
I crashed at Brie’s that night. I needed some space from the Manor. I popped back to grab some clothes and say goodbye to Milo before they took him to the hospital.

When I walked in Milo was sitting on the bottom step looking at his feet.

“Everything okay handsome?” I asked but he didn’t even look up as he talked to his shuffling feet.

“I just.. I’m.. is it going to hurt again? When they do the tests? Like last time.” My heart feels heavy as I he looks up and I see his red eyes.

I pull him up into my arms.

“No champ of course not! They’re just going to do some scans, nothing scary I promise. Just think that after they’re done Dad and Tara are going to be so happy you’re safe they’ll pretty much give you anything you want, I bet you can even get pop tarts for breakfast right now with that little sniffle you do so well.”

He turned to me and gave the wicked smirk I had seen plastered across Jayce’s face so many times.

“And if you want, for being so brave, Sunday we can have a brother-sister day? We can go anywhere you want.” His face lit up and he squeezed me tight before he ran to tell his mum.

I changed in my closet quickly,  hoping to get away before seeing Jayce. I glanced at my skin tight jeans and off the shoulder t-shirt. It would have to do. I grab my bag and run for the door.

“Avoiding me?”


I turn back and see Jayce laying on my bed, hands behind his head leaning against the headboard. His white t-shirt so tight I wondered if it was sprayed on.

“No, I’ve just got places to be, people to see.” Oh god, rhyming word vomit, kill me now.

“Oh I see, I’ll leave you be!” He retorted. He thought he was bloody hilarious didn’t he? I tried to think of a rhyming rebuttal but my mind went blank as he approached me.

Why did he still make me so nervous? I swear I could hear my own heartbeat.

He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my hips pulling me into him. I felt his knuckles brush gently against me as he pulled my hair away from my neck.

He lent down and placed a delicate kiss on shoulder. It sent waves of electricity throughout my body and I melted into his touch.

He lent his head softly against mine and whispered in my ear.

“I missed you.”

I let the words sit in the air, like a blanket warming me from the inside out.

I heard beeping from outside and looked to the clock. Fuck we’re going to be late.

I grab the bag that had fallen from my shoulder to the floor. Jayce stepped back through the bathroom and I ran outside.

I caught Dad and Tara just as they were getting into the car. Dad gave me a twenty and reminded me to eat before I had a drink tonight. He trusted me not to over do it and I appreciated that.

I pulled Milo into a quick hug trying to avoid the pop tart crumbs that coated his face.

I jumped into Bries car and watched in the mirror as Jayce came and pulled Milo into him. I could hear Milo’s squeal through the open windows as Jayce lifted him from the floor and playfully threw him around, Milo the picture of happiness.

What was it about watching hot guys be good with kids that just made a woman’s uterus start doing a happy dance?

It was sexy as fuck.

Damn it.


Brie managed to help me avoid Jayce and Chad all day but I knew as I walked into last period my time had come. Why couldn’t Brie be in my bio class?

As I got there almost everyone was already there, I looked to the back corner table but it was empty. Thank god.

As I approached I saw a pretty girl on the table in front, her face slightly obscured by her luscious auburn hair as it hung in ringlets to her waist whilst she busily wrote in her notebook.

I shuffled past her and sat in my seat when she realised my presence and twisted in her stool to face me, her beautiful smile beaming at me.

Oh. My. God.

“Kallie?” Her head gear was gone and a new found confidence had taken its place. Her smile lit up the room and I had no idea that the tight bun she had worn everyday for forever had contained all that hair!

“You look gorgeous!” I lent across the table and pulled her into a hug. She sat back in her seat a sheepish look now sat on her cute little heart shaped face.

“Thank you. It feels weird having my hair down again. It always got tangled in my gear so I haven’t worn it like this for years. I wanted to straighten it and make it all sleek but my straighteners are knackered.”

“Oh want to come over to mine before the party to get ready and I’ll straighten it for you?”

Kallie nodded emphatically. I was so grateful, Brie had told me at lunch she’d needed to call an emergency rehearsal tonight so wouldn’t be at the party. I was gutted.

Coach Wilson strolled in “Josh! Gym! Now! The rest of you, there’s been a change in schedule so there’s no bio, if you want an extra gym session the hall is open while I train my team, if not sit here until the bell rings and try not to behave like idiots, I know it will be hard for some of you.”

No bio and no basketball players asking me questions I don’t want to answer about a kiss I’d rather forget? Finally the gods were looking down on me kindly.

If I could just get them to keep it up and protect me at the party tonight.

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