La: What's with the big smile goof ball?
H: Oh n-nothing. Let's get inside class.

Once we walked into the classroom, everyone turns and stares at me and Landon.

H: Why are they staring?
La: I think they're only staring at you.
H: Why?
La: You walking with a cheerleader kinda sums it up, don't ya think?

The teacher walks in and everyone scatters to their chairs. I sit down in the back and take notes. A piece of paper lands on my desk. I look around and see Josie wink at me. I smile and shake my head. I see her smile and then she turns her attention to Penelope. I look back at the paper and shove it in my pocket before I could get caught with it. Class was boring, all we did was take notes.

It was now hours later, which means lunch time. I grab my lunch and go to my usual spot. This time Josie is waiting there at my table with my friends. She's laughing and talking. I smile and sit down in my chair. Everyone looks at me and I give them a confused look.

J: I should get going, I'll see you guys later.

Everybody says bye to Josie and they all still look at me while I eat my food. Landon decides to break the silence.

La: Have you guys seen Josie and Hope walk in the halls today?
H: Can we not get on that subject?
M: I'm sure everyone seen it. Why were you guys holding hands?
H: She wouldn't let go.
R: That seems like bullcrap. You should take her away from Penelope.
H: Raf don't make her seem like a prize. That's not respectful or appropriate for that matter.
La: You seem a little protective of her, don't you think?
H: I'm not protective of her, you guys should just know not to treat anyone like some prize.

Everyone looks at me shocked and I go back to eating my food.

Josie's POV
I go to the "cheerleaders" table and sit down across from Lizzie. Everyone was talking until I showed up.

J: What?
L: Why are you walking around with some loser like that?
J: Hope?
L: Yeah.
J: She's not a loser. She's actually really kind.

Everybody looks around at each other and then all eyes are back on me. I meet all of their eyes and look back down at the table. I should've just listened to Hope. I shouldn't have walked her to her locker. Shit what is Penelope gonna think. I completely forgot about her for a second. I look behind me after hearing a loud noise. Penelope slammed her hands on Hope's table. Oh god this can't be good.

P: So loser what are you doing with my girlfriend?
H: Nothing, there's nothing going on between me and her.
P: Stay away from her or else.
H: Or else what? You gonna go call mommy and daddy and hope they can do something.
P: No, I'll call yours. You know the rules, stay away from her freak.

I get up and walk towards Penelope. I'm a little pissed off.

J: Actually babe, I decided to walk her to her locker. I just wanted to make some friends. I don't really care for the rules and you should know that. Rules aren't really my thing.

I feel everyone's eyes on me and I get a tiny bit nervous but I hide it.

P: You wanna hang out with a loser?
J: If she's a loser, then count me as one too. There shouldn't be some rule to keep everyone against each other.
P: There's rules for a reason, nobody gets along.
J: Maybe because everyone is so entitled to their egos.
P: I'm not entitled to my ego Jojo.
J: Well I'm pretty sure you are if you literally have to keep up with your bitchy act.

After I said that, I walked out of the room. Everyone seemed surprised by what I said. I know I shouldn't have said that but it's to late. I sit down on the bottom of a stair case and see Hope walking around the halls.

Walking Disaster- Hosie Where stories live. Discover now