And what she wouldn't deal with is someone who couldn't contain their anger. She'd seen him lose his cool on more than one occasion but never directed it towards her so she was never bothered by it until the other day obviously.

When she saw her client walk in she plastered a smile on her face and got straight to work.


Stepping back Isaiah looked at her client through the mirror with a satisfied smile on her face. She installed the lace front wig to perfection as she usually did.

She watched her client run her hands through the hair with a beaming smile obviously very happy with the outcome.

After paying the client left. Isaiah had nothing else to do since she didn't have another client today and there weren't any walk ins.

"What's wrong boo?" June asked Isaiah. She too had just got done doing someone's hair and was also lounging about.

"Nothing I'm just really out of it" she shrugged.

"That's why yo attitude been stank since you got here" Braisha slickly commented.

"It hasn't. I'm just tired"

"Mmhm...your father wants to see you" Braisha said causing Isaiah to jerk her head back.

"Why didn't he call me and tell me that himself?"

"Ask him when you see him" Braisha told her niece. She already knew what he wanted to talk to her about but she decided to let him say it instead.

• • • •

"Anyway bestie as I was saying. I'm busy with this old ass patient explaining how he needs to take his meds for the hundredth time-" Asia was cut off by Isaiah who kept her eyes on the road but her ears on her friends story.

"I do not know how you do it. I ain't got enough patience to deal with a bunch of sick people every day for hours on end"

"I love my job and it pays me good so I suck all that up and do it" Asia shrugged.

"But like i was saying. As I'm going over the instructions this sexy ass being walks in and I just froze. I didn't know if I was dreaming or what but I just stared her up and down. The she looks at me all weird and at this point I'm feeling so embarrassed cause she prolly thinks I'm a weirdo"

"Pause. I thought you and Ty were talking"

"We kinda are and he's so amazing" she smiled. "Its like he really gets me and he's so funny and he's so fine but I can tell he's not completely over his ex as much as he says he is"

"Him and Chy have known each other for years. I'm sure it's hard for him" she didn't know exact details of Tyronne and Chyna's relationship but from what she does know they have a really long and rocky history. But even though Asia is her best friend she had no business running her mouth about another person's relationship especially when she has absolutely no clue where her own stood.

"Where does the sexy ass being enter in all this?"

"Nowhere" she shrugged. "I just wanted to tell you I guess. But I'm gonna try anything cause I don't want things to get weird since she's a nurse there too"

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