Chapter 2: Guidance

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[Amity POV (1p)]

Admittedly, advanced math classes were difficult in eleventh grade

Even so, that was kind of the point. Only the best students were meant to succeed. If you can't handle it, you shouldn't be taking the class. That's what I told myself as I sat amidst the groans of the students around me. I myself feel no pity, they'd only done this to themselves.

Eileen, a Cosmo kid sitting next to me, didn't seem to understand the concept. Actually, it didn't really seem like she could understand much of anything. She sat hunched over her paper, a look of intense frustration on her face. She looked close to tearing the assignment up.

She wasn't the only one.

Ms. Bunker was clearly trying her best, but her efforts didn't seem to be enough. There were hands up all over the room, but the old women could only do so much.

I couldn't help but give out my own sigh of irritation, it was like these kids weren't even trying. I bent back over my own paper, trying my best not to be distracted by the students around me.

"Excuse me, Ms. Blight? Are you having any problems with the material? You're looking pretty tense." Ms. Bunker was standing over me. Looking around, I saw the countless number of hands waving in the air. I hadn't even asked for help, why had she insisted on approaching me?

Still, she was trying to be kind, that much was clear. Keeping back my frustration, I answered sweetly, "Thanks Ms. Bunker, but I actually think that I've got a pretty good handle on this. I was just concentrating is all." I smiled at her sweetly, praying that she'd just go away.

She bought it. Smiling back, she said, "Of course you do, I've no idea why I was even concerned. You've always been our top student after all."

I saw a flash of blue across the room as a frustrated groan rose up. Turning my head, I could see the top of a head slowly sink out of view. Cat was sinking down in her seat, with her hands raised above her. "I don't even remember what a polynomial IS!"

How'd she even get into this class?


Thirty long, frustrating minutes later, class was over and I soon found myself walking down the halls with Boscha and Skara, dreading what was to come next.

I used to really enjoy gym class, but honestly Boscha could be pretty... intense. She got pretty into it.

Once we got into the locker room, I stripped as quickly as possible, applying my deodorant liberally and putting on my gym clothes..

As soon as we left the locker room, we saw her, standing in the middle of the gym, rugby ball in hand.

Oh no.

Glancing beside me, I saw Boscha's widening smile. At least someone was excited.

Ms. Triggs had an identical smile on her face, as she tossed the ball from hand to hand. Without warning, she threw the ball at Boscha, who caught it happily.

"Boscha, you're a team captain. And for our other captain, we'll have..." She stopped and pondered.

"How about Amity?" Boscha had an insufferable grin on her face. Of course she wanted to face off against me. I readied myself.

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