"Come on," Jungkook took lead and began scrambling towards a coaster, "I'm getting impatient!"

"Come on," Jungkook took lead and began scrambling towards a coaster, "I'm getting impatient!"

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Minjun yanked apart another scrap of the pastel-blue confectionery. He crammed it into his mouth and hummed in satisfaction as it dissolved on his tongue. The sugary goody felt cloud-like in his mouth.

"Good?" Taehyung grinned, setting his wallet back into his joggers.

Minjun nodded, tearing off another handful of candy floss, "very!" The gambler pinched a fraction of the food and together they strode towards the bumper cars, where the others waited for them.

Jimin, Jungkook, Yoongi and Hoseok had already made their way onto the game. Jimin driving for Yoongi and Hoseok driving for Jungkook, they battled their way around in circles and smacked into the other cars at high speeds.

"You want to go on with me?" Taehyung grinned.

Minjun, wrist-deep in the plastic tub of blue cotton candy, nodded frantically, "after my snack?"

"Of course."

And so, with a little help from the boys, Minjun scarfed down his candy floss and was lead by the hand into the entrance of the bumper cars. He and Taehyung were joined by Jimin, Yoongi, and Hoseok.

Taehyung permitted Minjun to drive. It was a good idea for the other players, as the amateurish boy was lousy at getting himself away from a single corner. He managed to slam into Hoseok's single cart a fair few times — as the mechanic had the same crisis.

"I sucked," Minjun groused, "I'm sorry!"

Taehyung laughed, "don't be sorry, I had a lot of fun with you!"

The group voyaged around a little longer, snagging drinks and street food and springing onto any rides that looked fun until they reached the end. The exit was beside the ferris wheel — rightly so, as many wanted it as their final attraction.

"Me, Minjun, Jin and Yoongi in one, and you guys in the next, okay?"

Namjoon could just about nod at Taehyung before the hyperactive man dragged his trio of boys onto the carriage of the ferris wheel. Minjun sat between Taehyung and Yoongi, Jin opposite him.

He peered around awkwardly— nervously, even.

"You can get off if you're uncomfortable," Taehyung comforted him with a devoted gaze. Minjun shook his head, swallowing a lump in his throat before answering reasonably.

He said, "no, I'm alright."

"Then," Taehyung smirked as he nabbed the boy from his seat, "come and sit with me."

Minjun was sat on the man's lap, facing the middle of the cart with his legs outspread on each side of Taehyung's. He counterbalanced his torso by capturing the centre table before Taehyung encased his arms around the boy's middle, fastening him tightly to his chest.

"Tell me if you want to get off, Puppy," the elder spoke with a soothing tone that tickled Minjun's neck.

"No," he muttered, "it's okay up here."

The two of them wallowed in the warmth that the other's body supplied, goggling out through the metal bars at the theme park. The sumptuous, vivacious neon signs and the ear-rattling music that each attraction trumpeted.

Minjun saw the bumper cart kiosk, the size of a skateboard from the distance. Most things were more than half their size.

"Are we so tiny, too?"

"If someone was to look up here," Seokjin said with a dreamy smile, eyes glued to the bustling carnival life below us, "I'm sure they would see just ants looking down at them."

Minjun giggled, "we're just ants, then?"

"But to us, you're our whole world."

Minjun turned his neck to glare playfully at Taehyung, "Tae that was incredibly chee—"

Minjun wasn't allowed to finish his sentence before Taehyung plunged his lips against the boy. He lingered, feeling Minjun's crackled lips move gently in a rhythm that wasn't there. Taehyung internally chuckled at the effort.

"Hey— hey! No PDA at the theme park, you two."


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