Minjun shied his eyes down to his knee, "wuh-why?"

"Why do you want to know, baby?" Taehyung replaced his hand with his face, becoming scarily close to Minjun, "you wouldn't be able to get it out anyway if that's what you were thinking." His warm breath fanned over Minjun's skin, making the boy submerge his head as far as he could into the cushion. The terrified squeal he let out alerted the leader, his sharp eyes assessing the situation.

Hoseok exclaimed, "we discussed it recently, we hadn't realised how much we felt towards you until I called these simps out for being jealous when I kissed you."

He shrieked for help, the terror in his voice enough for the abductor to cringe. It shocked the teenager at how strong his upper limbs were held, unable to move them an inch and provoking more harsh sobs and cries to leave his lips. "Just shut up," the man seethed, "it's this or your murder."

"Kissed me?"

"On the head," Hoseok chuckled, "when you passed out, and these losers just had to have a turn after me."

Kim Namjoon sighed, running a hand across the nape of his neck before rounding a computer desk and sitting at his chair. His abducted guest simply sat trembling; eyes trained to the leader with no guesses at what was to happen next. "They're dead."

Minjun wasn't sure why, but his eyes found Yoongi next. The wordless man sat moderately hidden behind Namjoon, watching the youngest contemplate such a difficult situation. The firebug didn't shy away when he was stared at.

"You killed his fucking parents," he said, "all I did was prevent myself from being identified." The only noise in the room was the dulled volume from the television as Minjun wordlessly turned to look at Yoongi - his dull, glossy eyes meeting the evil that saw his parents in their last moments.

"Even you?"

The arsonist wasn't expecting Minjun to confront him like he had, courageous words leaving such a reddened face.

Resenting the way his cheeks flushed, Yoongi growled, "yes."

A stunned smile carved its way onto Minjun's pouty lips.

When Minjun's hyperventilating didn't seem to diminish, Yoongi pulled him away from his chest a fraction and gently guided his head so that he could look at Yoongi. "Look at my eyes," he commanded, "just focus on my eyes and think about how, as soon as you're okay, we can all relax and cuddle and we can get you comfortable with Molang. Now- come on, that's it, deeper breaths, Minjun, you can do it."

"All of us," Jungkook hinted.

"Jungkook," Minjun fussed, bringing his head away from the man's scorched t-shirt, "your legs... your arms, oh my god..." And then, the boy fell. He sputtered out a chorus of gags and coughs, turning in time against the floor to see Jungkook hit the ground. The fire nearby still stung his naked body, but the boy was nothing but thankful to Jungkook. He scampered closer, holding his hand to his mouth when more another coughing fit overcame him.

"But," Taehyung interrupted Minjun's train of thoughts, "we want you to think about it. If you want it."

"I will," he replied almost bashfully.

Each member thanked Minjun, taking a few minutes to marvel at the genuine words and sketches over their pieces of paper. "Next time, I'll make something better~ like origami!" "This is perfect enough," Taehyung wrapped his arms around Minjun's shoulders, briefly hugging the flustered teenager before freeing him.

Seokjin and Namjoon curled up into each other's bodies on their bed, leaving Minjun to contemplate the question. Yoongi dwelled beside Jungkook, knowing the younger wouldn't be able to follow him effortlessly if he chose to change seats.

Hoseok jumped onto the bed alongside Minjun, Jimin and Taehyung. The four of them engaged in spirited conversation and the odd sporadic, short-lived pillow fight.

The leader didn't fuss about the gooey bodily fluid that stained his sleeve from Minjun's hair, nervously swaying the teenager as he waited for Jimin to return with the water he'd ordered. His throat clenched at the smell that molested his nose, but for the sake of Minjun's wellbeing, he wordlessly looked away and held the trembling boy. "Are you okay?" Namjoon briefly glanced down to Minjun, watching his eyelids flutter as he struggled to watch the elder's face.


"Did I hit too hard?" Minjun dropped his pillow hastily, hands flying to cradle Hoseok's covered face, "I'm sorry!"

The man proceeded murmuring for a few seconds before he sprang up, taking the shocked boy and compelling him to issue a slight shriek. Jimin and Taehyung tittered as Hoseok dropped the panting Minjun on his lap, cracking up at the poor boy's expression.

The mechanic, while grinning to himself at the boy's submissive tranquillity, displayed his screen to Minjun and like Seokjin, allowed him to fall dormant in his arms while enjoying the cartoon. Once the boy stopped blinking rhythmically at the screen and let his head roll onto Hoseok's chest, the medic locked his phone and closed his eyes. Minjun's consecutive puffs lulled the medic into a half-sleeping state.

Minjun pouted, "you scared me," and crawled away from the man. He worked his way off of the bed, racing away after uttering a stirring comment at the energetic gangster. Yoongi and Jungkook watched entertained as Minjun worked his little legs around the bedroom, Hoseok right behind him.

"His name is Molang!" And then, Minjun hurried to give each member a meaningful thank-you and embrace, even Jungkook and Yoongi as he raced to get back to his gifts and particularly his new pet.

"Hide me!" He yelped, springing onto one of the occupied beds. He squeezed himself between Namjoon and Seokjin, disrupting their amicable cuddle. Minjun howled delightfully as Hoseok caught up, standing at the end of the bed with an enormous grin.

"Be careful with your eyes and tummy," Namjoon told the petite boy, encasing his arms over his frame to reach Seokjin once again.

Seokjin followed the actions, imprisoning Minjun between their safe bodies, "we'll protect you from the bad man," and the trio let out joyous snickers while Hoseok complained loudly.

Discovering how the boy was gazing up at him, Seokjin squinted his eyes into a smile, "I'm sorry if we stressed you out."

"No," replied the boy who was gradually calming and coming to be sleepy, "I know what I want."

Captors by truth, however, Minjun genuinely began seeing a little light in living with the boys. Sure, he felt frightened around them and felt a crowd of butterflies gather in his abdomen when they tried to speak to him informally, but Minjun was getting comfortable. For good or for worse, he didn't mind being there.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked from behind him, not bothering at that moment to suppress his eagerness.

"I'd like to," the small boy verified, "very much so."


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