Chapter 4 | House Party

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This is now Y/n's POV.

"Y/n!!!!!" I hear, waking me up. "Declan! What!! You woke me!!" You say annoyed. "Well mum and dad are away for two nights and they've just i'm having a small house party and live here so you can come i guess and invite some of your fit mates! Bye!" Dec says. "UM GROSS." You shout. Hm.. a house party! You text everyone you know inviting them. *Your phone pings* "Omg!!!!! Hey Y/n, it's been ages i'm defo coming!" It was your best friend, Maya. Maya has been you're life long friend, though you haven't spoke in ages.


You and Dec were preparing things for the party and someone walks in. Mason. Fuck. My feelings for him are getting worse and worse and I could smell his strong cologne as he walked in. "Alright mate." He says to Dec. "Yeahh mate not bad, Theres some drinks on the side if you want one." He walks past you to go get a drink and on his way he whispers. "Alright, Princess?" With a smirk on his face. You can't help but turn bright red you put your head down and reply. "Alright, Prick?" You answer. "Shut the fuck up." He says. "Whats that?" Declan says. "Oh I am not sure, I think it's you're prick of a mate." You say as you roll you're eyes and walk off.

Masons POV

"Broooo, she's pissed at you." Declan says. "Mhm" I answered. I can't help but think of her. I wanna fucking kill Jack. She's mine and mine only. I thought i'd win her over by now. Just then I heard a knock. "Alright lads?" Jack walks in with his arm around Y/n. "Yeah mate. Beers on the side." Declan says. "Ahh nice." Jack answers. "Yeah mate." I say in response.

Later on.

Y/n's POV.

Everyone has arrived at the party and you were talking to some of the people there. "Hey!!! Long time no see lil sis!!" You hear one of Decs mates say to you. "Hiya Phil!!!" He gives you a hug and ruffles your hair. You then walk over to the kitchen to get a drink..On your way over you see Jack kissing Maya. "W-what?" You say, devastated. Before Jack could say anything someone brushes past you and punches Jack so hard that he falls to the ground. It was Mason. "You peice of shit. You don't fucking deserve a girl like Y/n." Mason says angrily to Jack. You run away.

Masons POV

I was beyond angry. After I punched Jack I saw Y/n run away. I walked away to find her. I see her room and knock. "Who is it?" I hear Y/n say. "It's Mason." I say. "Come in, I guess." She says and I walk in. "Why did you do that?" She asks as I take a seat next to her. "Because you don't deserve that." I say. "Thank you. You're still a prick though." She answers. "Mhm, you keep convincing yourself princess."

Y/n's POV

"You keep convincing yourself princess." Mason says. Fuck. He needs to stop calling me princess. I can't have these feelings for him.

Masons POV

"Let's get you out there, forget him. He's a prick." I say leading her out, she goes to her friends and I go get a drink. About half hour passes and I'm sat drinking my drink. "Maaaaaaasonnnnnnnnn!!!" I hear. It's Y/n, She is drunk as fuck. "Fuck me, Mason." She says. "Y/n, You're drunk." I answer. I carry her up to her room and get her a bottle of water. "Drink it." I say, lying her down in bed. "Hm..What if i don't?" She says. "Just fucking drink it." I say. "Bossy.." She says with a pout. "Fuck." I mutter. "Anyway just drink it and get some rest." I say and I walk out.

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