Chapter 3 | Boyfriend?

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You're sat on the couch playing video games as you get a text from Jack..."Hey" He says. "Hey whats up?" You reply. "I wanted to make things sort of official..I know that its fast but I don't like messing around and waiting for things I want." He says. "You want me then?" "Did i not make it obvious?" He answers. "Well...Yeah lets make it official!" You say. "Come round later if you like, we can chill. Obviously my parents will be here but if your up for it?" You add. "Anytime I can get with you, I'll take." He answers.


*doorbell rings* "Hey Jack" You answer the door and greet him. "Hey beautiful" Jack says as he grabs your waist towards him giving you a peck. "Uh...." You hear Declan say. "Oh, Hey Dec.." You say. "Hey.." Jack says. "Hello.." Dec answers. Just then someone walks in through the door. Mason. "Sorry to interrupt." Mason says. "Dec already did..." You say. "Anyway come on handsome." You say, Leading Jack to the living room. "I'm gonna get us some drinks." You say.
You grab some cans of coke and Jack walks in. "You were taking so long I just came to see if you're alright." Jack says. "Yeah i'm all good, just couldn't find the drinks" You answer. Jack then comes up behind you grabbing your waist and turning you around to face him, He tucks your hair behind your ear and starts to kiss you, as he's kissing you he starts to run his fingers through your hair. "CHRIST. IF I SEE THIS AGAIN UR GOIN JACKY." Dec says as him and Mason walk in. "Hey!!! Stop being mean to my boyfriend." You answer. "Boyfriend? Pftt" Mason scoffs. The attention is drawn to Mason. "Yeah, What's you're problem?" You answer. "Nothing." He answers. Jack gives him a death stare.

Masons POV

Me and Dec walked back to the game room. "What's you're problem bro?" Dec asked me. "Nothing." I said. I was lying if its not obvious. I couldnt stop thinking about Y/n. I've always had a crush on her since we were kids, I'm not sure why...she's annoying to be honest but there is little things about her that I love. Now that she has a boyfriend it's made me so jealous especially seeing as Jack is my mate. But ever since the other night..I think shes aware how I feel, I mean I blatantly flirted with her. It's just making my feelings stronger for her.

End of Masons POV


Everyone sat down in the living room and we all were drinking and talking. "So Jack..What are your intentions with my daughter." Your dad asks. "To treat her like a princess..I have no bad intentions Sir." He answers smiling at you.

Masons POV

Fuck. Off. Princess? Thats my nickname for her. I get up and go off to the kitchen. I cannot take it anymore. I bury my face into my hands and sigh. Fuck. "Mase?" Dec walks in. "What?" I reply. "Whats your problem bro? You've acted mad all day." Dec says. "I'm fine." I answer. "You're clearly not." Dec says. I obviously cant tell him I like his sister can I? I mean at least not right now. "Theres just this girl, I've always liked her and.." I say. "And?" Dec says. "And she's got this dumbass fucking boyfriend. Fuck." I answer. "Is this girls name Y/n...By any chance?" Dec says. "Fuck. I-" Before I get to finish my sentence Dec cuts me off. "It's no surprise. I always knew." He says. "What? How?!" I say. "You always bully her but thats because you like her, you just don't know how to show it. But she is dating Jack now, You really wanna blow that? You have some bad timing." Dec says. "I know.."

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