing. I opened my eyes and then BOOM a huge hole in the side of my icecream. "YOU DICK you had some of my icecream" I took a huge bite out of his. "LOUIS YOU ASS, I was enjoying that!" 

"And I wasn't enjoying MINE?!" i shouted back. "I don't know, I'm sorry for eating your icecream Loubear" I just smiled lovingly. "Oh that's alright I forgive you, wow look at the dolphins" Harry turned and with that I took another bite out of his icecream and he didn't even notice. SCORE! "I don't see any dolph- YOU ASS you had more of my icecream"

"Yes I do like your ass" I finished, giggling at my smartness. "Your lucky your cute Louis because your an asshole" I giggled again thinking of another comeback. "Your dick wants to be in my asshole yes" Harry rolled his eyes. "You are so sexual you know that?" I shrugged. "It's not a crime, Lifes free" 

"I don't know what to say to make you run out of comebacks" I carried on walking down the beach and turned back. "You could say you love me?" Harry rolled his eyes yet again. "I love you Lou" 

"Well I don't love you" I smirked and tried to jog with my icecream away from Harry. "Oh you are so gonna get it prick" I heard Harrys footsteps coming closer to me and he was so much faster than me. "Bahahahaha" I turned around to see what Harry was laughing at and sure enough I saw it. My icecream was on the ground and all I was holding was a empty icecream cone. "WAAAAAAHHH" Harry just carried on laughing and swirling his tongue around his icecream. "Uggh this is sooooo good, oh my god its heaven in an icecream" 

"your an ass Harry!" I chucked my cone and lurched for Harry and his beloved Icecream. "Uhh no please" I tried tickling him. "STOP you can share my icecream STOP" With that I stopped tickling him and took another bite from his icecream. "Sharing is caring" I winked and strolled off. "Where are you going Lou?" 

"Somewhere you aren't" I shot back trying to actually be serious. "FINE! I don't need you" Harry strolled off the other way. "WAIT I have something I wanted to show you" I grabbed him picking him up again. "Oh why thank you for the lift BooBear" He kissed my neck and I instantly stopped. "HARRY not your sexual antics now please!" he just laughed and retracted his head. "Fine! but your all mine later" 

"If you say so" and I carried on walking reaching the destination I was exploring before. "TADA!" I showed Harry the cave which I had laid out with red petals. "Oh my god Louis it's beautiful" I smiled lovingly towards him. "Well I don't know why I did the rose petals but I know you like red roses" I felt his lips attach to mine and my tongue slipped into his mouth and all I could take in was Harrys amazing taste like minty yet soo daym sexy. DAYM YOU OXYGEN. I pulled back panting. "Come on Lou let's explore this baby"

I forgot! 20 votes and 18 comments for the next chapter!!!  Don't forget to add.... well if you were reading at the top Larry Stylinson are muffin muching with WeHeart1Dxo and THT readers! I HOPE YOU Read that in the AN at the top other wise my collection of larry muffin eaters are going to get you.. Yep I have lost it and I am a 17 year old being strange SORRY if I have scared you and I hope you stick with the crazy me for the next episode of the history teacher... Jokes just the next update of The History Teacher... Love you! .xx YES YOu reading this! I LOVE YOU and SO DOES LARRY well my larry characters anyway ;) xxx

The History Teacher Student/Teacher (Larry Stylinson & Niam Horayne)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora