"You were right," Jeongyeon hummed into the phone's microphone, "he just made the payment to one of the strippers." She followed with hawk-like eyes, frowning from behind a semitransparent screen in one of the many side rooms as Yong-sun stood to discreetly follow the worker.

Jeongyeon nudged Dahyun and Chaeyoung, who in turn got the attention of the other girls. The nine-member group of moles working for Bangtan, TWICE.

They were all spies. On top of that title, Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Sana worked in ballistics and hoarded weapons for the gang. Nayeon and Dahyun were trained assassins, the main killers. Chaeyoung was a medic. Tzuyu managed the money. Finally, both Momo and Mina worked in making deals with larger gangs.

The latter girls are the reason why they are hiding in a club, hired under Kim Namjoon.

All of them were equipped with necessary weaponry and defence, waiting for the go-ahead from their Boss.

When he sighed through the speaker and issued a hoarse, "go on, we'll be there soon," the lot of them stepped out of the room like nothing was wrong. Each girl was dressed like any other girl in the establishment was; unveiling, but elegant and encased in enough glitter to blind someone.

Jihyo lead the group as leaders do, escorting them tranquilly into the back where she knew the worker had brought the guy. It was silent, dead still until Jihyo used her arm to brush aside a bright coloured curtain.

She practically cringed at the lewd sight before her.

Yong-sun flinched at the intrusion and stood from the bedside, thrusting the half-dressed professional onto the floor with his action. She scrambled against the carpet, covering her breasts and making her way out of the room. The woman unquestionably recognised the gang from previous situations.

"What-" Yong-sun stood up and neatened out his shirt- "What do you think you're doing?"

"Ahn Yong-sun?"

The man's face whitened and he cleared his throat, "uh- yes?"

"Where'd you get the money to buy her?" snickered Nayeon.

Yong-sun let out another series of coughs, eyeing up the group of women. The more he observed them, the more he remarked the overwhelming excess of half-hidden weapons that each spy carried.

"She asked you a question," said Tzuyu, stepping closer and pulling a derringer out of her pocket. She waved it in front of the man, smirking, and pulled down the hammer. He wasn't to know that they were in no interest of killing him, solely holding him in place until Bangtan arrived.

It was in a blink of an eye that Yong-sun whipped his hand in and out of his back pocket. One second later, a pocket knife was flipped open and thrown into Tzuyu's leg. The assassin dropped her gun and leapt backwards, a misfired attempt to evade the intruding weapon.

"Get him!" Mina's voice was drowned out by the brief rainfall of gunshots, followed by distressed howls.

It had happened all too suddenly for Momo, finding herself clutching her abdomen in shock. She made brief eye contact with a red-faced Sana before sinking to the ground. Momo died before she could realise that the staining on Sana's face was blood rather than tint, and not a moment later, the younger fell limp alongside Momo.

Jihyo was the one to spring onto Yong-sun, his back crashing against the bedside chest as they fell to the ground. The derringer only held four bullets. Three of which were embedded in the girls, while one was lodged into a wall.

"Asshole!" Jihyo more-or-less roared as she swung her clenched fists into the man's face. Yong-sun cried out, trying to push the woman off of him, but found his hands pinned to the floor underneath Dahyun's heavy-duty boots.

Jihyo managed to break his nose and bust his lip in the time that it took for BTS to charge into the room.

"Jesus fuck," Hoseok gasped at the dead bodies, immediately assisting Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon in transporting them out of the building.

Namjoon stood tall over Yong-sun, waving Dahyun and Jihyo away. The two scampered away, allowing themselves to fall emotional at the loss of their gang members and friends as soon as the villain was handed to Namjoon.

"You," Yong-sun spat a ball of blood-infused saliva out of his mouth. It unsuccessfully rolled down his chin and pooled by his neck, drying in place within minutes.

Namjoon fisted Yong-sun's shirt and sat him up, "I want my money back, and the agents deserve compensation for the women you shot unless you'd like the police to be involved."

"You gave me that money!"

"For necessities," Namjoon spat, "you lied, you're cheating on your wife, and when confronted about it, you murdered two ladies."

"How do you feel?" Namjoon proceeded, "You're a murderer now, Yong-sun, how does it feel?"

The man pushed his hands against Namjoon's chest weakly to escape, but the leader of Bangtan, enclosed eerily by his gang, was too powerful.

"Let me go," he whimpered, "I'll get your money back, and the money for the women, just get off of me." A few sobs were caught in his throat as he spewed out his words, crumbling away in Namjoon's grasp.

"You have a month."

Namjoon sat in his office later that day, writing commiserations and letters of release to the women of TWICE, paying them handsomely for their work and extra for their loss. Taehyung accessed the room composedly and sat opposite the Boss.

"If you're here to ask questions," Namjoon said without looking away from his papers, "I am planning to do more to the man than take his money. When just depends on when I get paid."

Without a word, Taehyung nodded and left the office.

long time no see readers :) i hope you enjoyed this insight into Minjun's father and the incident that caused his death!

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long time no see readers :) i hope you enjoyed this insight into Minjun's father and the incident that caused his death!

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