Jennie furrowed her eyebrows, feeling a weird itching in her fists to hit Lisa right in her gorgeous face and erase the cocky smirk from her plump lips. Lisa had always been the type to tease and annoy her to the very edge of her nerves when they were still in a relationship. Jennie found it endearing and kind of intimate back then since she was the only one the lieutenant felt comfortable enough acting like that with. Now, however, that only made the brunette want to meet her hand with her cheek.

"I didn't do nothing!" she argued, stomping her small foot on the ground.

"Then what did you do?" she asked, looking expectant.

"Well, i-" Jennie thought for a second. "-I helped with the luggage. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't have had this emergency bag thingy. I also helped you with your wounds and bruises. If it wasn't for me, you would have died right there. But you didn't say thank you for neither of them" Jennie cocked her eyebrow and smirked, feeling proud of herself for proving the lieutenant wrong.

However, her lips quickly turned into a frown when Lisa chuckled to herself. "Okay, Jennie, whatever," she said and turned around to walk away. But before she could take a step, Jennie held her arm and brought her back to her place.

"What do you mean by that?" she looked at her with wild and scary eyes.

"Do you really want to know? I may break your pride a little"

"Tell me," Jennie insisted.

"Well, let's start with the fact that I could stitch myself up alone without a problem. You just saved me the time and the struggle. I wouldn't have given you the pleasure of my death. Also, I did say thank you for that one. Next, I was going to look around the whole place before going deeper into the woods and I would have found the bag myself, without your help. I ended up carrying it all the way through the jungle anyways, while also being heavily injured and walked in front of you the whole time to make sure you weren't going to step on a poisonous snake that could kill you. But you didn't say thank you for neither of them" Lisa mocked Jennie with the last part, taking her turn to feel proud of herself.

Meanwhile, the brunette stared at her expressionlessly, her jaw dropped to the ground in her mind. She didn't know what to say so she kept quiet and watched as Lisa threw her a small smile.

"Now, why don't you start a fire while I'm looking for branches and leaves? Your help will be very much appreciated" Jennie was quick to reach out her hands and grab the firestick Lisa threw at her before walking away and getting lost in between the thick greenery.

Jennie let out a heavy sigh and ran a hand over her face. Lisa probably thought of her as useless and bratty, waiting for everything to be done and served to her on a silver platter, but she was going to show her that she was horribly wrong. Jennie Kim didn't wait on anyone.

But her camping experience was the least non-existent. She has never been a great fan of sleeping outside amongst the biting bugs and the freezing coldness. The sense of security her soft bed at home gave her was enough. So the chances for her to start a proper campfire were very slim. However, having watched tons of movies throughout her life, she had the slightest idea how it was supposed to happen.

Jennie walked through the undergrowth, watching her steps carefully, in search of small twigs and dry leaves that would come to perfect use. She gathered a few rocks along the way and created a big ring, just like she had seen on TV, where she was going to put the fire in. She loosely piled a few handfuls of tinder in the center of the fire pit and grabbed the firestick.

She carefully twirled it in her hands, curious eyes blazing into its weird structure in search of how it was supposed to be used. Jennie has never touched or even seen such a thing in her life so the usage of it was a mystery to her.

In Too DeepㅣJENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now