"You can go now, Mom, Dad, leave Lance and Camille here with us, we'll get fun."

"Not too much fun!"

"Yes, dad."

"I want mommy," Camille mumbled.

"Uhm—mommy will be home soon, don't worry," Taylor assured.

"Mom, Dad, go now, send our kisses to Cami," Chris said.

"Mommy!" Lance squealed in excitement.

"We will."

What? Cami? My siblings call Camila 'Cami.' What happened to her? Is she the one in the hospital? Fuck, fuck!

"You're still there?"

"Y-Yes...I-I'm still here..."

"In case you don't know, Camila is in the hospital, comatose for 2mos now."

My lips are quivering because Mom cried and she's mad, I don't know anymore. Especially when I heard that Camila is in the hospital. What the hell is happening?! What happened to her? Why I didn't know about this? I was supposed to receive a reply letter from them. They didn't receive it, aren't they? But I asked a favour to Lucy to send it to them! Those kids, who are they? Wait, after Taylor said Cami, the kids say mommy in excitement. Camila has kids? Where is her husband? Wait, the kids can talk straight, so they're probably 4 or 5. Fuck, it could be me, I clearly remember it's been 4yrs since I left. Could it be?

"You shut us out Lauren, you shut us out! We've been sending you letters but you didn't even respond, even once for almost 5yrs. We've been trying to reach you out, but fame got into your thick brain and forgot about us."

"Mom... I—"

I don't know what to say because I'm a victim too, I swear I did hand Lucy letters to send it to my parents, I really thought that they didn't care about me. But now, fuck this!

"In case you don't know, Lance and Camille are your kids."

With that the call ended.

Lance and Camille are my kids. I knew it! Then I remember a stack of papers under Lucy's clothes when I saw it months ago, it could be those letters, so I quickly went to our shared bedroom. In rush, I throw out her clothes and finally saw those letters so I took it, I sat on the bed and flip each letters and there's a lot of it. It was addressed on my name! How come Lucy didn't show this to me? Then I saw Camila's only letter dated 4yrs ago, most of it was from my parents. Then realization hits me, hard, there it was the letter I made, dated 4yrs ago too, she didn't send it. Why? My hands suddenly clutch those letters. I need to read those letters they sent me. Why Lucy lied to me? How can she do this to me?

Then my phone vibrated and saw Lucy's name in my screen, I tap it open and read her message: Babe, I'm on my way home, what do you want for dinner?

I need to confront her, why she did this?

Then I replied: I'm still not at home.

I wipe my tears that I didn't know that was falling, I stood up and arrange Lucy's clothes, put it back like nothing's happen. I needed to confront her. She fucking lied! She played me for years!


My whole body was numb while waiting for Lucy then I heard the clatter of keys so I stood up.

"What?! Are you fucking dumb? How can she still be alive?"

That's the words I heard when I opened the door slowly.

ONE MORE CHANCE [Camren Original]Where stories live. Discover now