Chapter 9: Don't Ink about it

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I originally posted this one on Google plus

Truth be told I hate this chapter, I feel like there's more to it but I can't. just uuuuuugh.

*Creation of Adam

no idea who Blueberror is.... that fine here you go!

but I find Geno and error to not be the same ...sometimes... it depends...uuuuugh.

Summary: two Errors don't make an Ink

"I'm insane, not stupid. I know forgiveness doesn't work like that!"

"But Error, I do forgive you. and I still want to be your friend!"


"Yes," Blue said with less enthusiasm. "in another timeline, but you can back for me. sent me home before I turned into, well...him"

"Another second in there and there wouldn't be a YOU!" Error said turning away from the two Blues, opening a portal to his anti void.

"WE'RE STILL FRIENDS!" Blue shouted as the portal glitch shut.

Error grumbled, "yeah right, who wants to be friends with someone who can do that to them." before plopping down dejectedly. with a sigh, he laid down and started massaging his eye sockets. things are really starting to get messy, and complicated. Error paused hearing a rustling sound moving his hand from his eyes he stared up.

Ink was tied up directly above him reaching out towards a puppet of himself, the puppet also seems to be reaching, it looked like that weird human art piece, one of the Alphys* are obsessed with.

"hehe Hi, Error..." Ink said looking sheepish. Error just blinked up at him. "I heard somewhere that your puppets are an AU and thought that would come an-," Ink flinched as Error suddenly stood up. No words were said as Error rubbed his sockets once more and looked up at Ink and the puppet. Error continued to stare as he backed out into a portal.

Blue and BluebError were sitting on the couch with unknotting some yarn and talking when Error came through. Error continued to back up until he fell on the couch in between the two.

"uh, Error," Blue said hesitantly.

"Ink, puppets, Here... tonight." Error managed to get out before completely glitching out. with BluebError being so close he started glitching out as well.

Blue sighed as he got up from the couch. "uh okay, I'll just go make us some snacks." with that Blue escaped to the kitchen, leaving the two Errors to come down from their glitch high in peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2021 ⏰

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