Chapter Sixteen

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Ian smiled down at me and let go of my arm. I felt myself wishing that he hadn't. "Always taking care of everyone, huh Mary."

I knew he hadn't meant anything by it, but it felt like an insult, especially right now. I shook my head and met his eyes with determination. "Nope," I promised, the alcohol fueling my boldness. "I'm done. I'm just taking care of me now."

His smile grew and he nodded his head in appreciation. "It's about time."

I imagined what my life could've been like if I really heard him all those years ago when he warned me that I'd wilt behind Matt's shadow. I wondered if it wasn't too late to change things, but at the same time the idea gripped me with fear. I wasn't sure I had it in me to start over.

Ian's eyes lowered over my short black dress and then back up to my face. The dress belonged to Lexi and was a little more revealing than what I'd normally wear, but she talked me into it when we were helping Erin get dressed. "You look beautiful tonight," he commented, and my blush only deepened. Ian slowly lifted his hand and tucked a strand of loose hair back behind my ear. My heart fluttered and my skin was humming by the time he pulled his hand back. "I was thinking--"

But he didn't have time to finish his sentence because just then a leggy blonde came slithering up to him. She wrapped her body around his and leaned into him, completely ignoring my presence. "I'm bored," she whined loudly enough for me to hear.

I didn't know where she came from; they didn't make girls like her in Beaufort. Her Lycra purple dress was practically shellacked on, and her sky-high heels made her just as tall as Ian. She was stunning, like a model, and her thick European accent made me think that she probably was one.

The tips of my ears burned as I watched her rub her hand up Ian's chest and press her ample breasts into his body. I was such an idiot. Not wanting to have to witness her mauling at him, I wanted to walk away and I would've too, but Ian started talking again.

"Mary, this is Margot," he politely introduced me to the disinterested blonde.

I made myself face her. Forcing on a pleasant smile, I wore it so tightly that it felt as unnatural as it was. The girl glanced over at me and nodded before turning her attention back to Ian "Baby, this place is so dull. You promise somewhere exciting." She looked around at the other club goers in disdain. "This place is not exciting. This place is..." her eyes flicked back over to me, "sad."

I watched the annoyance tick in Ian's jaw before he swept his eyes back over to me. They looked apologetic and I didn't understand why. "It was really great seeing you Mary." His eyes told me that he actually meant it, but I had to remind myself to take it for what it was. We were old classmates who hadn't seen each other in a while; that was it, nothing more.

I spoke around the inexplicable lump forming in my throat. "Good to see you too Ian."

Standing there, I watched the two of them walk away together; Margot was practically glued to his side. They made sense. The things I was thinking about Ian Malcolm... didn't.

Feeling like a fool, I walked back over to the bar and dug my phone out of my small purse. I gazed down at the screen telling me that there was a text message waiting for me from Matt and my thumb hovered over the phone. I was so close to looking at it, but doubted that it'd be a good idea given my present state of mind. But some sad part of me needed to be reminded.

I was just about to swipe my thumb across the screen when Erin came stumbling up to me. She was a mess. Her normally neat hair was wild and hanging over her shoulders and she had some mascara smudged underneath one of her eyes.

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