Chapter 4: Roommates

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Amity POV


I'm not sure why I was surprised. I was the only student living at Hexside who didn't have a roommate. Of course Luz would have to share a room with me.

It's not that I disliked Luz. My problem was more that I cared so much about my privacy.

I don't believe there's ever even been a time where I've let Boscha into my room.

She'd actually wanted to be my roommate when we started school. But I was adamant about having my own all to myself. I told her it wasn't her fault, I just needed my own space.

And now I'd be rooming with a stranger.

I looked towards Boscha, expecting some sort of negative reaction. Instead, she just gasped, putting her hands on either side of her face in mock-surprise. "And they were rOoMaTeS." She said with a shit-eating grin.

At least she wasn't angry.

"I, uh-" Luz stuttered. "I mean, Ms. Bloodworth said-"

Shit, I shouldn't have reacted that way. Did I look unhappy when she told me? For reasons unknown to me, I really didn't want this girl to dislike me.

"Sorry for reacting like that. I'm sure you'll be a great roommate. I was just kind of surprised I guess. I don't usually let people into my room."

"Oh, um, yeah. Sorry." Luz replied. It was hard to tell exactly what she was apologizing for. The circumstances? My reluctance to allow people into my space? Her own existence?

"Don't apologize, I, uh-" I froze as it dawned on me: the reason I didn't let people into my room.

"Shit. Um, I kind of forgot that my room is kind of... a mess. Could you, uh, give me a second?"

"Uh... sure?" Luz answered, stepping away from my door.

"Cool, thanks." I said before quickly slipping into the room, closing the door tightly behind me.

I stood in the doorway of my room, trying to formulate a plan in my mind.

I may have lied about my room being a mess. Actually, I totally did. My room was damn-near spotless, and I was proud of that fact.

The problem mainly lay in just how revealing of my personality most of my possessions were.

From the books in my bookcase to the trinkets on the shelf above my bed; it was all too much. Too much of myself to give away to a complete stranger.

This wouldn't do at all.

I quickly set to work, grabbing a box from beside my dresser and placing it on my bed. I climbed onto the bed with it, standing so I could reach the shelf above it.

I carefully put my jar of rocks into the box, followed by my fnaf plushies (My fnaf phase lasted nine months, so 8th grade is a chapter of my life that's very embarrassing to think back on). I dropped my bag of guitar picks in next, as well as my plastic figurines of all the characters I've had obsessions with. (There was an embarrassingly large number of said characters).

I left up the plaque I'd earned in middle school for being top of my class.

Next, I turned to my shelf, my heart dropping. There was so much. God, how was I gonna hide this?


"So..." I started, looking at Boscha. "You're, uh, Amity's friend?"

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