Chapter 6: geeettttttt dunked on!!

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Ah yes, another day, another game of tag. Not gonna lie I actually didn't like this one personally. I was still new to Fresh. so it's weird to reread this #notmyfresh lol

Summary: Fresherman gets dunked on!

Error was AU hopping looking for Fresh. He hadn't had the little annoyance randomly popping up, shoving him, shouting 'TAG' before running away laughing in a while. Error will admit he had no idea what was going on the 1st few times and had to have Blue explain it to him. Unfortunately Blue couldn't finish his explanation because he broke down into a giggle fit when Error asked what did two angry beavers or Sabrina the teenage witch have to do with tagging someone. Stretch, Blue's brother had to step in and explain Tv Tag.

Walking through yet another AU with no sign of Fresh, Error Growled out in frustration.

"Where ever he is, he can stay there. It doesn't bother me. Not. at. all."

Portaling away to OutterTale Error saw the very person who was the cause of his temper sitting on HIS cliffside.


"huh, oh hey Error. You come to join me?" Fresh said patting at a spot next to him.

All Error's anger died the moment Fresh turned to face him.

Tears. He was crying.

The stupid I-can't-feel-feeling parasite was crying. Like actually crying.

Error slowly walked over and sat next to Fresh.


Fresh for his part thought Error's stares were weird, but then again Error was a pretty weird dude so nothing new really.

They sat in silence for a while, just staring out at the endless void of space.

Error noticed a blue carton clutched tightly in Fresh's hand. It was mostly empty but had what looked to be cookies and frosting in it. Not much maybe just enough frosting to sandwich the last two cookies.

"What's wrong?" Error asked suddenly. "Why are you crying, I thought you didn't care about anything"

"What, I'm not crying!" The crunch sounds of the cookie container was loud between them. Fresh looked down almost as if to hide his face from Error, and focused all his attention on the carton." I don't care-, I can't care." he's sniffed softly as he gently fixed the creases and folded the flimsy cover over the last bites.

Dunkaroos Error read, he could also see just barely under Fresh's thumb, a kangaroo. "heh, he looks just like you."

"no, he doesn't"

"yes he does, if you were a kangaroo! anyways, why are you crying over your snack pouch?"

"I wasn't crying, and this is the last one in the whole world. They're not going to make or sell them anymore." tears cascaded down Fresh's face with a vengeance.

"all right crybaby, let's go," Error stood up and begin walking away. "let's go"

Confused Fresh got up and followed Error through a portal.


Error kicked a crumpled wad of paper. of course, Ink won't be here when I'm looking for him. opening another portal Error sent strings through.

"HEY!" a tied-up Ink shouted as he was dragged through. "Error what the fuckfunk you can't just-"

"it's an emergency," he said dropping Ink in front of Fresh with a satisfying thud.

"I don't care what kind of emergency it is you can't just go around-," getting to his feet Ink took one look at Fresh and, immediately became worried. "oh my goodness! Fresh, what happened? what did you do Error?"

"tsk, whatever! I know you made or drew tacos for Cross so now," Error snatched the cookies out of Fresh's hands and pushed it into Ink's. "you're going to make these for Fresh!"

Ink gave Error an unamused stare before looking to Fresh and sighed.

"Fine, but you have to promise me you're not going to go completely nuts over these," Ink looked down at the snack "pfft haha, why are you kangaroo?"

"Heh, told ya"

"I don't,"

"Yeah, you do"


"Yeah huuuuuuuh" Error teased

"Nu-uh," "yeah huh," "Nu-uh," "yeah huh," "Nu-uh," "yeah huh"

While Error and Fresh were going back and forth Ink decided to taste the treat he has been handed.

"Nu-"fresh froze at the sound of Ink chewing.

"Oh, it tastes like Teddy Grahams," Ink exclaimed.

Fresh just watched, shifting uncomfortably as Ink grabbed the last cookie and began scraping the sides for more frosting.

"Mmmh, I like this part the frosting is good and the rainbow sprinkles are the best. does it come in other flavors?"

Fresh nodded then twitched as Ink made a smacking sound with his tongue and throw the now-empty wrapper over his shoulder without a care.

"Alrighty then let get to making some more." Ink said dramatic summoning his big brush. "Uh, maybe I should use a smaller brush, eh eh."


Ink had just finished making a good 20 of the dunkaroos packs before calling it quits. Picking one up he offered it to fresh. "What do you think?"

Fresh looked at the snack pack and took it hesitantly. It looked normal except that he was now on the cover instead of the cap-wearing kangaroo, Duncan. It even felt normal. should I really trust food made by a guy who drinks Ink? Fresh couldn't help but think.

"Urgh, go on already!" Error said losing his patience.

Peeling off the film wrapper fresh took a cookie and dipped it in the frosting before popping it in his mouth.

A water chuckle and sigh left Fresh as he continued to chew.

"Is it good?" Ink asked nervously

Fresh just nodded. It was good.

"Good," Error said as strings were sent out and Ink found himself once again tied up.

"Hey Error what the hellheck," Ink struggled. "eh Fresh a little help."

"Well, I guess congratulations are in order, although I have to say this is a dumb reason to suddenly sprout emotions." Error said ignoring Ink and opening a portal. "especially when you have friends who can literally change and fix any problem like this." Just as he was about to leave Error turned back "oh yeah,"

Error reached over and slapped the back of fresh's hand causing the cookies to go flying everywhere.

"TAG!" He shouted before running through his portal.

Silence followed the closing of Error's portal.


"I have to say, that was completely fucked upunrad of him."

Fresh just looked up at the helpless hanging Ink, face still frozen in surprise, and nodded.

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