She had compiled photos and other momentos and started a scrapbook for him. Flipping through it, he was overcome with nostalgia, and his emotions were all over the place.

"There's also some things in there for you to start your own scrapbook. I know you've gotten a bit more into photography lately, and you mentioned how you wanted to scrapbook more. I hope you don't mind that I took the liberty of getting one started for you."

"Not at all! This is wonderful. Thank you Mione", he said sincerely, pulling her into a hug.

Ron went next and gave him some broom supplies and Quidditch related things.

"I know you mentioned that you wanted to start flying again."

"Thanks mate."

"Mum, I'm not a cook. I don't know when this is going to be overdone."

"Oh dear!", Molly rushed into the kitchen.

"So mate, how are things?", Ron asked.


"Have you gotten anything for Hogwarts yet? We can only stay here around 2 hours or so by the way. Everything should be perfectly fine now with my parents, but I just want to make sure.

Wait, you are going back to Hogwarts right? We haven't even discussed it have we? I'm so sorry Harry, I feel like we've been neglecting you."

Before Harry could look around for parchment, George handed him a piece.


Using the spell to transfer his thoughts to the parchment, he handed it to Hermione.

"That's a very clever spell", she commented.

"Yes, I am going back to Hogwarts. I was debating it back and forth, but I decided it was in my best interest to go back. I've met with McGonagall and she agreed.

I'm actually going to move in early and stay there for a week to get accustomed to being back. She asked for my help on a few things. It might be nice to help out some."

The statement wasn't a total lie. Draco was most certainly in Harry's best interests.

"Oh Harry, that's wonderful! I wish we could go back early with you to help you adjust. We honestly may just floo in instead of catching the train, but I suppose it won't matter much if you're not on it. Has she said much about how things are going to be run?"

"Not much, no. I'm not sure what I'm at liberty to say to be honest with you. She said we would discuss it more once I'm there. I do know she really wants to focus on house unity."

"I agree that it's extremely important. I do feel awful for all of the Slytherins. Granted some of them weren't the kindest to us, but after everything that's happened I can't hold that against them. I can't imagine growing up in families like theirs", she finished, shaking her head sadly.

"She doesn't expect us to be all buddy buddy with them does she?", Ron asked, wrinkling his nose. "I know not all Slytherins are bad, but I can't stand the thought of having to spend a lot of time with Malfoy, Parkinson, Zabini, and the rest of his lot. I-"

There was a loud crash from the kitchen.

"Oh Ginny dear, please be more careful with the plates. I can take it from here."

A flaming Ginny angrily walked back into the living room as Ron and Hermione went to go see if Molly needed help.

Sharing a pained look with the twins, Harry quickly stood up, grabbed Ginny's arm lightly, and pulled her outside. They didn't talk until they were far away from the house.

"I can't believe him! Who is he to talk about them as if he knows them? He's going to absolutely lose it when he finds out. You and Draco are extremely close, Neville and Blaise are bound to get together, and then Pansy and I...

What are we going to do, Harry? I can't choose between my brother and a potential girlfriend! How do I even bring it up now after that reaction?"

Sighing, she sat on the ground and looked to the sky.

"I also can't believe they forgot to wish you a happy birthday. Ugh. Don't let him stop you from being friends with Draco. He's really good for you. He's good to you. I don't think I've ever seen you so relaxed as when you're with him.

And another thing, they didn't even say they were coming today! I know how uncomfortable you are around them now, I can see it. Hermione seems to be doing alright, but I don't know what's up with Ron. As if I ever did.

I'm just glad Draco ended up not being able to come. That was a blessing in disguise. You may want to send him a message though, just so that he doesn't show up if he's done with whatever he was doing."

Harry's face paled, and he fought a rise of panic creeping up his chest.

"I'll distract them. You have parchment with you now right? Write out your note and fold it before we go in. This way all you have to do is throw through the floo."

"I don't know if The Manor is connected to here with the floo system though", he worried.

"I'll send Pansy a note then and ask her to forward yours to Draco. That'll be less suspicious if I'm using the floo. Everything will be okay in the end Harry", Ginny promised.

Harry was starting to have a hard time believing that.

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